The old man was very surprised.

"Why are the skills and martial arts of the Zhengfa Hall so weird?" Li Weiyi was speechless. It was the first time he had seen such martial arts.

To be honest, it felt a bit like Taoism.

Of course, Li Weiyi would not just sit there and watch. He stamped a seal on the "Eye of Heaven" in the sky and blew it up first.

The "Eye of Heaven" turned and locked onto the seal of the earth, which was like a miniature version of the continent!

A hazy light emanated from the "Eye of Heaven", and a strong pressure fell from the sky, as if the sky was collapsing downwards, like the sky descending.

The seal of the earth was suppressed by the strong pressure, and when it was still two meters away from the "Eye of Heaven", it was fixed in place.

The dim light fell, and the earth seal quickly dissipated under the light. The light carried a powerful purifying power.

As the light fell, the Qiankun Wuji Cover that Li Weiyi held up was also being quickly consumed. He found that the Qiankun Wuji Cover could not transfer the purifying power of the light, and could only bear it all.

This light seemed harmless, but beautiful. It was just that the most charming thing was the most dangerous. After the Qiankun Wuji Cover was consumed, Li Weiyi could only activate the titanium body for defense.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Li Weiyi was like being splashed with sulfuric acid, and thick white smoke kept coming out of his body. This was his body melting.

"It's really difficult."

Li Weiyi had to admit that the inheritance of the Zhengfa Hall was indeed powerful enough. This method was weird and overbearing. If you have a slight weakness, you will definitely lose.

"No wonder you only need to hold on for five minutes. There are not many people who can hold on for five minutes. Do you have a chance, sister?" Li Weiyi said secretly.

"Slash the sky!"

Li Weiyi made another move. If the sky wants to destroy me, I will kill the sky!

The sky-breaking blade energy penetrated the sky, and the power of destroying everything and the power of purifying everything clashed in mid-air. The dark blade energy shattered into countless tiny blade energy, tearing the hazy light apart.

"Break it!"

Li Weiyi shouted angrily, and the blade energy surged thousands of meters. It was as if a knife-shaped mountain appeared in the sky.

The sky-breaking blade energy directly slashed on the "Eye of the Sky". Time and space seemed to be stagnant. The entire space was stagnant by the huge force, and even people's thinking became slow.

A crack appeared on the "Eye of the Sky". A cultivator who defied the heavens finally swung his butcher knife at the way of heaven.

As the crack on the "Eye of the Sky" became larger and larger, a dark dark blade slashed out from the "Eye of the Sky" and instantly descended on Li Weiyi.

The speed was too fast, as if the attack was a hit, there was no way to avoid it, and he could only bear it.

Thousands of lightning snakes exploded from Li Weiyi's chest, and blood bloomed. Li Weiyi was smashed to the ground by the dark blade, and a big hole was smashed. He coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood. He looked at his chest and found that his chest was almost cut open.

This time, it was really powerful. Li Weiyi's powerful defense was broken in an instant.

The power of the life god and the power of the mystery of life were running, and Li Weiyi's wound began to stop bleeding quickly.

He looked at the hall master's mark. The other party was not doing well either. Blood was flowing from his eyes. At this time, he closed his eyes tightly and lost the opportunity to continue attacking.

"Fuck you, it's my turn!" A number of blood flying knives appeared, breaking through the air and shooting towards the hall master's mark. While you are blind, I will kill you.

But how could the hall master of the Zhengfa Hall fall into despair so easily when he was young?

His eyes were temporarily blind, but he still had mental power.

The mental power penetrated his body, and sensing the arrival of the flying knives, he cast the forgiveness field again.

All the flying knives were blocked. This defensive magic is so powerful.

Li Weiyi stood up. The wound on his chest was no longer bleeding, and the flesh and blood were growing rapidly. It would take only a few minutes to recover.

"I will kill you!"

Li Weiyi slapped three seals in a row, the Mountain Seal, the Sea Seal, and the Earth Seal.

The Mountain Seal reflects the Five Mountains and gathers the power of the Five Mountains.

The Sea Seal reflects the Five Lakes and Four Seas and gathers the power of the lakes and seas.

The Earth Seal reflects the mountains and rivers, the country and the people, and gathers the power of the continent.

Under the strong pressure, the ground collapsed layer by layer, unable to withstand such a strong force.

The Palace Master's Seal sensed the pressure from above and raised his head.

The Skynet appeared, and dense, overlapping chains appeared, binding all three seals.

However, to bind the wild beast, your chains must be strong enough.

The three seals were violent, and all the chains were stretched straight.


A chain broke, and then there was a chain reaction.

"Bang, bang, bang..."


The broken chain was broken by the huge force. This chain could not hold the three beasts.

"Eighteen levels of hell!"

The hall master brand uttered another sentence.

The wind howled, and the whole world fell into darkness.


The sound of the wind passing through was chilling.

"Woo, woo, I don't want to die..."

"I died so miserably..."

"I am innocent, I can't die..."

One sentence after another of wailing came into Li Weiyi's ears, as if countless ghosts were whispering in your ears.

"Hua La La..."

The sound of the river flowing, only a hazy river carrying many ghosts, no one knew where they came from, where they were going, too hazy, Li Weiyi couldn't see clearly.

A little bit of gloomy white flames were floating in the wind, and behind the flames, some pale faces with disheveled hair flashed from time to time, looking scary.

"What? You can't beat him, so you rely on scaring him, right?" Li Weiyi shouted angrily. As a young man of the new century, how could he be afraid of this?

"What a strange martial art, a perfect fusion of mental power and blood. If there is a shortcoming in one aspect, it is estimated that he can't get rid of it." Li Weiyi said secretly.

But this can't trap him. It can trap the hell of ghosts and gods, but it can't trap him, the "Great Sage!"

"Ten thousand feet break the sky!"

Li Weiyi chopped the alloy knife in his hand, and in an instant, ten thousand sword qi swept across the world. The sword qi that destroyed everything covered the eighteen layers of hell, trying to cleanse all the sins of hell.

Countless ghosts appeared, and they rushed towards the sword qi one after another.

The ghosts were destroyed by the sword qi, and the sword qi was also shattered by the ghosts' bites. The whole process lasted for two minutes.

When all the sword qi dissipated, the hell was empty at this time, leaving only an empty shell.

When a gust of wind blew, the Eighteen Layers of Hell dissipated like a mirage, as if it had never appeared.

Li Weiyi was about to continue his attack, when a magnificent voice fell again.

"Five minutes have passed. Pass the trial and obtain the qualification of a core disciple."

"Asshole, let him out. I want to continue fighting him!" Li Weiyi roared to the sky. He was fighting hard, so why did he suddenly stop?

It's like the wedding night. I took off my pants, and you told me it's not convenient tonight? Who can stand this?

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to him. Only a law vortex appeared in front of Li Weiyi.

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