The old man was very happy.

"I've learned it, Lao Wang." Xiao Li thanked.

"Here, just do your job well." Lao Wang continued to patrol the designated patrol area with Xiao Li.

Although Lao Wang was chatting, his laser electric gun was always activated, and he would attack fiercely if there was any abnormality.

"Lao Wang, look, the big shot is coming." Xiao Li pointed to a row of flying cars in the sky in the distance and said.

"Cheer up." Lao Wang reminded him to pay more attention to the criminals working.

As for why these criminals were not detained on such an important day, but were all released to work.

Nothing, it's just that the warden wanted to take credit, proving that under his management, these criminals have changed their minds and correctly realized the truth that labor is glorious.

Several people came out of the prison building. They were the management of the prison, and the head was the warden.

He led the way to the square at the entrance of the building to wait, where the flying car would land.

Not long after, in everyone's sight, twelve flying cars with the four characters "Donglin Wubu" printed on the side landed.

First, a group of senior police officers in uniform came down, and then a middle-aged man in mutant clothes came out of the flying car.

The warden hurriedly greeted him with a smile on his face.

It was the first time that Xiao Li knew that the warden could laugh. He used to have a stern face, which made people afraid. It turned out that he didn't laugh, but he didn't laugh at him. What a fucking society.

"Minister Huang." The warden greeted him and helped Minister Huang get off the flying car. A martial king had to be helped when getting off a flying car. Xiao Li was speechless in his heart.

"Warden, Donglin Prison is well managed by you. Thank you for your hard work." Minister Huang smiled faintly.

"Minister Huang is overpraising me. It's all Minister Huang's guidance that counts. I just strictly followed Minister Huang's guidance." The warden didn't dare to take credit for it.

"Let's go, take me around." Minister Huang ordered.

"This way, Minister." The warden led Minister Huang to inspect the factories and production areas of the prison.

Xiao Li's earphones kept hearing the leader's voice, asking them to be alert and to hold them accountable if there were any mistakes.

"Minister Huang, he doesn't sit in the office when he has time, but comes to this place to suffer, and everyone suffers with him." Xiao Li vented his dissatisfaction in his heart.

Fortunately, there were no accidents during Minister Huang's inspection. Those criminals behaved very well today. The main reason was that many criminals knew Minister Huang. This was a martial king. He made trouble in front of the martial king. Did he think he was not dying fast enough?

The warden brought Minister Huang to the office and waited for Minister Huang's instructions.

"Warden, this inspection is almost over. You are very good. I will report your contribution to the president." Minister Huang said.

"Thank you, Minister Huang." The warden's smile was as beautiful as a flower. The minister that Minister Huang mentioned was naturally the highest person in charge of the Donglin District and the president of the Donglin Warrior Association.

"You work hard for the Federation, and the Federation naturally sees it. This time, I came here with another purpose." Minister Huang continued.

"Minister Huang, please be clear."

"The situation in the Federation is turbulent, and all forces must be used. The warriors in the prison are also the power of the Federation. The higher-ups are considering using this force." Minister Huang knocked on the table and said.

"It's a troubled time." The warden sighed. Although he was guarding this prison, he also knew something about the outside world.

"Today, I came here mainly to do a drill to see if these criminals are really used by the Federation." Minister Huang continued.

"Please give instructions, Minister Huang."

"First, take all these criminals to the seaside. The military department has arranged for the monsters to be transported here. The satellites above are also monitoring. By then, it will be clear whether these criminals are fighting with the monsters or trying to escape. Those who fight with the monsters can be put in the death squad, and as for those who escape..."

Minister Huang did not continue, but the warden already understood what he meant.

The warden was suspicious. How could there be no documents for such a big thing? It would be troublesome if any of these criminals escaped, not to mention that this kind of thing might cause many people to escape.

"Does the warden think I am giving orders at random?" Minister Huang seemed to see what the warden was thinking.

"Minister Huang, what are you talking about? I will go down and arrange it right away." The warden said with a smile. A higher rank can crush a person, not to mention that Minister Huang is several levels higher than him. If he does not agree, he will probably be dismissed on the spot.

"This matter involves too much, there will be no clear documents, do you understand?" Minister Huang added.

"Understood." The warden withdrew and began to arrange for all the criminals to go to the seaside to prepare for the trial.

"Old Wang, what is this, taking all the criminals to the seaside, are you kidding?" Xiao Li complained to Old Wang.

"Who would joke with us like this?"

"Damn, this is crazy, 130,000 criminals, we only have 3,000 people, leave this solid fortress, if these criminals don't take the opportunity to rebel, I will cut off my head and use it as a chair." Xiao Li couldn't help but speak out in anger.

Old Wang's face was serious. He knew very well how cruel the criminals here were. If he let these criminals go out, they would definitely go out. He could only hope that Minister Huang, the King of Martial Arts, could suppress everything.

But he was vaguely uneasy in his heart, always feeling that something big would happen.

"Xiao Li, follow me closely. If there is any situation, we will face the enemy from front and back, and we must not reveal any flaws." Old Wang reminded.

The whistle sounded, and all the criminals were gathered.

The criminals were whispering, not understanding why they were gathered together. They just guessed that maybe Minister Huang wanted to give them a lecture. Leaders like to give lectures the most.

But the news announced by Minister Huang made them very excited. He actually asked them all to go to the beach. This was great news.

Many criminals' eyes flickered. It was a godsend opportunity. It was really a godsend opportunity.

The criminals became agitated and their excited hearts could no longer be restrained.


Minister Huang's voice roared in the air, and the aura of the King of Martial Arts swept across the venue, reminding the criminals of his existence.

The criminals suddenly became quiet after being suppressed by Minister Huang's aura, and then they remembered that there was a King of Martial Arts here.

However, many did not care. They were all people sentenced to life imprisonment. If they had this opportunity, they would fight even if they died. The King of Martial Arts would also fight here.

"From now on, leave the prison from the east gate in an orderly manner. All prison officials should maintain order. Anyone who dares to make trouble will be severely punished." Minister Huang said loudly.

"Yes!" All prison officials responded loudly.

Under the supervision of the prison warden, all the criminals began to walk out of the prison. The road outside the prison was not easy to walk on. The hills here were covered with weeds. However, there were no roads in the world. As more people walked, roads naturally appeared.

Soon, a wide mountain road appeared on the hills, leading all the way to the city wall.

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