The waves were so high that they doubled.

And the height of the waves had doubled by now. On the second day, the height of the waves had reached 20 meters, which was almost the height of a seven-story building. It was endless and looked so thrilling.

Every impact was equivalent to blocking the attack of a first-grade martial king for the martial king. The attack of a first-grade martial king had an interval, but this huge wave did not, one wave after another, endless.

After another day, the height of the waves reached 60 meters, and the power of the waves increased by more than ten times. Some first-grade martial kings could no longer withstand it. They would be injured every time they were impacted. In this case, it was only a matter of time before the mystery barrier was broken.

The defense line is facing collapse. Many people dare not imagine the scene after the collapse. It must be a devastating blow. The engulfment of coastal cities is a foregone conclusion.

"Bug Mother, start!"

Li Weiyi sent a message to the Bug Mother. They had considered this situation before.


The Bug Mother replied, and then the sky above the coastal cities was covered with Zergs.

These Zergs are about the same size as heavy trucks. These are bombing bugs. The eggs in their stomachs are insect bombs, and the explosion power is amazing.

These Zergs go deep into the sea, and then their stomachs crack open, and insect bombs fall from the sky and land on the sea.

Then there are continuous explosions, and the layers of waves are destroyed by bombs. The reason for doing so is to destroy the continuity of the waves and greatly block the power of the waves.

Batches of bombing bugs throw the insect bombs in their stomachs, and the continuous huge waves are broken by the explosion. The martial kings guarding the coast finally feel the pressure is relieved, and the faces of those first-grade martial kings finally look slightly better. They are about to fail.

Bottles of super potions were poured into their mouths to restore the blood and qi in their bodies.

Another day passed, and the height of the waves had reached 80 meters. At a glance, it seemed as if endless mountains were crashing into the coast.

The power of the waves increased tenfold again. At this time, even if there were insect bombs to destroy the continuity of the waves, the power of the waves still exceeded the tolerance of the first-grade martial king.

In Ninghang City, Ye Xing's father, the Gun King, was pale at this time. The overload of blood and mental power made him overwhelmed. Even if there were more super potions, his absorption ability could not keep up.

He was a first-grade martial king. For hundreds of millions of people, he was powerful and could destroy a city with one blow. The martial king was synonymous with omnipotence.

But in the face of this disaster that affected the entire federation, the martial king could only sigh at his insignificance.

And now, after such a long time of blocking the waves, his body has been overdrawn and he began to be unable to do it.

The waves were still hitting, and the gun king felt dizzy. He knew he couldn't hold on any longer.

He pressed the rescue button in his hand. He didn't know who else could come to support him. Now all the martial kings of the federation were dispatched, but he was not the only one facing collapse. He was gloomy at this moment. This prosperous coastal city might no longer exist in a day.

In the roar of the waves, a crisp sound hardly attracted people's attention, but this sound was no less than thunder bombing in the ears of the gun king. This was the mystery barrier breaking, and he was no longer able to support it.

"Hold on for me." The gun king bit his tongue, trying to use the pain to wake up his brain, which was close to coma, but it didn't work. A good cook can't cook without rice. He now had very little blood and energy left in his body. He could only watch desperately as the mystery barrier broke quickly, and seawater had already flowed in from the cracks.

The beach was quickly flooded by the sea, and it spread across the beach to the road.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

Just when he was desperate, the sound of the air vibrating rapidly came from behind him. He turned his head and saw a group of Zergs as big as small mountains flying here.

This is a meat shield worm, which plays the role of a meat shield on the battlefield, responsible for resisting the enemy's attack and building a solid fortress for other Zergs.

After receiving the request for help from the Gun King, Li Weiyi ordered all the meat shield worms waiting behind Ninghang City to set off and provide support.

The meat shield worms fell from mid-air and landed on the ground, and then their insect feet dug deep into the earth, becoming the first front line to block the tsunami.

One by one, the meat shield worms fell along the coastline. From a distance, it looked like a mountain peak rising along the coastline. The meat shield worms were as high as a hundred meters. It was said to be small.

Mountain is not an exaggeration.

The ultimate barrier was completely destroyed by the huge waves, and the sea water poured in, then hit the meat shield worms, making a thunderous roar.

Wave after wave of waves hit the meat shield worms, but the meat shield worms were like reefs, firmly fixed on the coast, allowing the huge waves to hit them, and they remained motionless.

The desperate look of the gun king showed a glimmer of hope. He took the time to recover himself. He knew that the meat shield worms could not withstand the impact of the waves for a long time. The endless huge waves were not something that these big worms could completely block. When their strength was exhausted, they would be ruthlessly washed away by the huge waves.

Not only the gun king, but also many other cities guarded by the first-grade martial kings also saw the same scene. One by one, the meat shield worms turned into reefs and stood on the seashore to block the impact of the waves.

Although they could not completely block the waves, the impact of the waves was greatly reduced by them. When they rushed to the back, the destructive power was greatly reduced, at least giving others time to react.

Half a day later, the Gun King had recovered a lot. Looking at the shaky meat shield worm, he knew it was time for him to stand up again.


With a roar, a meat shield worm was washed back by the waves. It had lost all its strength, and its weight alone could not stop the powerful waves.

The height of the waves has now risen to more than 90 meters, almost catching up with their height.

The Gun King once again used the ultimate barrier to block the impact of the waves with these meat shield worms, but he didn't know if he could hold on to the end. The sky was still gloomy, and the waves were getting higher and higher. When would it end? He didn't know, he could only do his best.

All the warriors were doing their best. They didn't know whether they could completely block the waves in the end. To protect the Federation, they could only try their best, even if they had to sacrifice their lives.

The Deep Sea City guarded by Li Weiyi had not encountered the plight of the Gun King. His strength was too strong, and he could still withstand the impact of the huge waves today.

But he did not look relaxed. The waves were still rising and he did not know when they would stop. Human power was limited and he could only do his best.

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