Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 28 I will support your parents! Strange noises in the company reappear

After eating, Bai Yu thought about Zhang Youpeng and asked, "Captain, how do we usually arrange the evening? When do we get off work?"

"There are more emergencies at night, so we need to patrol. We are usually busy until eleven o'clock, and sometimes we choose to work all night. I picked you up yesterday, which is considered to be early off work. What's wrong? Do you have something to do?"

Bai Yu did not hide it and said directly, "I do have something to do. It's just that it's not confirmed now, so it's hard to say."

"Then remember to say it when you want to."

"I will. Maybe we can catch another big fish, and I also want to earn more contribution points."

Hearing this, Li Yunbin showed a barely noticeable smile at the corner of his mouth.

And Zhao Bin pushed his glasses, and his smile could not be concealed at all.

It feels so good to catch fish!

It would be best if I could go directly to the scoop net.

Bai Yu: Okay, I've become Aladdin's magic lamp. I can explode a monster and brush experience by rubbing it.

There is a short rest period before the night patrol.

Bai Yu opened WeChat and made a voice call to Zhang Youpeng.

"Hey, Brother Yu!"

"How are you doing?"

"Hehe~ I've been training hard. I feel full of strength now!"

"Well, I'll bring you some better supplements then."

"Thank you, Brother Yu!"

"By the way, what time do you plan to go home tonight? I want to ask, before I called you, what time did you think you would go home? Tell the truth."

Zhang Youpeng thought Bai Yu was testing his diligence.

He said seriously: "Around half past ten, and then I plan to walk back, which is just about the same as going home after work."

He has not told his parents about the extraordinary world yet. After all, he also thought that he would tell his parents after he had some strength, so that his parents would feel safe.

When Bai Yu heard this, he walked back! ?

It also happened to be followed and kidnapped.

"Well. Is there no one around you? I need to tell you something."

"I'm eating outside, there's not many people around me, Brother Yu, you tell me! If I can do it, I'll do my best."

"No, no, no, you have to go to the toilet or something, where there's no one."

Zhang Youpeng said without hesitation, "Okay."

After a while, he entered the restaurant bathroom.

"Hey, Brother Yu, you can tell me now."

"Well, on your way home tonight, a supernatural creature will attack you."

Zhang Youpeng was stunned, silent for a while, and asked calmly, "Brother Yu, what should I do?"

"Before half past ten, I will arrive at the gym entrance with the people in Group 7. However, the opponent is a supernatural creature with strong strength, so you must be careful!"

"Also, I don't know if the opponent has been staring at you all day, so you'd better pay attention to whether there are any abnormal people around you."

"Remember! After getting this news, you must also stay calm as much as possible, otherwise, the opponent may take action in advance, and then no one can save you."

Seeing Bai Yu so serious, Zhang Youpeng was a little nervous at the moment, and his forehead was sweating.

He thought the Bureau had found something.

At this moment, he tried to force himself to calm down.

"I know, Brother Yu."

"Well, if you find anything unusual, remember to send me a message. Remember, stay calm and don't be found to be unusual!"


In the bathroom.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Youpeng came out, looked at himself in the mirror on the sink, and found that his forehead was full of sweat.

After washing his face, he tried to calm down as much as possible.

'Now that we are in contact with the extraordinary world, if we want to live better, we must at least have courage! '

'I can do it! '

Thinking of this, he walked out of the bathroom, finished his meal quickly, and left the restaurant.

Not far from Zhang Youpeng's position, a man with a short haircut, wearing a summer short-sleeved shirt, and a tattoo on his right arm looked up.

'It's a pity that the key target got on the car of the Bureau of Investigation last night and missed it. '

'From the importance of the master, if he is caught, it is estimated that there will be a considerable bonus, and he can be free and easy again. '

'Now we can only catch such a small character. ’

On the other side.

Bai Yu took a deep breath: "It is better to catch a thief in one day than to guard against him for a thousand days."

"If my brother really dies, I will take care of your parents!"

Night falls, and the stars dim.

The hustle and bustle of the city gradually subsides, and evil is quietly bred in the darkness.

Bai Yu sits in the patrol car, looking at the flashing neon lights outside the window.

At this time, the communicator sounds.

"Attention, all patrol units, there is a report in the Light and Shadow Media Building, and it is suspected that a strange sound of waves is heard. Please ask the nearby team to rush to the scene of the crime."

Liu Feifei asked in confusion: "I remember that we went there once a few months ago. At that time, it was said to be a strange female crying sound. After inspection, it was found that it was caused by special spiritual power fluctuations. Why did it appear again this time?"

Zhao Bin analyzed: "The building is located in a spiritual energy crack. Maybe there have been some changes recently. It is recommended to go and have a look."

This kind of spiritual energy crack is the key to the revival of spiritual energy, and there are a lot of them.

There are hundreds of them in Tianhai City alone.

The spiritual energy crack in the Light and Shadow Media Building is only a medium one.

Li Yunbin also picked up the intercom and said, "Team 1 of Group 7 is 500 meters away from the crime scene and will accept the mission."

After that, the vehicle accelerated.

When Bai Yu heard this information, his heart moved.

This Light and Shadow Media Building is where he works. And he just happened to hear the rumor about this strange sound from Zhang Youpeng.

‘Psychic crack? ’

Light and Shadow Media Building.

He was away for a few days, but now he feels like he is in another world.

Maybe it’s because his status has changed too much.

Since it was checked once before and nothing serious happened, no other law enforcement officers and investigators came, and there was no cordon.

Bai Yu and others walked into the building in plain clothes. Immediately, the general manager who was in charge of operating the company and knew about the revival of spiritual energy contacted Bai Yu and others in person.

“This strange sound happened on the eighth floor, and the sound was much louder than before. Hundreds of people in our company searched for a long time, but nothing was found.”

“Let’s go upstairs and take a look.”

From the first floor to the seventh floor, it was still working normally.

When approaching the eighth floor, you can hear a lot of sounds in the corridor, which overwhelmed the sound of the waves.

But you can still distinguish the sound of ‘splashing’.

"Brothers, I'm afraid we won't be able to live stream normally tonight. The sound of the waves is really a bit loud, and I don't know who is playing a prank."

Bullet comments:

"Could it be a sound phenomenon similar to a mirage?"

"It sounds a bit like the sound of air flowing."

"But this is too regular, it's not normal."

"I remember the anchor also talked about this a few months ago, maybe it's really haunted!"

"I think it's possible too! I've discovered some strange things recently."

Anchor: "Haha, brothers, don't be superstitious. What's more, the sound of the waves this time is quite soothing to listen to. Maybe it's just a prank by someone."

Bai Yu was the first to come to the eighth floor. In his feeling, there was indeed a majestic spiritual energy echoing in the corridor.

It's just that the attribute is a bit cold and damp.

But when he passed the corner, he saw an acquaintance at first sight.

This acquaintance was live streaming with a selfie stick, and she also noticed Bai Yu, and asked excitedly: "Why are you back!?"

"Didn't you quit because you were scared? Could it be that you can't find a job now, so you came back shamelessly?"

Today is the last round of recommendations, so I will post one chapter in the evening, and the remaining chapter will be posted at 12 noon. I will continue to update twice a day at 12 noon.

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