The police said that the police had been arrested and the case was under investigation.

The people of Ningcheng fell into a deeper panic. They looked at any official with vigilance, fearing that the other party would suddenly attack and reap their lives.

Although the authorities have made explanations in many aspects, the prestige of the authorities in Ningcheng has dropped to the freezing point. This is the third time that the police have committed crimes, and they have committed crimes in succession. The federal officials currently have no way to deal with Si Mengruo.

The officials are very troubled, but if they fail to catch Si Mengruo for a while, they will not be able to restore their prestige.

Li Weiyi sat on the chair. He had been sitting quietly for more than two hours. He came here with full confidence, thinking that he could quickly arrest Si Mengruo, but Si Mengruo taught him a vivid lesson.

Although he has many tricks and is not weak in strength, he can't do anything to Si Mengruo.

The soul split is invisible and difficult to detect. Once it strikes, it is a thunderbolt attack, and there is no time to react.

"It is better to lure the snake out of the hole than to wait for death." Li Weiyi suddenly said.

"How do you want to lure the snake out of the hole?" asked the insect mother.

"He has three targets. Unless Uncle Qin takes action, the soul split can't do anything to Uncle Qin. Therefore, her initial targets are only Aunt Shu and Aunt Chu. I need you to pretend to be one of them and create opportunities for the other party." Li Weiyi pondered.

"Si Mengruo is a smart girl, but she is not so easy to be fooled."

"So the opportunity we create must be real enough to make her think that she found the opportunity herself, and I can't stand waiting here." Li Weiyi said helplessly.

"That's no problem. I'm good at pretending to be someone, but how do you make it clear to your two future mothers-in-law?"

"Let's go to the branch of Qin Group." Li Weiyi took the insect mother out and drove a luxury car to the destination.

Because of the medicine, Li Weiyi is now the most distinguished customer of Qin Group, and was immediately received by Aunt Shu.

"Mr. Li, at the current production speed, we are expected to start selling it in all stores in Yunzhou in a week." Aunt Shu thought Li Weiyi was here to ask about the listing of the medicine.

"Aunt Shu, these are all trivial matters. I came to you this time for more important things." Li Weiyi said.

"Aunt Shu?" Shu Qiushui was a little surprised by this title, and didn't understand why Li Weiyi called him that.

"I forgot to change back. It's me, Li Weiyi." Li Weiyi changed back to his original appearance.

"You..." Aunt Shu was stunned, and she was changing a living person here.

"How do you prove it?" Aunt Shu did not relax her vigilance, fearing that Li Weiyi was a cultist.

"This is my student ID and military officer ID." Li Weiyi took out two documents.

"Wait a moment."

Aunt Shu opened the Warrior APP and scanned the code behind the two documents. Sure enough, Li Weiyi's basic information popped up.

"So it's you, kid. No wonder you're so generous to give me the potion." Aunt Shu said with a smile. She was already very satisfied with Li Weiyi, and now she's even more satisfied. The Qin Group has already obtained a ticket to the top group.

"This is all right, Aunt Shu. This time I secretly returned to Ningcheng mainly because of Si Mengruo's matter. You are one of her primary targets. This time I came to discuss with you how to protect and capture Si Mengruo." Li Weiyi continued.

"I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would be targeted by the goddess of the Ancient God Society." Aunt Shu smiled helplessly, not knowing whether it was an honor or misfortune.

"It's all my fault."

"Silly child, excellence has never been your fault. It's always those cultists who are wrong. Tell me, I can cooperate with you in any way you want."

"I want the insect mother to pretend to be you, but in order not to reveal the flaws, you need to talk about your work and living habits." Li Weiyi said the plan to let the insect mother pretend to be her.


Aunt Shu began to talk about her habits, and the insect mother took notes seriously.

Seeing Chongmu nodding silently, Li Weiyi knew Chongmu had already made up his mind.

"Okay, Aunt Shu, please stay at home for a few days. I will send you back secretly, and Chongmu will pretend to be you here." Li Weiyi said.


Li Weiyi and Chongmu took Aunt Shu back to Qin's house at night. Qin He was not there. He was very busy during this period. As a local martial arts master, he was assisting the government in guarding Ningcheng.

Otherwise, if he saw Li Weiyi, he would probably fight, although he might not be his opponent.

Li Weiyi chatted with Aunt Chu for a while, then told Aunt Chu to be careful during this period and left.

Li Weiyi and Chongmu sneaked back to Qin's

In the branch of the group, the insect mother transformed into Aunt Shu's appearance, and her clothes were also changed to the same. Even if Li Weiyi saw it with his own eyes, it was difficult to tell the real from the fake.

Moreover, the insect mother also simulated Aunt Shu's life breath, which was enough to be mistaken for the real thing.

"I will come here to interview your assistant tomorrow." Li Weiyi said.


Li Weiyi drove away and returned to the hotel where he stayed.

The next day, Li Weiyi passed the interview and became the assistant of the insect mother, responsible for helping the insect mother deal with matters related to the pharmaceutical business.

Time is passing. If Si Mengruo does not continue to make a move, no one knows what she is thinking in her heart and what kind of plan she has. Ningcheng is still in a panic. Now this is a very insecure city.

At six o'clock in the evening, Li Weiyi walked out of the branch and drove an ordinary car back to the house he rented. An assistant should look like an assistant and maintain a normal life trajectory.

As time went by, Si Mengruo did not make another move, and Ningcheng began to quiet down, because most of the ordinary people had temporarily left. Ningcheng was unprecedentedly deserted. Li Weiyi had never seen such a Ningcheng before.

Even many official personnel had withdrawn. With so few people, there was no need for too many official personnel to guard.

Ningcheng fell into a strange calm, but Li Weiyi knew that this was the calm before the storm.

Si Mengruo would definitely make a move, perhaps causing more casualties, perhaps making a move on Aunt Shu and Aunt Chu, or perhaps killing a person of more noble status.

Li Weiyi felt that it was time to let the insect mother reveal her flaws so as to actively attract Si Mengruo to make a move.

He used his connections to call the director of the Nanling District Pharmaceutical Association branch.

The news was widely reported, and everyone in the Nanling District knew that the minister would arrive in Ningcheng to inspect and commend the Qin Group.

Aunt Shu, disguised as the insect mother, also responded to the media that she warmly welcomed the minister's arrival and would meet the minister in person.

On this day, the minister arrived, and a convoy of cars set off from the branch of the Qin Group. All of them were luxury cars. The current Qin Group was very wealthy.

Twelve floated above the convoy, protecting the safety of the convoy. Qin He had already placed puppet number 12 with Aunt Shu.

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