In time for 1.3, I took out my mobile phone and pressed it frantically.

When the three of Li Qingshan walked to the hall,




Mobile phone beeps kept ringing in the hall.

The warriors took out their mobile phones one after another to check the information.

Then he suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Qingshan.

Block the beast tide alone!

Li Qingshan's name has already spread throughout the entire Wushu Association!

in less than a moment,

Li Qingshan, who had been ignored just now, immediately became the focus of attention.

"Brother, why are they looking at me?"

Zhang Xinyao shrank her neck.

"Look how beautiful you are!"

Li Qingshan smiled and patted his sister's shoulder,

Of course he knew what was going on, but he didn't need to pay attention.

"Let's go and see the new house first."

The three walked out of the main building of the association again, and the off-road vehicle sped away.

Chapter XNUMX Who dares not give me face?


A dark blue pickup stopped in front of the main building.

A tough middle-aged man jumped out of the car and rushed into the hall with great interest.

"I wish the director!"

The warriors along the road took the initiative to say hello.

The visitor is also one of the directors of the Wushu Association.

A sixth-order warrior, Zhu Yuande.

Zhu Yuande nodded in response all the way, without stopping, he walked quickly towards the stairs.

After a while, Zhu Yuande's figure disappeared.

In the hall, many warriors looked at each other with strange expressions.

Finally, someone couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

"Is Director Zhu going to change residences?"

"Nonsense, the director of that residence has been staring at the first half of the year."

"Why did Li Qingshan choose it?"

"What can't you choose? As long as the flag is planted, there is no owner."

"That being said, Director Zhu's face is not good."

"Don't forget, Li Qingshan was ordered by the Marquis himself!"

"That's right, in front of Lord Hou, no face is worth it."

On the second floor, in the registration office.

"I wish the director!" The staff greeted with embarrassment.

However, Zhu Yuande didn't notice it, and went directly to the sand table excitedly.

Come to the sand table,

Zhu Yuande bent his knees slightly, squatted at 25, and looked around Shengu with a smile.

But soon, his smile stopped, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, stretched his head forward, and observed carefully.

"Xiao Zhou, isn't the sand table ready today?"

Zhu Yuande had to speak,

Because the flag he was thinking about was not there at all!


Xiao Zhou picked up the small flag on the desk and said carefully:

"Director wish, that residence has been registered."


Zhu Yuande's eyes widened, staring at the little red flag in Xiao Zhou's hand.

"Didn't I ask you to stay for me?"

"Director wish, after all these residences are unowned." Xiao Zhou looked embarrassed.

"Didn't I ask you to tell me my name and stop me?"

Zhu Yuande was furious, walked directly to the desk, and picked up the register.

"I want to see, who dares not give me face?"

The voice stopped abruptly,

Zhu Yuande opened his mouth wide and stared at a name on the booklet.

【Li Qingshan】

Zhu Yuande turned his head stiffly and looked at Xiao Zhou.

"Li Qingshan is here?"

Xiao Zhou nodded silently and explained:

"Master Hou, actually Li Qingshan doesn't know."

"Needless to say."

Zhu Yuande put down the register, walked back to the sand table, and picked up a flag.

"I'm about to be here, register!"

"I wish the director this is?"

Xiao Zhou looked puzzled,

This residence is what Zhang Xinyao just gave up,

Next to Li Qingshan and the others.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhou's face became bitter, and he consoled:

"I wish the director, why bother with Li Qingshan"

"Who said I was going to have trouble with him?"

Zhu Yuande interrupted with a wave of his hand and smiled.

"This is the arrogance of our Lin Province, and I want to be neighbors with him."

It took less than ten seconds to go from a face full of anger to a full smile.

Such a face-changing stunt directly stunned Xiao Zhou.

"Okay, hurry up and register!"

Zhu Yuande waved his hand impatiently, turned and walked out of the office.

He's not stupid,

Li Qingshan alone blocked the tide of beasts and made outstanding contributions.

He himself is the representative of Lin Province at this year's Martial Arts Conference.

In addition to the previous orders of the Marquis Jingshan.

As long as his brain is not sick, he will choose to make friends!

come to the hall,

All the warriors turned their attention to it.

At this time, Zhu Yuande noticed.

Many people look forward to it, as if watching a play.

"Want to see my jokes?"

Zhu Yuande raised his head in disdain, carried his hands on his back, and walked out of the hall.

deep in the canyon,

The black off-road vehicle drives slowly.

As the vehicle moved forward, both sides were gradually wrapped by cliffs.

The pungent smell of blood began to fill the air.

Zhang Xinyao wrinkled her nose unconsciously.

"Aren't you used to it?"

Jiang Chengzhou smiled and said:

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