The exam was a big success, but the exam was a big success.

She got 8 million points for killing a monster in the martial arts exam, which is very high in any class, but because the score has to be converted proportionally with the first place, Li Wei got 1,000 points, and she only got 80.

Not only her, there are less than 200 people in the entire Nanling region who can get more than 1,000 points, and they are all around 1,100 points. This score is definitely at the bottom of all regions.

However, Zhenwu University recruits candidates in each region based on ranking, not score. She ranks 167, and Zhenwu University will recruit 500 candidates in the Nanling region, so she can definitely get in.

"Haha...blame me for being too good." Li Weiyi touched the back of his head, and could imagine the despair of other candidates facing the score, which would follow them for the rest of their lives.

"You are so proud of yourself." Chu Piaoxue rolled her eyes, and in Li Weiyi's eyes, she looked charming.

"Where's your aunt?" Li Weiyi asked.

"Mom went to learn cooking from the chef here." Chu Piaoxue replied.

"You dare to laugh at me when your aunt is not here?" Li Weiyi flashed in front of Chu Piaoxue and hugged her with both hands.

"What are you doing?" Chu Piaoxue didn't expect Li Weiyi to do this suddenly.

"Didn't you see what I was doing? I hugged you."

"It's broad daylight!"

"Does that mean I can hug you at night?"

"Ignore you."

"Ignore me no matter what I do."


"Then give me a kiss first." Li Weiyi kissed her directly.

Chu Piaoxue was tense, and Li Weiyi became more and more courageous.

After a long time, Li Weiyi scratched Chu Piaoxue's nose, and her rosy cheeks were really tempting.

"Which is more comfortable, hugging me or hugging Yiman?" Chu Piaoxue joked.

"Aha, the principal called me to school, I'll go first." Li Weiyi jumped down from the second floor and fled.

"Flirtatious." Chu Piaoxue spat.

Li Weiyi was brought to No. 5 Middle School by the Qin Mansion's housekeeper. His current situation is very dangerous. The Ancient God Society and the monsters have issued a kill order against him. There are not too many people who want his life now.

Although the housekeeper is only a great martial artist, he is a martial master-level mecha master. There is a martial master-level mecha in the space ring, which can burst out the martial master's combat power.

This is also the key to Qin He's peace of mind to go out and handle affairs. With the housekeeper, the Qin family is very safe.

As for the attack of the Monster King and the Ancient God Society's martial king? It's not that easy. The Federation's martial king is not a vegetarian.

Li Weiyi came to the principal's office and saw that besides the principal, there were five people sitting here, both men and women, and one of them was wearing a military uniform.

Li Weiyi knew the identities of these people. The admissions tutors of the famous schools in the Federation and the military were all here to recruit him. The principal had briefly explained the situation to him and told him not to rush and wait for the right price.

"The protagonist is here. As for where Li Weiyi will go, it depends on your discussion." The principal said, sitting on the Diaoyutai.

"Student Li, I am the admissions director of Southern Martial Arts University. Southern Martial Arts University has always been among the top three in the Federation. It has a strong faculty and a huge number of martial arts. If you are willing to join us, you can choose one SSS-level martial arts, five SS-level martial arts, and ten S-level martial arts, and you will be given a million contribution points."

A middle-aged man wearing glasses spoke first.

"Thank you for your kindness, director. I will seriously consider it." Li Weiyi said politely.

"Hu Laosan, how dare you say that you are among the top three in the Federation? Weren't you fourth in the college competition last year?" A middle-aged man with a big belly mocked.

"Li Laoer, your Beiyuan Martial Arts University has always lost to us before, have you forgotten?" The man with glasses said coldly.

"The past is the past, now is the present, do you think I am like the past? Now our Beiyuan is the third!" The big-bellied man said with disdain.

"Li Laoer, if you want to make a condition, hurry up, I don't have time to waste with you here!" A charming woman scolded.

"Humph!" Li Laoer snorted coldly, but did not get angry. There was a trace of fear in his eyes, and it seemed that he had a psychological shadow on this charming woman.

"Student Li, come to our Beiyuan. The students of Beiyuan are real men. We guard the border, eat monster meat, and drink monster blood. Of course, we can meet the conditions given by the Southern Martial Arts Academy. It's definitely right to come to us. You can choose any tutor." Li Laoer promised.

"Thank you, I will seriously consider it." Li Weiyi was still polite.

"Okay, you two who are at the bottom, get out of the way." The charming woman squeezed Hu Laosan and Li Laoer and came to Li Weiyi.

A charming smile bloomed on her face.

Most young people would be seduced, but fortunately Li Weiyi had been through so many trials and tribulations and didn't show any abnormality.

Chen Xiaoyao's eyes showed surprise. She hadn't seen such a steady young man for a long time. She knew how much she could hurt young people.

"Student Li, I am the admissions director of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University. The Imperial Capital Martial Arts University was once the best university in the Federation. There is no need to say much about the faculty. There are four martial arts kings. If you come to our Imperial Capital, the conditions are the same as those of Beiyuan, but we can give you 2 million contribution points, and you can also choose me as your mentor."

Chen Xiaoyao suddenly approached Li Weiyi, and her sweet tongue sprayed out fragrance, which made people's blood boil.

"Thank you for your kindness, mentor. I will seriously consider it." Li Weiyi leaned back slightly and pulled a little distance away. It was not because he was shy, but because this woman was too powerful, and his body instinctively retreated.

"Your answer like this will hurt people's hearts." Li Xiaoyao said with a tone of anger.

The other people in the field all had goose bumps, and they cursed inwardly that they were a goblin. They were already thirty-something, and they were still using this trick.

"Director Li, don't talk about the off-topic stuff anymore." A steady voice sounded.

A handsome man came over, and it was the admissions tutor of Zhenwu University.

Li Xiaoyao glanced at the handsome man with resentment, and silently stepped aside. In the entire federation, there were not many people of the same age who could give her face, but this man was one of them. Who made her interested in him?

"Student Li, I am Chang Yi, the admissions director of Zhenwu University. I won't introduce Zhenwu University in detail. It was founded by Lord Dao Huang. From its founding to now, it has been firmly in the top position. I see that you like to use a knife. After you come, you can practice Lord Dao Huang's Breaking Heaven Sword Sutra, and the principal promised to personally guide you three times. The other conditions are the same as those of the imperial capital, and you can designate any martial king as your tutor." Chang Yi said.

"Thank you Lord Dao Huang and the tutor for your kindness. I will definitely consider it seriously." Li Weiyi said.

He was actually already tempted. If the Lord Sword Emperor personally instructed him, his swordsmanship would definitely improve quickly and save a lot of time.

But he still had to see what conditions the military could offer.

"Student Li, I am Captain Wang Xian of the First Corps of the Southern Military Region. I am entrusted by the military region to come and discuss with you about joining the military." The soldier said.

"Thank you for the military region's kindness and your coming."

"Our military has the most powerful people and the most resources. If you join us, you can choose any SSS-level martial arts, any corps, and 2 million military merits. Why don't men bring Wu Gou? Fighting on the battlefield is the destination of our warriors."

"Thank you again for the kindness of the military. I will really consider it."

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