The old man was in a hurry to get married.

However, there was a force that became arrogant when everything was quiet, that is the Ancient God Society.

They officially announced the news of the revival of the God of Curse, and other gods are also reviving. In the near future, the Ancient God Society will surely reign over Zhenwu Star.

The president of the Ancient God Society appeared on the Internet again, announcing the cancellation of Li Weiyi's second son of the Ancient God Society, and announcing that Li Weiyi has been ranked first on the Ancient God Society's must-kill list.

Li Weiyi couldn't stand it and responded directly on the Internet.

"In my opinion, the Ancient God Society is a dog. They licked me as the son of God before, and now they unilaterally announced the cancellation when they saw that I ignored them. You better not announce that I am your first father. I don't want to have your bunch of disdainful children and grandchildren. I am the first on the must-kill list. I am in Zhenwu University. Come, I want to kill you!"

As soon as Li Weiyi's news was released, it was quickly forwarded by federal media and big Vs, and the entire federation spread it widely. While joking, people admired Li Weiyi's courage. There are not many people who dare to confront the Ancient God Society like this.

Especially in this period of the revival of the gods, the Ancient God Society worships at least three gods. If all of them are revived, they will definitely have an important voice in Zhenwu Star. Li Weiyi is going to completely offend the future giant.

"Li Weiyi, I will kill you!" The president of the Ancient God Society responded.

"I'll wait for you. If you don't come, you're a grandson." Li Weiyi also responded.

As time passed, the Temple of Dawn grew stronger. After the resolution of the Federation Emperor Wu, it was decided to classify the Western Desert Region as a free belief zone, and the Temple of Dawn could legally spread its beliefs in the Western Desert Region.

The Western Desert Region is quite special. It used to be a gathering place for believers of various sects, and it was also the place with the most temples in the Federation.

Although there were fewer believers after the meteorite calendar due to the great turmoil in the situation, after so many years of stable development, the number of believers has become quite large.

Nowadays, there are also a large number of temples in the Western Desert Region. The Federation respects the beliefs of the people. As long as their beliefs are not anti-human and anti-Federation, they can be legally registered and legally believed.

At this time, it is just adding a Temple of Dawn, which is acceptable.

Moreover, the insect nest is located in the Western Desert Region. Every corner of the Western Desert Region is now monitored by the Zerg. Even if the Temple of Dawn wants to make trouble, the Zerg will know it at the first time and then react.

Li Weiyi made a prompt decision and brought Guangxuan and a group of gods to the Western Desert Region to preside over the construction of the Temple of Dawn.

The initial plan is to build a main hall and then build a thousand branch halls.

The reason for being so active is nothing more than following the general trend, making a good impression on the Goddess of Dawn and getting more benefits.

And Li Weiyi has another consideration. Since the Goddess of Dawn and the God of Curse are enemies, the Temple of Dawn can become his spearhead against the Ancient God Association.

And it can also focus the main energy of the Ancient God Association on the Temple of Dawn, so that the Federation can develop more steadily.

On the side of the demon clan, the Black Dragon Emperor also decided to mark out a piece of land for Ao Mo to establish the Temple of Dawn. The Black Dragon Emperor is already preparing a way out.

Then it is the Sea Clan. The Pig Emperor also agreed to let his daughter establish the Temple of Dawn.

In just one month, the Temple of Dawn has already established a foothold in the sphere of influence of the three clans. This is the influence of the gods.

Even if she did not appear in public, just showing her strength slightly once, it completely opened up the situation.

"Haha, these sons of God and messengers of God are quite capable. We have to give them some benefits so that they can work for me wholeheartedly." In the Dawn Palace, the statue of the Dawn Goddess listened to the news conveyed to her by the Dawn Elves.

The Dawn Goddess waved her hand, and three Elf Kings appeared in the hall from the Kingdom of God.

"You each take these resources and reward Li Weiyi, Ao Mo, and Tuner."

"Yes, Goddess!"

The three Elf Kings divided their troops into three groups and went to three places with a large amount of resources.

"Son of God, Guangshu is here with the Goddess's reward. It is expected to arrive in twenty minutes." Guangxuan told Li Weiyi.

"Okay, thank God for his grace." Li Weiyi saluted to the south. He had to act well in front of Guangxuan.

Li Weiyi set up a banquet and waited for Guangshu to arrive. The Dawn Elves liked nectar the most. He asked people to prepare various nectars to entertain these elves.

After the light beam arrived, seeing that Li Weiyi was so tactful, his face smiled even more and he said that he would go back and say a few good words for him.

Li Weiyi was communicating with the other party in a perfunctory manner. After the beam had eaten and drunk its fill,

He left a lot of resources and went back to report.

Li Weiyi left the temple and came to the insect nest. The resources given by the goddess of dawn were very rich, and there were even treasures that accelerated the growth of the soul.

This was the treasure that Li Weiyi needed most at present, but he did not use it rashly. He was afraid that the goddess of dawn had tampered with these resources. It would be right to ask the insect mother to take a look.

Although the insect mother was only the insect king, the insect race had a complete heritage and many means.

After giving the resources to the insect mother for inspection, the insect mother told Li Weiyi that there was no problem, and Li Weiyi was relieved to use it.

He stored the resources in the temple and then established a contribution system. In the future, these resources can only be exchanged by contribution points.

Li Weiyi also drank a bottle of nectar, which has the effect of increasing the speed of soul cultivation. Li Weiyi immersed in cultivation and found that the speed of soul growth increased by two times. It is estimated that he can be promoted to the king of martial arts in about a week.

The rapid development of the Temple of Dawn has completely made the Ancient God Association unable to sit still. The Temple of Dawn can promote faith in public, and its advantages are much faster than theirs.

If things continue like this, the faith of the people of the Federation will be harvested, and it will be difficult for them, the Ancient God Society, to snatch it.

Therefore, the Ancient God Society decided to take action. On the one hand, they discussed how to suppress the Temple of Dawn, and on the other hand, they discussed how to bring the Ancient God Society to the surface.

However, when they were planning to deal with the Temple of Dawn, the Zerg had already sent a message to Li Weiyi.

"Ancient God Society, if I don't give you a hard time this time, I'm not surnamed Li." Li Weiyi said fiercely.

He sent a message to the Zerg Mother, telling her to prepare for the battle and let the Ancient God Society kill as many as they come.

He also sent a message to the Dean, who replied that he would arrange official personnel to cooperate with Li Weiyi's actions.

The undercurrent in the Western Desert Region was surging, and people with a keen sense of smell had already smelled something unusual, and hurriedly booked tickets to leave the Western Desert Region, a place of right and wrong.

When they found that air tickets and high-speed rail tickets were in short supply, they became even more nervous. It seems that there are many people with a keen sense of smell.

Li Weiyi also summoned the messengers and assigned them tasks, asking them to prepare secret escape routes in each branch temple and keep this matter absolutely confidential.

Although the messengers did not understand, they had to obey the Son of God's orders and could only go down to make arrangements.

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