Li Qingshan remembered the goal he had set for himself when he was in the library.

Now, it's still a long way off.

But he was getting closer.

"Building foundations and cultivating vitality is the process of accumulating spiritual energy."

"Let's lay a solid foundation for the Golden Core Realm first!"

Li Qingshan restrained his mind and immersed his spiritual consciousness into the "Foundation Chapter".

The real essence in the body begins to change little by little

Blue Star, early morning.

After Li Qingshan opened his eyes, he walked out of the room as soon as possible, and received all the salutes in the living room into the ring.

Only two lonely suitcases were left.

After finishing, he sat back on the sofa and his spiritual consciousness sank into his body.


The real essence in the body has been transformed into the unique real essence of the "Longevity Canon".

However, practice varies from person to person, and each disciple's true essence is different.

Such as Lu Zhenren's pitch-black yin, Yin Han's icy coldness

And Li Qingshan's true essence perfectly embodies the four characters.

Zhongzheng and peace!

Peace of mind does not mean mediocrity.

In the dantian, the gray real essence slowly flowed.

Low-key, restrained.

But when the spiritual sense penetrates into it, one can feel the terrifying power contained in it.

Li Qingshan took back his spiritual knowledge and thought about his future cultivation plan.

"Building foundations and cultivating Yuan requires too much spiritual energy."

"But Bincheng's medium-sized space channel should be able to supply it."

"There is also a monster pill!"

"Bincheng is the provincial capital, so you should be able to buy the materials for 'Dragon Tiger Dan'."

Martial artist, the fourth-order refines the internal organs, and the fifth-order refines the flesh and blood meridians.

"Dragon Tiger Pill" is the most suitable elixir for fifth-order warriors.

However, the materials required for its refining involve two kinds of Tier XNUMX top monsters, which cannot be bought in Linxi City.

During this time, Li Qingshan had been preparing to build the foundation, so it was delayed.

"By the way, not only the medicinal pills, but also the practice of refining the flesh and blood meridians!"

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up,

He is now a true martial arts genius.

Completely two-pronged.

"Brother, so early?"

Zhang Xinyao walked out of the room sleepily.

After seeing the empty living room, he was stunned for a moment, and then screamed.

"Brother, has our house been robbed?"

"Which thief will miss your pots and pans?"

Li Qingshan got up with a smile and rubbed his sister's head.

"Don't worry, they're already on their way."

"Go wash up, it's time to go to the high-speed rail station."

"Why didn't you hear anything?"

Zhang Xinyao muttered in confusion, turned and walked to the bathroom.


Ding Ding Ding ~!

the bell rings,

Zhang Xinyao took out her mobile phone and connected the call.

"543 Hello, Caishan?"

"Yes, didn't I say to leave this morning?"

"What time? You're not coming to see me, are you? No need."

"Okay, okay, the train at 9:XNUMX."


hang up the phone,

Zhang Xinyao shook her head helplessly and walked into the bathroom.

After half an hour,

After cleaning up, the siblings walked out of the room.

Zhang Xinyao stroked the rusted security door and said sadly:

"Brother, I'm really leaving."

"Don't worry, this house will always be here, and we can come back to see it later."

"Besides, the master also wants to go with us."

Li Qingshan stroked his sister's head lightly and raised the suitcase in front of him.

It contains the portrait of Master Zhang Song.

"As long as we're together, wherever we go, it's home."


The security door is slowly pushed,

The figures of Li Qingshan's siblings gradually disappeared outside the door.


a soft sound,

The door is closed.

The sound of footsteps came from the corridor outside the door,

Going farther and farther, it gradually dissipated.

Empty room, back to silence.

Chapter XNUMX Peer

outside the train station,

A taxi stopped slowly.

Li Qingshan and Zhang Xinyao got off the bus one after another and took out the salute.

"Thank you master."

Beep beep!

A series of horns came from behind.

"Hurry up!"

The driver stuck his head out and cursed at the back.

Then he smiled embarrassedly at the siblings and drove away.


A black luxury car came to a sudden stop.

The door opened, and a middle-aged man in a suit stepped out of the car with a briefcase.

Passing proudly in front of the brothers and sisters.

Zhang Xinyao frowned,

"Brother, I think he's targeting us."

"Why don't I go and clean him up and ask him to apologize?"

The corners of Li Qingshan's mouth twitched, revealing a playful smile.

"Well, that's not really."

Zhang Xinyao stagnates for a while, then reacts and says:

"Brother, you are kidding me again!"

"Okay, let's go in!"

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, pushed the salute, and walked to the front.

After the two entered the hall, they walked straight to the VIP lounge.

Now that there is no shortage of money, Li Qingshan naturally bought a business seat.

Unfortunately, the man in the suit just now also went to the VIP room.

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