Zhang Xinyao shook her head lightly, also looked outside, not sure:

"My brother didn't say how long he would be in retreat, but it should be soon, right?"

Three days ago, after Li Qingshan explained that he was going to go up the mountain to retreat, he never showed up again.


A circle of red warning lines crossed the plank road, went deep into the dense forest, and blocked all the main roads up the mountain.

Zhu Hua sat bored on the steps of the plank road and teased the ants.

"Zhu Hua, I asked you to be on guard, are you playing with ants here?"

A squeak came,

Zhu Hua immediately stood up and stood up straight.

"Report captain, I have been guarding carefully!"


Zhu Hua's shoulders loosened and his face fell.

"Only these ants are going up the mountain now!"

Xin Menghan walked out of the forest and shook his head helplessly.

Three days ago, after Li Qingshan went to see Jin Kong, he went straight to the top of the mountain.

And several of their teams also received new tasks.

Guarding Jiguan Mountain, prohibiting anyone from going up the mountain, disturbing Li Qingshan's retreat.

Simply put, it is to keep the gate for Li Qingshan.

All the teams were very excited when they first received the mission.

After all, that was Li Qingshan!

But after getting excited,

They suddenly found that the task seemed too simple.

Because after the accident, no outsiders came to Jiguanshan at all.

Now, three days have passed, and the teams are all idle.

"¨〃Sister Han, it's been three days!"

Zhu Hua's tone changed, a trace of worry flashed across his face.

"You don't eat or drink, do you think Li Qingshan has fainted from hunger?"


Xin Menghan slapped Zhu Hua's head with a slap, and said in a bad mood:

"Just know to eat!"

"People are in retreat!"

"What about the retreat, you have to eat in the retreat!"

Zhu Hua refused to accept the rebuttal,

Xin Menghan was speechless.

After all, in the cognition of low-level warriors, there is no concept of retreat at all.

"Don't worry! I'm not starving to death yet."

Gentle words suddenly sounded in my mind,

Zhu Hua and Xin Menghan were taken aback at the same time and looked at each other.

"You heard that too?"

The two spoke in unison, and their eyes gradually widened.

"Don't be stunned, hurry to the viewing platform, and you will benefit later."

Wen's laughter sounded again,

The two looked at each other and nodded silently.

It's not really a hallucination.

"Sister Han, what should I do?" Zhu Hua's voice was dry.

This magical means is too scary.

"Listening to Li Qingshan, there's no harm!"

Xin Menghan was decisive, kicked his feet, and rushed up the mountain.

"Sister, wait for me!"

Zhu Hua yelled anxiously and hurriedly chased after him.

at the same time,

Li Tao, Wei Feng, Zhu Qi,

All the warriors guarding the mountainside were disturbed,

Immediately, he turned around and rushed to the top of the mountain.

Chapter XNUMX Promotion!

mountain top,

Behind the viewing platform, the top of the mountain.

Li Qingshan sat cross-legged on the boulder, his eyes moving slightly.

"Is this the consciousness?"

Divine consciousness is not like the spiritual power of martial arts, nor does it have the ability to move objects in the air.

It is pure perception sublimation, thought sublimation.

Mysterious and mysterious.

At this moment, as long as Li Qingshan is willing.

From the top of the mountain to the mountainside, he can "see" all the places he wants to see.

Notifying many warriors just now was also the result of "moving thoughts".

"Help me keep the customs for three days, and I'll give you some goodies!"

Li Qingshan smiled slightly,

When they reached the eighth level of Qi Refining, the spiritual energy gathered, benefiting many tourists.

Now promoted to Foundation Establishment,

Staying around him, the benefits are naturally indispensable.

Turning the hand, the jade box appeared in the palm.

The jade box was opened, and the exquisite foundation building pill lay quietly in the box.

Li Qingshan took a deep breath and looked solemn.

After half a month of seclusion, Qi refining is complete.

Gathering consciousness is only the first step.

Foundation building has only just begun.

The foundation of Dao is created, and the real gas is liquefied into real yuan.

The aura needed in this can be described as massive.

Originally, only Qinghui Realm had enough spiritual energy.

However, the emergence of Ji 543 Guanshan space channel has changed the situation.

Now not only the amount of aura is enough, but the activity is even better.

"Foundation, start!"

Li Qingshan flicked his right hand, and the peerless foundation building pill was thrown into his mouth.

Ka Ka Ka!

At the moment of entrance, the medicinal pill was directly split into countless tiny fragments.

Each fragment carries a special aura and disappears into an unknown depth within the body.

There is a legend that there is the root of the spirit.

However, in the XNUMX-year history of the Qinghui world, no one has thoroughly explored the root of the spirit.

All the pill fragments disappeared,

Calm is restored in the body, and nothing seems to have changed.

Li Qingshan was neither impatient nor impatient, and slowly started the "Qi Refining Technique".

It is different from the tidal wave of spiritual energy when cultivating in the past.

Only the breeze is blowing now,

A small amount of aura lingered around, unable to get in.

Refinement is complete,

His dantian has long been filled with infuriating energy.


A wisp of gentleness slowly emerged in the depths of my mind.

"This is my way?"

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