The meeting was held in Beijing, and the meeting was held in Beijing.

"There are two main things in today's meeting. The first is that since Weiyi has passed the Zhenwu Star Trial, he will be a Zhenwu Star in the future, and his status during his stay in school will be the same as that of the vice president." The principal said.

"Junior brother, congratulations." Dean Ding led the applause, and everyone applauded.

"Thank you all." Li Weiyi stood up to greet.

"The second thing is about the insect mother. Weiyi, why don't you introduce it?" The principal looked at Li Weiyi.

"Principal, and colleagues, this is the partner, the Insect Mother, whom I met in the fifth inner gate of the Zhenwu Sect."

"Insect Mother, this is the principal of our Zhenwu University, Lord Dao Huang, this is the dean of our Martial Arts Academy, this is the master of our Law Enforcement Hall, and the others present are the leaders of our Zhenwu University." Li Weiyi briefly introduced the two sides.

"Let us welcome the insect race as a partner to fight side by side." The principal led everyone to applaud.

Insect Mother lazily leaned on the backrest. She was not very interested in the strong human beings sitting there. She could not catch her eye unless they were martial gods.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward. Li Weiyi kicked her with his foot to let her express her opinion. It was okay for others, as his teacher and senior brothers were here.

"Thank you all." Insect Mother sat up straight and said.

"Li Weiyi... classmate, I have a question I want to ask you." Lu Gao, the dean of the Martial Arts Academy, said.

He originally wanted to call him Li Weiyi directly, but Li Weiyi's status was higher than his now. If he called him directly, it would probably cause dissatisfaction with the principal. He was unwilling to call him a leader, so he could only add a classmate. Anyway, Li Weiyi was still a student.

"Please speak, Dean Lu." Li Weiyi's eyes were flat. Lu Gao certainly couldn't say anything good, but he continued.

"As the saying goes, those who are not of our race must have different hearts. How can classmate Li guarantee that the Zerg will always be our partners?" Lu Gao said.

Many people's eyes flickered. This was also what they were worried about. A race is not so easy to control, let alone a powerful race like the Zerg. According to the records in the relic books, they are even one of the most notorious races in the universe.

However, since Lu Gao had brought it up, they didn't need to take the lead. They could just watch.

"The Zerg are absolutely trustworthy. I have signed a blood contract with the Zerg Mother. They will be our human partners." Li Weiyi said lightly.

"Student Li Weiyi, I don't distrust you, but for such an important matter, your words alone are not convincing enough. Are you willing to show the specific content of the blood contract?" Lu Gao said in a deep voice.

"This matter involves my personal secrets. I will explain it in detail to the principal alone, so I won't go into details here."

Li Weiyi said calmly. His current status is no longer a student who is restricted in every way, but is equivalent to the vice principal. It is enough to explain to the principal.

"In this case, I have no doubts." Although Lu Gao was dissatisfied in his heart, he could only hold it in. What else could he say? Does Li Weiyi have to explain to him? Doesn't this mean that he doesn't trust the principal? He still plans to continue to be the dean.

"I will talk to Weiyi in detail after the meeting. After that, I will discuss the resettlement of the Zerg with the other three Martial Emperors. You should be prepared. There are still many places where you need to contribute." The principal said.

"Yes, principal." Everyone agreed. This is the Martial Emperor. No one dares to disobey his words.

Li Weiyi's desire for power is even more urgent. Although he has a good status now, it is not enough. He wants to become a martial emperor, or even a martial god, to shut up all enemies.

After that, everyone discussed again how to deal with the monster attack. The pressure in Zhenwu City has been greatly reduced. The meeting decided to send half of the students to other border cities for reinforcement.

After the meeting, the others left, and the principal, Li Weiyi and the insect mother stayed.

"Teacher." Li Weiyi bowed.

"You kid, why are you so polite? I'm very happy that you can pass the Zhenwu Star Trial, but you must be careful in the future. The monsters and the ancient gods will definitely try their best to get rid of you." The principal warned.

"Teacher, I will, my life is precious." Li Weiyi smiled lightly, and then he took off his shirt.

"What are you doing? Why are you taking off your clothes for no reason!" The principal was surprised. Although his mood had long been calm, he was still shocked by Li Weiyi's operation.

"Teacher, this is the mark of the blood contract I signed with the Insect Mother." Li Weiyi pointed to the red lines on his chest.

"Oh, okay." The principal realized that Li Weiyi took off his clothes for this.

He breathed a sigh of relief, almost thinking that his disciple was mentally ill, but fortunately.

"You need to use your mental power to read the contents of the blood contract." Li Weiyi temporarily released the contents of the blood contract and let the principal read it.

"This kid, only signed for 20 years, he is really young and energetic." The principal felt helpless, if it were him, it would be at least 100 years.

"There is no need to tell others about the contents of the blood contract. Next, let's discuss the construction of the insect nest. According to the records in the books, the insects with insect nests are invincible. What materials does the insect mother need? Please make a list for me." The principal said to the insect mother.

"Okay." A insect that looked like a brush crawled out of the crack in the palm of the insect mother. It was seen that it sprayed insect silk to condense into a piece of white paper, and then its body swung quickly, and it listed the required materials.

The insect mother is the insect mother. She doesn't even write, and she specially made such an insect. It can only be said to be awesome.

The list was handed to the principal, who looked at it in silence. The establishment of this insect nest required too many resources. This was just a primary insect nest, and it had already consumed half of the Federation's resources.

No wonder the Zerg would empty even the stars wherever they passed. They consumed too many resources.

But everything was worth it. With the insect nest, the endless stream of Zerg would block the monsters below the demon king. In the future, the pressure on the Federation would be greatly reduced, and the casualties of warriors and soldiers would also be greatly reduced. It would be a good thing for the country and the people.

"I will discuss the location of the insect nest with the other three first, and then I will transport the materials as soon as possible." The principal promised.

"Okay." The insect mother nodded.

Li Weiyi kicked her again. How could she talk to his teacher?

"Thank you, principal." The insect mother thanked, and rolled her eyes in her heart. Human etiquette is really troublesome.

"Teacher, we will go out first."


Li Weiyi brought the insect mother to the military camp where Qin Yi and the other two girls were, and the principal also began to initiate the Wuhuang meeting.

"Mother Worm, this is Yiman, this is Piaoxue, my girlfriend." Li Weiyi introduced.

"I know that the mating smell left on you is from them two." Mother Worm smiled faintly.

Li Weiyi was speechless, and the two girls blushed. How could they say this casually? It was so embarrassing!

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