As time went by, the school started soon, and Zhenwu University began to get busy.

Li Weiyi was like an outsider. He followed the principal to practice and spent day and night in the practice room.

There was no need to go to class or do tasks. Qin Yiman, Chu Piaoxue and others formed a team with Ye Xing and Liu Ruxu and started their career of taking tasks.

So they often went out for a week and didn't come back. As their strength increased, they needed to take on more and more responsibilities, and it was almost a foregone conclusion that they would be together less and apart more.

After a year, although it was just the Lantern Festival, the things of last year seemed to have become very distant.

The online quarrels about Li Weiyi began to slow down. Li Weiyi hadn't appeared for so long, and the popularity about him inevitably declined.

Those interested forces were also happy to see Li Weiyi's popularity decline. They followed the trend and focused on promoting other young strongmen.

Of course, their plans for the Li Group and the Qin Group would not stop, but they were blocked again and again because of the relationship with the dean.

Half a month passed again, and Li Weiyi looked inward at the Blood Palace and smiled with satisfaction at the nine-layer divine platform that had been completely solidified.

He was immersed in cultivation and his strength increased rapidly. He had already reached the door of the Fusion God Realm.

Since it has come to this point, Li Weiyi will certainly not suppress his realm. The martial arts is to move forward without time.

Five "gods" standing on the nine-layer divine platform looked up.

There was also a "god" above who was looking down at this time. Although they were far away, they could see each other.


On the divine platform, the five "gods" shouted together, and the energy in the blood palace was mobilized by them and rushed to the blood palace barrier above.

They also used martial arts skills, and big seals flew across the sky and hit the barrier of the Blood Palace.

There were also flying knives, sword energy, fist seals, and chains, all attacking the barrier.

Under the powerful force attack, the barrier broke into cracks, and then was broken open by five "gods".

The blood energy of blood and dark energy continued to surge upwards. The "gods" in the Niwan Palace were the coordinates of their location. The blood energy opened up a road all the way, built a divine bridge, and went all the way to the Niwan Palace.

Li Weiyi's body was not big, but the mystery of the human body was difficult for even the gods to explain. Opening a path from the Blood Palace to the Niwan Palace was like opening a star road in the starry sky.

If there was no coordinate, the five "gods" would not be able to accomplish this feat.

A divine bridge continued to spread from bottom to top inside Li Weiyi's body. It was unknown how far it spread, but it finally came to the front of the Niwan Palace.


The "gods" in the Niwan Palace burst out with spiritual power, tearing a hole in the Niwan Palace, and one end of the God Bridge drilled in from the hole, and the Blood Palace and the Niwan Palace were finally connected by the God Bridge.


The five "gods" on the altar shouted together, and their figures soared into the sky. After stepping on the God Bridge, they rushed all the way to the Niwan Palace.

After crossing the long God Bridge, the five "gods" finally entered the Niwan Palace and merged with the "gods" here.


The six "gods" shouted together, their bodies formed a circle and rotated quickly, their figures became blurred, and gradually you were in me, and I was in you.

The fusion process was not fast. It took two days for all six "gods" to merge together.

In the Niwan Palace, a brand new "god" appeared, and his body was six times larger than before, and his face was exactly the same as Li Weiyi's. This was Li Weiyi's soul.

It was formed by the fusion of the "god" and Li Weiyi's soul.

After condensing into a spirit, the most intuitive change is that the mental power is sixty times stronger. With a strong mental power, the body's reaction will become faster, the martial arts will become faster and stronger, and the perception of danger will be clearer.

Li Weiyi is also a spiritualist, and his ability to control flying swords and flying knives will be greatly enhanced.

The blood energy has also increased by sixty times. At this time, his blood energy is ridiculously strong, reaching three trillion, and many second-grade martial arts masters cannot compare to him.

The blood energy is rolling and moving, just like the sea is flowing. Li Weiyi feels that he can blow up the continent with one punch at this time. Of course, this is just an illusion after his power surges.

He shifted his gaze to the system interface, and a satisfied look appeared on his face.

[Martial Arts Self-cultivation System]

Host: Li Weiyi

Brain development: 50%

Blood: 3 trillion


Fusion of the God Realm

Zhenwu Breathing Method SSS Grade (85% Perfect)

Zhenwu Seal SSS Grade (86% Perfect)

Xiao Li Flying Dagger SSS Grade (90% Perfect)

Titanium Body SSS Grade (93% Perfect)

Nuclear Explosion Fist SSS Grade (82% Perfect)

Qian Kun Wu Ji SSS Grade (91% Perfect)

Xiao Yao You SSS Grade (83% Perfect)

Po Tian Dao Jing SSS Grade (90% Perfect)

Judgment Divine Code SSS Grade (88% Perfect)

Transform Reality into Illusion SSS Grade (54% Intensive)

Body Strengthening Secret 8%

Soul Secret 8%

Speed ​​Secret 7%

Explosion Secret 7%

Life Secret 7%.

Immortality Secret 8%

Break Secret 2%.

Evaluation: Slightly noticeable.

"I want to compete with the King of Martial Arts." Li Weiyi's face was full of confidence. With his current soul power, blood, and control of the secrets, he was not afraid of the first-grade King of Martial Arts.

The King of Martial Arts has integrated the power of the secrets into his soul. The secrets can burst out more powerful power, but Li Weiyi's foundation is too solid. With strong blood and seven secrets, he can also burst out earth-shaking power.

"When I make a move again, it will definitely blow your eyes." Li Weiyi calmed down and continued to practice. Next, he only needed to concentrate on strengthening his soul. When his soul grew to the same size as himself, he could start to integrate the secrets into his soul, advance to the secret realm, and become the King of Martial Arts.

Time passed again, and the discussion about Li Weiyi on the Internet became quieter, but the discussion about the Palace of God became more intense.

It has been a month since the three tribes' geniuses entered the Palace of God, but no news has been heard. It seems that they have all been swallowed up by the Palace of God.

The geniuses of the two tribes of demon beasts and sea beasts who entered to explore did not see anyone come out.

At this time, the leaders of the three tribes were all anxious, fearing that something might happen to the people inside.

But they couldn't go in, and they didn't dare to send reinforcements before they knew the situation inside.

Some of the geniuses sent before were already among the strongest geniuses in the tribe. They were trapped inside, and it was very likely that they would be trapped if they sent more geniuses in.

The federal leaders thought of one person, that is Li Weiyi, this peerless evildoer who was leading by a huge margin. The geniuses of the same realm were not the same as him. If Li Weiyi went in, it would be possible to break the situation. They already knew that Li Weiyi had been promoted to the Rong Shen realm.

But no one dared to mention it. After all, they were not sure whether Li Weiyi could be trusted or not, and they were not sure about the attitudes of the four martial emperors towards Li Weiyi, so they could only suppress their thoughts in their hearts.

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