The disaster caused more than 2 billion monsters to die, and the wasteland was littered with corpses, which was shocking.

Even though such a major event happened, the four monster kings still did not show up. The monsters were leaderless and simply stayed in their nests.

Just when the Federation was preparing to recuperate, a piece of news spread throughout the Federation, making all the people angry.

The five emperors of the sea clan came together and landed near the coast of Ninghang City. Their aura bloomed undisguisedly, and they were sensed by the war emperor thousands of miles away from the coast.

At this time, the four emperors of the human race were already standing on the beach. If the emperors of the sea clan wanted to land, they would not hesitate to take action.

"Whale Emperor, what do you five want to do by coming here together?" War Emperor shouted. Because of the last flood, War Emperor was already very angry with the sea clan. Now the other party looked like they were going to cause trouble, which aroused his anger.

If it weren't for the fact that the Federation was not suitable to start a war now, he would have wanted to teach them a lesson.

Even if the sea clan had five emperors and the human race had only four, he was not afraid at all. The number of human emperors was small, but the individual strength was stronger. In summary, the combat power of both sides was about the same.

"War Emperor, we came here with the will of the angry tide god." The Whale Emperor was a mutant killer whale with a body length of more than a kilometer and was also the strongest among the sea clan emperors.

"Just tell you what he wants. Why come to our territory?" War Emperor said in a deep voice. He was annoyed when he heard the angry tide god. The last flood was caused by the other party's resurrection.

"I came here because this will has something to do with you. The Wrath God announced that from today on, the area within 500 miles of the coast will be included in the territory of the Sea Clan. Everything here belongs to the Sea Clan, including humans and monsters. They are all private property of the Sea Clan." The Whale King relayed the will of the Wrath God.

"You are dreaming. We can't accept it!" The War Emperor's momentum rose, and his murderous intent was released without any concealment. He wanted to kill people now.

"War Emperor, this is the will of the gods. We are notifying you, not discussing with you. If you don't agree, we will launch a tsunami every day in the future!" The Whale King's tone also turned cold.

"Then fight, to the death!" Lord Sword King shouted in a deep voice. They would never accept the word "cede land". They would rather die in battle than become sinners for all eternity.

"Fight to the death!" The Barbarian Emperor's momentum also rose. As for the Sword Emperor, he had already unsheathed his long sword and pointed it at the Shark Emperor.

"Okay, okay, since you humans are so shameless, let's wait and see. Let's go." The Whale King took the lead and swam to the deep sea. The war had just started, and it was not their turn to fight.

When the nine emperors confronted each other, many people in the Federation were paying attention to this place, and the voices of the emperors were not hidden. Therefore, the news that the sea clan wanted to occupy the territory of the Federation spread quickly, and the whole Federation was extremely angry. The Angry Tide God had caused such a big flood before, which had deeply angered the people of the Federation. Now they even wanted to occupy their territory.

And not only did they want the territory, but they also wanted people. Isn't this bullying the honest people?

The mood of the whole Federation to ask for war was high. Even if they died together, they would never cede the land.

Li Weiyi also received this news, and his fists clenched. The sea clan dared to make trouble. Did they really think he would not kill people?

He came to the Temple of Dawn and reported the matter.

"God of Angry Tide, you are so arrogant. Don't worry, son of God. If God of Angry Tide makes a move, I will deal with it. If you dare to covet the human race, I will beat him back and make fish head soup!" The goddess of dawn said with majesty.

Hearing this, Li Weiyi was relieved. As long as there is someone to check and balance the gods, then they, the human race, will have nothing to fear.

The sea tribe really launched a war against the human race. On that day, many sea tribes began to swim to the coast. They started to drive the sea water together, and the sea water formed a tsunami again and invaded the coast.

Li Weiyi came to Deep Sea City again. This is an important economic city of the Federation. He received the task of guarding this city. He was responsible for commanding all the forces here, including the military, official personnel, and social warriors.

In the distance, the tsunami was launched again, but at the beginning, the sea beasts sent by the sea tribe were not strong. They were led by the great demon general. As for the demon king and the demon commander, they were responsible for command. They would not enter the war until it reached a certain level. As for the emperor, that was at the end of the war. They would enter the war and decide in one fell swoop.

Decide the outcome.

Looking at the waves more than 20 meters high rolling towards this place in the distance, Li Weiyi tapped the table with his fingers.

"Smart bug, order the bombing bug to go deep into the sea and start bombing!" Li Weiyi ordered.

"Yes, Second Master." The smart bug replied.

"Colonel Meng Yu, order the mecha division and fighter jets to start going into the sea to fight, and all city defense weapons to start operation. If the sea tribe dares to show up, bomb them hard." Li Weiyi said to the colonel under his command.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Li." The colonel shouted loudly, and then went out to issue orders.

Li Weiyi had been promoted to lieutenant general at this time. Just ten days ago, the four emperors decided to promote Li Weiyi to lieutenant general of the federation. On the one hand, Li Weiyi's strength was very strong, enough to make the top martial king like the White Tiger King helpless.

On the other hand, Li Weiyi's contribution to the federation cannot be ignored. Then the Sword Emperor proposed it, and the other three emperors unanimously approved it. Li Weiyi changed from a major general to a lieutenant general.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

The sound of flapping wings spread throughout the Deep Sea City. The sky above the Deep Sea City was covered with bombing bugs, and they went straight to the depths of the sea.

Then the military's racks and fighters also roared towards the deep sea.

Not long after, there was a violent roar from the sea, and huge waves exploded on the surface of the sea. It was the bombs exploding in the sea.

All the sea beasts hid at the bottom of the ocean, trying to avoid the bombing of missiles, but the technology of the Federation had been updated with the help of the Zerg. The laser shells broke through the sea water all the way and fell into the place where the sea beasts gathered before being detonated, causing great damage to the sea beasts.

The sea beasts were huge and had strong vitality. The life scanners of the mechas and fighters could easily scan them out, and then they were targeted for bombing.

As for the insect bombs dropped by the bombing bugs, they even had an automatic tracking function. With the help of the power of dark energy, the insect bombs quickly shot to the bottom of the sea. The tranquility of the sea was completely broken, and laser bombs and insect bombs that penetrated the sea could be seen everywhere.

Then, a series of explosions broke out in the depths of the sea, turning the sea upside down.

In terms of middle and lower-level forces, the Federation is not afraid of any party now, even if the number of sea tribes is large, they are not afraid at all.

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