The game of Planet Guardian mainly relies on strategy to win, because there must be one enemy with the same strength as the player. Directly joining the battlefield will not change anything. If Li Weiyi wants to suppress all enemies with strength, it is impossible here. Li Weiyi looked at the map, which had a detailed distribution of the combat power of both sides and marked the important strongholds of both sides. "Senior Fan, you have studied tactics in depth. How do you think we can break the situation?" Li Weiyi asked. Tactics have never been his strong point. "In my opinion, if we want to break the situation, the key is to destroy their energy base. The most important thing about technological weapons is energy. Without energy, they are just super soldiers. In terms of individual strength, they can never compare with us." Fan Shengxia analyzed. Everyone nodded. This was indeed a solution, but it was also very difficult. The energy base was the most important place for the other party. It was heavily guarded and located inside the enemy. It was absolutely difficult to break through the enemy's line and enter the interior to destroy the energy base.

Fan Shengxia looked at the map carefully. There were three energy bases. He carefully analyzed the battle situation and found the base that was easiest to break through.

Li Weiyi and the others fell silent, not interrupting Fan Shengxia's calculations.

"The base in the south." Fan Shengxia pointed to a base and said.

"What do you mean?" The commander here asked. The commander would cooperate with these players, but there must be enough reasons for him to believe, otherwise he would refuse.

"Because only in the battlefield in the south can we set up a game and attract the power of their base." Fan Shengxia's eyes showed a gleam of wisdom. Being a civilian was painful for him, but fighting was his specialty.

"Look here..." Fan Shengxia began to talk about his battle plan.

Everyone was listening carefully. They didn't understand the tactics very well, but their execution was absolutely great.

The commander was in deep thought, with hesitation, determination, worry and other expressions in his eyes, but in the end they all turned into determination. He knew that if he didn't fight now, he would only be slowly eroded by the enemy.

"Okay, I will cooperate with you, and I hope you can live up to expectations." The commander said seriously.

"I will live up to expectations!" Li Weiyi and the others all saluted in response.

The five people were waiting in the barracks, and they didn't need to participate in the early stage of this plan.

Fan Shengxia's plan was to lure the snake out of the hole, focus on building the second line of defense in the south, and then deliberately expose the flaws in the first line of defense to let the Silver Star Clan break it. Seeing the possibility of breaking the human race's defense line, they would most likely not be able to help but send reinforcements from the energy base to solve the human race once and for all.

After the other side reinforced its troops, Li Weiyi and the others found an opportunity to cross the other side's defense line, and then killed into the other side's energy base and destroyed the energy base.

The plan looks simple, but it is difficult to implement in practice. It can be said to be risky. If the first line of defense collapses too quickly and the second line of defense is not established in time, the gate to the south of the city will be completely opened. At that time, the Silver Star Clan will rush straight to the core of the city, and the human race will only have a crushing defeat.

If the acting is not good, it is possible that the Silver Star Clan will not be fooled and play it safe. Anyway, they have a greater chance of winning and there is no need to take risks.

Moreover, even if the early stage develops according to Fan Shengxia's expectations, it will be extremely difficult for Li Weiyi and the other five to cross the battlefield and go deep into the interior of the Silver Star Clan to carry out operations. If they are not careful, they will be attacked from all sides and even have little chance of escape.

But this is the best way they can think of at present. To win, they must destroy their energy base.

On the first and second days, Li Weiyi and the others were listening to the intelligence from the front line in the military camp. Everything was going according to plan. After the human race sold out the flaws in the southern battlefield, the Silver Star Clan could not help but send reinforcements from the rear. At this time, the power of the southern energy base was reduced by half.

Li Weiyi and his team also set out. They only had three days. If they failed within three days, the human race would lose because energy, food, and medicine would all be exhausted.

Li Weiyi and his team flew high into the sky. Li Weiyi used his mental power to distort the air. They disappeared in the sky. Even without the power of the King of Martial Arts, they could not be found.

Li Weiyi also set up a mental barrier. Even if the people of the Silver Star Clan used a mental detector, it would be difficult to find them.

They went all the way to the south. The speed was not too fast. After all, they had to hide.

Many lasers shot up from the ground and penetrated into the sky. This was the laser cannon of the human race attacking the flying saucer of the Silver Star Clan. After being dodged, it shot into the sky.


Weiyi was dodging these lasers. If he was touched, he would be exposed.

Waves after waves scanned the entire sky. This was the detection method of both sides, preventing the other side from lurking inside.

Li Weiyi responded carefully, hiding his life breath, temperature, soul fluctuations, and blood fluctuations to avoid the detection of the Silver Star Clan.

Finally, he crossed the chaotic front line and entered the buffer zone. This was a broken land. The human race's defense line was once built here. At the beginning, the continuous war destroyed this place completely.

The fragmented land was full of gullies and deep pits. There was no trace of vegetation. The laser had destroyed the soil here. It was unknown how many years it would take to restore vitality.

In the buffer zone, you can see spires. This is a weapon of the Silver Star Clan that combines detection and automatic attack. Waves of fluctuations spread out from the spires. As long as any abnormality is detected, they will face their collective attack. Even if a martial master's trace is identified, it is difficult to escape.

Li Weiyi is also strong in hiding. This kind of spire did not detect their whereabouts.

After crossing the buffer zone, we came to the territory of the Silver Star Clan. This is a big city, far more prosperous than the human city.

The Silver Star Clan is on the technological side. Their city is more sci-fi than the human city. They make full use of space. There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and there are dazzling technological products. There is an endless stream of flying cars traveling through the city. There is no need for drivers. It is completely handled by automatic driving. The safety factor is particularly high because the transportation tools are unified and coordinated by an intelligent brain.

There are four towers up to a thousand meters high around the city. These are city defense towers. They have more advanced and comprehensive detection and attack capabilities. Even if the King of Martial Arts is not proficient in the way of concealment, he will be detected and then face a powerful attack.

And when sensing a powerful external attack, the four defense towers will support the energy shield covering the entire city to block the attack of the King of Martial Arts.

Li Weiyi's speed of advancement is even slower. The dense waves sweep the sky. Li Weiyi is highly focused and will respond immediately if he is discovered.

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