The battle was still going on, but the situation was not good.

Shan Yong received the news and finally breathed a sigh of relief knowing that his plan had taken effect.

The pressure was too great. If the monsters continued to attack at this rate, the Northwest War Zone would lose several cities. He didn't know how to face the people of the Federation. That was the home of hundreds of millions of people, and it was destroyed like this.

Shan Yong immediately deployed troops according to the current situation and focused on strengthening the reinforcement of the nine critical cities.

The war was still going on, but the Northwest War Zone had basically stabilized. At this time, the only thing left was the Northern War Zone, which was in a tight situation. The Zerg production speed was limited, and supporting the Northwest War Zone was already the limit.

As for the Southwest War Zone, it had already reached a stable state, and the Southern War Zone even gained an advantage.

As more and more Zergs joined the Northwest War Zone, the battlefield below the Martial King in the Northwest War Zone became more and more stable.

There were also more and more Zergs entering the depths of the wilderness to kill low-level monsters. The Black Dragon King could only continuously draw forces from the front line. The battle situation tended to be balanced. Seeing this situation, the four Monster Kings discussed together and decided to withdraw.

The monster army retreated to the wilderness in a mighty manner, and the human side fell into a sea of ​​cheers. They repelled the monsters again.

After cheering, it was time to lick the wounds. Too many soldiers and warriors died. This was the pain of the Federation, and it took a long time to get used to and calm down.

Li Weiyi also returned to Zhenwu University with the Zerg Mother, and the warriors began to return to their respective homes and reunite with their families.

The military also began to arrange for soldiers to return to their respective garrisons.

As for the destroyed cities, the Zerg were arranged to be stationed there to drive out the monsters.

Although the Federation was temporarily unable to rebuild so many cities, it must not let the monsters occupy the territory. This was the bottom line.

The martial arts academy was much quieter than before. The students of the martial arts academy and the mecha academy suffered the most losses in this war, almost reaching 30%.

They are all the geniuses of the younger generation. While enjoying huge benefits, they also shoulder great responsibilities. In the face of the crisis of the Federation, they did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for the Federation.

Zhenwu University held a mourning meeting for the deceased students. Zhenwu University was in mourning, and the entire Federation was in mourning. I don’t know how many families hung white cloth.

Li Weiyi’s mood also fell into a depression. Every time he witnessed the death of many human races, he couldn’t get used to it, especially one more time than the last time. This time, there were too many human races who died, and the number was calculated in billions.

Shen Ming also sacrificed. They had known each other for so long and had a deep relationship. But now, his friend has left him forever.

However, grief cannot change the facts. Everyone slowly gathered their moods and resumed their lives again.

Students resumed their normal study and life. Only when they are stronger can they solve various problems.

Li Weiyi found the principal, who also came back. The principal's breath fluctuated from time to time. He was injured and could no longer perfectly control his breath.

After fighting with the Vermillion Bird Emperor many times, both sides suffered serious injuries. The damage caused by the law is not so easy to recover, and it takes years to recover slowly.

"Teacher." Li Weiyi saluted.

"Weiyi, sit down." The principal invited Li Weiyi to sit down.

"You have made great contributions this time. If you hadn't brought the insect mother out, the situation in the federation would be many times worse than it is now." The principal praised Li Weiyi.

"It's just not enough." Li Weiyi shook his head and didn't feel complacent.

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself. You are still young. If the current situation continues, time is on our side. Now it's the turn of the monsters to have a headache about how to deal with the problem of the Zerg. In terms of reproduction speed and growth speed, they can't catch up with the Zerg." The principal said with a relaxed look.

He came from the Hundred Kingdoms era. Compared with the beginning of the monsters' chaos, this era is much better now.

At that time, one country after another was destroyed, and all the people were buried in the mouths of monsters. Other remaining countries were also suffering from famine. In the early days of the establishment of the Federation, countless people starved to death.

There were also various diseases raging, and people died at home or even on the streets every day.

At that time, the widespread grief was the real tragedy of the world.

Li Weiyi was still young, and the death in this war alone shocked him greatly, but as a principal, he felt that now was much better than then.

Although there was a full-scale war, there were soldiers and warriors in the front, and most of the people could live and work in peace in the rear. This was the heartfelt expectation of the people in the early days of the establishment of the Federation.

"I just hope that

I hope this time will be as short as possible. "Li Weiyi also showed a hopeful look.

"Why did you come to me this time?"

"It's like this, I have a relic, and the training place inside is very beneficial for martial artists to practice. I want you to help me move it to Zhenwu University." Li Weiyi said the purpose of his trip.

"It's rare that you have this thought. The school will not treat you unfairly. You will get half of the contribution points collected, and the school will be responsible for maintenance." The principal looked satisfied. His disciple began to have a big picture.

"Thank you, teacher."

"Without further delay, I will go with you to get it back now. "

Li Weiyi asked the principal to take him to the seaside. Zhenwu University was far away from the sea in the south, but with the principal's speed, they arrived in less than five minutes.

The dark blue lines in Li Weiyi's hand emitted blue light, the sea in front began to roll, the space was distorted, and a huge monster was squeezing out from the dark space.

Slowly, the entire ruins rose to the surface of the sea. Such a big movement attracted the attention of many sea beasts.

Li Weiyi ignored it. With the protection of the laws of the goddess Henna, it was difficult for the demon king to destroy the ruins.

Li Weiyi took the principal into the ruins, and the principal's power swept the entire ruins.

"Get up! "

The power of the law was turbulent, and the principal took the entire relic into the air and flew towards the interior of the continent.

The people below saw an island flying in the sky, and their jaws dropped.

This incident alarmed the top leaders of the Federation, but the principal issued an order and the Federation returned to peace.

Since it was the work of Lord Dao Huang, there was naturally no problem.

Carrying a large relic, the principal's flying speed was greatly reduced, and it took a whole day to return to Zhenwu University.

The students of Zhenwu University saw an island fall on the largest grassland of Zhenwu University, and all swarmed over.

They had heard that the principal had come from the south Bring back an island, there are a lot of videos of islands flying in the sky on the Internet.

Even if you see it with your own eyes, you can't help being shocked by this power.

Wu Zong can destroy an island, but it is not certain that he can fly with an island.

Seeing the principal and Li Weiyi flying out of the island, they all speculated what the island had to do with Li Weiyi.

They could see that this was a relic, but they couldn't tell what kind of relic it was and what its function was.

Li Weiyi had hidden the protection of the law barrier, and everyone could enter the relic to visit, but the various function rooms were temporarily closed.

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