Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 49 Whose footprints are they? Activate the scepter!

The scepter was quickly taken over. Professor Feng reached out to take it and carefully studied the black wooden scepter. After a brief inspection, he found nothing unusual.

As a Lei Xiu in the Spiritual Realm, he tried to inject the lightning spiritual energy in his body into the scepter.

I saw that the power of thunder was continuously poured into the black scepter, but no reaction was seen.

It's like a bottomless pit, absorbing everything.

"This thing is quite interesting!"

"But do you know how much energy this thing requires? My laboratory is not a small business. If it is too powerful and destroys this treasure, I will not be responsible."

Wang Wen must have known nothing about this and could only look at Bai Yu.

Bai Yu smiled and said: "Can something that can be destroyed be called a treasure?"

"Hey, what a loud tone! Did you learn it from your teacher?"

Bai Yu spread his hands helplessly and said mercilessly: "I'm just a member of the investigation team, not Professor Wang Wen's student. It was his old man who wanted to take me as his disciple, but I didn't agree. Now he calls me shameless For students. I have never seen such brazenness”

Before he finished speaking, Professor Wang stared back, and Bai Yu could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

I was wrong, but I won't change it.

As soon as Bai Yu said these words, the expressions on the two professor's students present were wonderful!

Professor Wang actually did this! ?

Can your own teacher do such a thing?

Thinking about it carefully, something seems wrong about the chat in the car.

Professor Feng was also stunned for a moment, and looked at Bai Yu and Wang Wen.

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Wang Wen's face, he knew that Bai Yu was not lying.

There is a story!

"Interesting! Haha, it's even more interesting! This place hasn't been this interesting for a long time."

Then the conversation changed to the main business: "But do you have an approximate estimate of this treasure? My laboratory was built with a cost of two billion, and the minimum power is thousands of kilowatt-hours. If it is not good, it will be destroyed." Lost."

"It probably requires hundreds of thousands of kilowatt-hours of electricity."

"Hundreds of thousands of degrees!?"

This time it was Professor Feng's turn to be shocked: "Do you have any idea about the amount of energy? Hundreds of thousands of kilowatt-hours of electricity is not a small amount."

"Yes, I just need this much."

But Professor Feng, standing in his field, certainly doesn’t think Bai Yu understands the meaning of hundreds of thousands of kilowatt hours of electricity!

Convert to a more exaggerated concept.

[500,000 kilowatt hours of electricity is equivalent to 1.83 million tons of water falling from a height of 100 meters! 】

How could this little scepter store such a huge amount of electrical energy?

At present, even if you step into the extraordinary world, it is rare to see something with this kind of energy density.

He didn't argue with Bai Yu, and just said: "Then let's open the minimum one first and test the water. If it's ruined, don't blame me."

After saying that, preparations began.

A large-scale laboratory like his requires careful preparation every time he conducts an experiment.

The students under Professor Feng and the guard team at the station were all busy.

Bai Yu also became busy and learned about the information about the laboratory.

In fact, I wanted to see if I could find something fishy among the staff, maybe I could.

Unfortunately, no abnormalities were found.

Seeing this, he took advantage of the opportunity and walked to the charred mud at the corner of the office building. He avoided people's sight and took out his mobile phone.

Use the satellite communication function to start editing text messages.

‘Professor Feng has developed a thunder gun, and recently, the laboratory has discovered traces of vampire transformers in nearby areas. When he just conducted the thunder gun experiment, he used this monster as a target. ’

'Besides, Professor Feng today.'

After sending the text message, Bai Yu also sent some photos of the personnel taken, thinking: Can the analysis team detect something fishy? For example, some people have abnormal facial features and are different from the original members. They may be disguised as vampires or something.

After the report, Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

I have to say, this kind of thing is a bit like being a thief, sweat breaks out from his forehead!

He turned around, walked to the corner, and looked around, but no one paid attention to him.

But just as he was about to leave, he looked down and saw footprints around the corner!

The footprints are incomplete because of small raised ravines in the land.

"Wait a minute!!! This is not my footprint! The angle of this footprint makes it look like it is looking at my back."

He couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine.

"Who is watching me behind my back? And he hasn't made a sound yet! This is not right."

Although they were very happy when chatting, this was an experimental site and he was obviously the sneaky type. When this person saw him, he had to react a little, right? In other words, was he secretly snitching behind his back?

"I acted a little carelessly this time."

If it were this attack, he would have failed because of himself.

He couldn't help but patted his face and started to have a headache.

This is the first time since he time traveled that he has been so agitated.

But after calming down and thinking about it, the person staring at him from behind, even the mole, may not think that he has noticed the plan in advance, right?

My place isn't too hidden, and it doesn't look like I'm sending a secret report.

In this attack, the enemy was dispatched in large numbers. Will the action be canceled just because of a small action? Probably not.

Professor Feng, Professor Wang Wen, and the upcoming Thunder Scepter are enough to lure them into action.

It’s already considered a conspiracy! Even if the opponent notices an abnormality, I'm afraid they will take action, but they will be more prepared.

"Take a picture of the footprints first to see if there is any dirt or something, and find that guy quickly."

"Of course, there is also a possibility that I am overthinking it, but someone just looked behind and went to tell on him."

"Just wait and see."

Walking into the crowd, Professor Wang Wen came over and whispered to Bai Yu: "What are you doing in the corner?"

Hearing this, Bai Yu's heart moved and said: "There is a secret mission in the group, it is not convenient to say. Professor, you must not mention it to others."

After speaking, he hurriedly asked: "It seems that someone went to that corner just now and secretly observed me. Did the professor see who it was?"

"I only noticed that you came out from there, and didn't see the previous situation. By the way, you came here for a secret mission? Why don't I believe it?"

"Professor Wang Wen can go back and ask Deputy Director Yang."

Hearing Deputy Director Yang, Wang Wen's suspicion was relieved.

Bai Yu thought to himself: 'If I had known, I would have taken my phone openly and sent a message. Walking to the corner, others may not care, but it is easy to attract the attention of the inner ghost. ’

If I can't correct it this time, I can only not make it again in the future.


During the more than one hour of arrangement, no one reported him.

No one was found who matched the footprints and mud.

The method of investigating the case by looking at the mud on the soles of other people's feet was useless.

It was not until about three o'clock in the afternoon that everything was ready, and the weather was also very good.

Bai Yu and others were in the control room building, quietly watching the scene outside.

The sky was covered by a huge black curtain with dark clouds.

Everyone in the laboratory was looking forward to the upcoming thunderstorm.

The first step, the barbed wire began to slowly release electricity.


A thunderbolt fell from the sky in an instant, like a long dragon, rushing into the venue.

The rain fell.

The thunder rumbled, and the lightning flashed.

As the thunder and lightning became more violent, a large number of arcs flashed in the entire test site.

This scene was extremely shocking!

Suddenly, another thick lightning bolt fell and poured directly into the scepter.

This was like a trigger.

The next moment, seven lightning bolts fell at the same time and poured into the scepter.

In the area surrounded by the wire mesh, the violent arcs turned into electric snakes, gathered towards the center, and poured into the scepter.

The power consumption figures on the side continued to rise.


This scepter seemed to have no reaction!

Professor Feng said in surprise: "Your scepter is really something!"

Soon, the power consumption became faster and faster, and the entire test site was covered in white, and the scene could not be seen clearly.

But according to data monitoring, there was indeed a large amount of lightning spiritual energy that disappeared inexplicably.

After a while, the power consumption jumped to 100,000, 120,000, 150,000, 200,000, and 300,000.

It can even be seen that the wire mesh was twisted and flickered.

Professor Feng frowned. He was a stubborn person. If his laboratory couldn't even fill up with such a thing, what was the point of playing with it!

Fortunately, when the power consumption reached 360,000 degrees, the Thunder Scepter finally responded.

It floated in the air, as if it was guiding the surrounding thunder power, like a monarch, making the violent lightning docile and orderly.

A large number of strange inscriptions also appeared in the air.

In the end, the power consumption was fixed at 469527 degrees!

Looking at the perfect scepter in the venue, Professor Feng was a little excited.

If it weren't for the thunder and lightning outside the building, he would have wanted to go out now, pick up the scepter, and try its power.

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