The story ends here, Si Mengruo looks like she is reminiscing. Needless to say, the protagonist of this story is her.

Li Weiyi looked puzzled. Although he sympathized with Si Mengruo's experience, it was a fact that she killed many innocent people in the Federation. It was only natural that a person should be punished by death. It could only be said that Si Mengruo's life was unfortunate.

If she was born in a martial arts family, or even just in a city, she would become a jewel in the palm of her hand and become a person like Li Ai.

But there is no if. At this point, Si Mengruo can only accept the fate of being judged by the Federation.

"I hope you can be born into a good family in the next life." Li Weiyi only said this sentence, without much comment. He was not qualified to judge other people's lives. Only the law could judge.

"The world is miserable. If I can choose, I choose no afterlife." Si Mengruo's eyes returned to calm.

"You can talk about the Ancient God Society now." Li Weiyi said.

"It's not that I don't want to talk, I can't. The president is my master. I have seen his appearance and know most of the secrets of the Ancient God Society. The secret spell of the gods has long been planted in my soul. If you talk about it, you will die."

"Then you asked me to come here just to listen to stories!" Li Weiyi's tone was dissatisfied. He wanted to listen to stories, but he might as well read novels.

"There is nothing to say to those two old guys. You look good, and I like you. You can barely be a person to talk to." Si Mengruo smiled lightly.

"Thank you so much." Li Weiyi got up and left, too lazy to waste time here.

Si Mengruo kept smiling, without the despair and pain of a dying person.

The dean and Minister Ruan monitored the conversation inside. They were speechless. They listened to a story for a long time.

However, it was not without gain. At least they knew that the man who destroyed Sijia Village was the president of the Ancient God Society. Perhaps they could find some clues by checking the satellite detection records, but they did not hold too much hope. The president of the Ancient God Society was an extremely cautious person and had been free and easy for hundreds of years.

The next day, the Federal Military Division Headquarters announced the way to deal with Si Mengruo. The death penalty will be publicly executed at the Zhenwu City Military Division Execution Ground three days later. All warriors can watch the live broadcast on the Warrior APP.

As for the ordinary people, the acceptance capacity is too low. The death penalty is very cruel. The official did not allow them to watch it, so as not to leave a shadow in their hearts.

Time soon came to the day when Si Mengruo was executed. Li Weiyi also brought Qin Yiman and Chu Piaoxue to the execution ground.

For safety reasons, only a small number of people can enter the execution ground to watch, and martial law has been imposed within a radius of ten miles outside.

This execution meeting was presided over by Minister Ruan himself, Dean Ding and the Lord of the Judgment Hall also came to participate. The three top martial kings were in charge, and even if the Ancient God Society came to attack, they could stop it.

However, according to Li Weiyi's estimation, if the people of the Ancient God Society did not come back, coming to Zhenwu City would be a trap.

At this time, Si Mengruo was already being escorted to the execution platform, her whole body was sealed by the secret of the King of Martial Arts, and she was no different from an ordinary person.

"Si Mengruo, guilty of intentional homicide, disturbing public order, and terrorist attack, multiple crimes, the death penalty is decided, and the execution is now carried out!" Minister Ruan announced.

A police officer with a masked face walked to the execution site, holding a laser gun in his hand, raised the gun, aimed, and fired in one go.

A hole appeared between Si Mengruo's eyebrows, her brain had been penetrated, and the gods could not save her.

Si Mengruo collapsed to the ground, and the notorious goddess of the Ancient God Society came to an end.

Warriors watching the live broadcast from all over the federation applauded and celebrated.

Everything went smoothly, so smoothly that Li Weiyi felt a little dazed. He felt a little uneasy in his heart, but Si Mengruo had clearly died in front of him.

Shaking his head, he felt that he was being too suspicious.

Si Mengruo's matter was settled, and Li Weiyi's focus was all on cultivation. He was very close to becoming a third-grade martial master, just three or four months away.

The Federation calmed down, and the crazy revenge of the Ancient Gods did not happen, and the monsters did not make trouble because they had just been defeated.

The Federation ushered in a period of peace, the people lived and worked in peace, and the warriors performed their duties to protect the stability of the Federation.

The primary cultivation enhancement potion produced by the Qin Group was also officially launched on the market. As soon as it was launched, it was snapped up. There were long queues in various stores in the Nanling region every day.

Li Weiyi's income was also growing wildly. He did not pay too much attention to it, and the money was destined to be more and more.

The group he founded also began to invest in the production of various

Medicines, materials and weapons are all Zerg technology obtained from the Zerg Queen.

With huge financial support and connections, all products were quickly put on the market, causing warriors to scramble for them. They are all good things.

As for materials and weapons, Li Weiyi only does business with the official. It is not a good thing for weapons to flow into the outside world.

The Li Group is rising slowly. It is a behemoth when it is born. Many groups run by martial kings cannot compare with it, because Li Weiyi has the foundation of a powerful race, which is not comparable to them.

Li Weiyi has also become the most famous diamond bachelor in the Federation. He has countless money, superior martial arts qualifications, and high appearance. He is the number one male god among girls.

At the same time, Ningcheng No. 1 Middle School ushered in the end of school. A girl in school uniform and twin ponytails walked out of the school gate with her classmates talking and laughing.

Her face was filled with a sincere smile. She finally experienced the feeling of going to school. She was very happy.

"From now on, I will only live for myself. Master, I have repaid your kindness to me." The girl looked at the sunset and said in her heart.

But who can tell whether she can live for herself all the time?

In the sky, a tiny insect is observing her.

In the West Desert Region, the insect nest, the insect mother smiled.

"She escaped from her shell and started her life again with a split soul. She played the trick on everyone. She is such an excellent girl. Li Weiyi is too rigid. We can't tell him this news." The insect mother smiled faintly.

Li Weiyi has not yet been promoted to the third-grade martial master, and the winter vacation has arrived. Time has passed too quickly. It is already mid-January.

The students went home one after another. Most of the third and fourth year students were on missions, so there was no winter vacation.

After discussing with Qin Yiman and Chu Piaoxue, Li Weiyi and the other two decided to go back to Ningcheng for the winter vacation.

A large group of people took Li Weiyi's transport insect back to Yunzhou City, and Deng Zixiao and the others followed Li Weiyi back.

Deng Zixiao, Ye Xing and the others went back to their own homes, while Li Weiyi and the other two flew directly to Ningcheng.

The closer he got to Ningcheng, the more nervous Li Weiyi became. His face was full of panic, even more so than when he was facing a beast tide.

"What are you nervous about?" Qin Yiman joked.

"I'm afraid Uncle Qin will skin me alive." Li Weiyi smiled bitterly. Who wouldn't be afraid of meeting his parents?

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