The price of a fake ID was too high.

Li Weiyi used his smart brain to dial the number he had written down and asked about the price of a fake ID. The answer he got was like a bucket of cold water poured over his head. 5,000 yuan was a huge sum of money for Li Weiyi, who only had 100 yuan.

"There are only two days left. Where can I find 4,900 yuan?" Li Weiyi was upset. Various thoughts flashed through his mind, but he denied them all.

There are jobs that can earn 4,900 yuan a night, such as robbing, but it will increase the risk of exposure.

It was already dark at this time. Li Weiyi was walking on the road. The highly developed city was brightly lit, and it was difficult to find even a dark place.

Li Weiyi raised his head slightly and saw surveillance cameras everywhere. As long as he had any abnormal behavior, he would be discovered at the first time.


A roar came from above, and a luxury car quickly passed over his head, then braked suddenly and stopped in front of a bar not far away.

A male Silver Star member hugged a female Silver Star member and walked down, then walked into the bar.

Looking at the many luxury cars at the door of the bar, Li Weiyi's eyes moved, there were many rich people inside.

He also walked towards the bar, and at this time there was a manic music coming from inside, which made people's heartbeats skip a beat unconsciously.

The security did not refuse Li Weiyi because he was dressed ordinary, and the visitor was a guest.

Going inside, the rotating colored lights reflected mottled light spots on people's faces. One by one, the Silver Star members were twisting their bodies to the music. There were many exposed Silver Star members dancing sexy dances, although Li Weiyi could not appreciate them.

Li Weiyi came to the dance floor and began to learn to dance, while his eyes were turning, looking for the target.

He did not plan to take action here, but waited for the right time.

He turned his eyes to the private rooms. Those who booked the private rooms must have a lot of money, and the hotel's private rooms are very soundproof. Even if something happens inside, it will not attract the attention of people outside.

Li Weiyi found the Silver Star tribe member who just drove the luxury car. He was still dancing with his female partner. It looked like he would dance for a while.

"Tsk tsk, it's worth it to see Li Shen dance."

"Before, I thought Li Shen was perfect, but today when I saw him dancing, I found his imperfections."

"Dancing is my strength and Li Shen's weakness, so I am better than Li Shen!"

Outside, the audience showed more playful eyes. Many of them chose to record the screen so that they could replay it when they had nothing to do. Watching Li Weiyi dance was a very stress-relieving thing for them.

After dancing for more than half an hour, Li Weiyi finally saw the two Silver Star tribe members leave the dance floor, walk to the door of a private room, and then push the door and walk in. Seeing their flushed faces, Li Weiyi also guessed what they were going to do inside.

In order to avoid seeing the scenes that are not suitable for children, Li Weiyi chose to walk up immediately. He held the door handle and found that the door was locked. He could only knock on the door.

The door was quickly opened, and the disheveled male Silver Star tribe member opened the door with an angry look on his face. Who wouldn't be angry when a good thing was ruined?

"What are you doing?" the Silver Star tribe member questioned.

"Man, I have something good. Do you want it?" Li Weiyi patted his pocket and showed a look that all men understand.

The Silver Star tribe member's face eased. He did need it. He was too deficient in his body. He felt much worse without the help of medicine.

He welcomed Li Weiyi in, closed the door, and Li Weiyi reached into his pocket and took it out.

Just when the Silver Star tribe member was looking forward to it, he saw that Li Weiyi opened his hand and there was nothing. There was anger in his eyes. How dare someone tease him?

Just as a wave of spiritual fluctuations swept out, the two Silver Star tribesmen fainted instantly. Li Weiyi searched the male Silver Star tribesman's body and took out his wallet. There was indeed a thick stack of money in it. Without counting, it was known that there were more than five thousand.

Li Weiyi walked out, closed the door, and left the bar.

He called the number again and came to the place provided by the other party. The other party asked Li Weiyi what name he wanted to take, and then took a photo of Li Weiyi and asked him to come here to get his ID card tomorrow afternoon.

After paying half of the deposit, Li Weiyi left. He successfully got his ID card the next afternoon, and then went to the conscription office without stopping.

The process was very smooth. In the case of a shortage of soldiers, Li Weiyi was quickly recruited.

When he was recruited into the army, he applied for the Air Force. With the physical condition that Li Weiyi showed, he was able to start flying saucer training immediately.

The flying saucers were all in the energy base. Li Weiyi applied for the Southern Corps, so he was taken to the Southern Energy Base. There was one last step before entering, which was to pass the life test.

The newly recruited recruits lined up and moved forward, and a defense tower in the base shot a beam of light that fell on the ground. All the recruits walked through the beam of light. This beam of light was the detection method, and even the King of Martial Arts could not hide it.

Li Weiyi was in the back. As the team continued to move forward, he inevitably became nervous and was not sure whether he could pass this high-intensity test.

The beam of light was not far from the energy shield. For every person who passed the test, the energy shield would open a gap to allow them to enter in an orderly manner.

Li Weiyi looked at the gap that kept opening and had an idea in his mind. He could not put all his hopes on passing the test. If there was any abnormality, he would rush to the gap at the fastest speed.

The shoelaces on his shoes were untied by his mental power. Finally, it was his turn. He came to the light column, and then found that his shoelaces had fallen off. He quickly said sorry and tied his shoelaces. When the person in front walked to the energy shield, he walked into the light column.

The powerful detection wave shone on Li Weiyi, and he felt that the secrets of his body were being quickly analyzed by the light column.

"I can't hide it!" Li Weiyi had a premonition in his heart. At this time, the Silver Star tribe member in front of him had half of his body entered the gap. Li Weiyi burst out instantly and squeezed into the gap.

"Woo woo woo!"

The whole base sounded a warning, and all the flying saucers operating in the sky instantly entered a state of war, and then the energy shield was also opened, and the flying saucers on the ground were all automatically opened.

The four defense towers instantly locked onto Li Weiyi who entered the energy base, and the light of the spire gathered. In the next breath, Li Weiyi would face a violent storm-like attack.

Li Weiyi's mind moved, and Li Ai and others who were staying in his blood palace were all thrown far away by him.

"Kill!" Li Weiyi shouted loudly, and the martial arts that Li Ai and the others had prepared burst out directly, destroying a large number of flying saucers.

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