"Come in!" Li Qingshan said indifferently.

In a few months,

Zhong Ningyu has given up disguise, but her relationship with Zhang Xinyao is better.

I often go to his house for dinner.

Zhong Ningyu walked into the elevator, hesitated for a while, and said:

"The opponent's first place, Su Haoyu, is already a sixth-order warrior with 15 combat power."

"Sixth-order warrior, 15 combat power?" Li Qingshan nodded lightly,

"It's amazing."

He is only at the top of the fifth order,

Su Haoyu can reach the sixth rank of martial arts, he is considered a true martial arts genius.

Of course, the cultivation time of the two is definitely incomparable.


Zhong Ningyu was dissatisfied with being dismissed by a few words.

Pretty awesome?

Can this be beaten or not?

The elevator has been quiet,

She tried to speak again.

"Then are you sure?"

"Yes." Li Qingshan's expression did not change at all.

Pure Martial Dao cultivation is indeed lower than Su Haoyu.

But his foundation-building later stage cultivation base is not a decoration.

Even if the flying sword is not "nameless",

Martial arts and true essence alone are enough to crush most sixth-orders.

The sixth-order combat power ranges from 9 to 1,

15 is just getting started!

Seeing that Li Qingshan gave the answer without thinking,

Zhong Ningyu closed her mouth contentedly,

Eyes are even more bright.

She and Li Qingshan have the same "innate ability",

The stronger Li Qingshan is, the wider her future will be!

The next day, in the morning.

A mighty convoy drove into the gate of the Wushu Association.

The first one was a black commercial vehicle, followed by several small trucks.

All the banners were pulled up on the front of the car,

"Congratulations to Su Haoyu, the top martial artist of Lin Sheng!"

There was a band in the car, beating gongs and drums.

After the pickup, there were also many reporters' convoys.

They are all major media who have received invitations from Shengtian Martial Arts Academy.

The team beat gongs and drums all the way and stopped in front of the main building of the Wushu Association.

As soon as the car stopped, more than a dozen reporters could not wait to get out of the car and wait in front of the black commercial car.


door open,

Yu Feibai got off the bus first, followed by a handsome young man with star-shaped eyebrows.

"Su Haoyu!"

The reporters screamed, and the camera frantically pressed the shutter.

The flash keeps coming on.

Su Haoyu seemed to have long been used to this kind of scene, he smiled and waved calmly.

The short steps in front of the main building,

It was the feeling that made him walk out of the red carpet.

Jiang Chengzhou was already waiting in front of the door, and said with a dark face:

"Master Yu, is it too much!"

Due to the existence of exempted candidates,

It has always been the first place in the selection of places to be eligible to be called the champion of martial arts.

Yu Feibai not only pulled up the banner in advance today, but also invited so many media.

It is clearly to show off the prestige of Shengtian Martial Arts Hall.

"Director Jiang, where are you talking?"

Yu Feibai shook his head gently and smiled.

"This is propaganda for our Lin Shengwu champion."

Jiang Chengzhou's face stinks even more.

"It's too early to say that now?"

"is it?"

Yu Feibai seemed to be smiling but not smiling,

"Has the martial arts association prepared the venue?"

"I'll wait and see."

"Hey, let's go!"

Jiang Chengzhou said no more and turned to lead the way.

Yu Feibai, Su Haoyu and nine other martial arts disciples, plus a large group of reporters,

A group of people marched mightily to the depths of the martial arts hall.

Chapter XNUMX Confrontation!

In the deepest part of the main building, in a large venue.

In the center of the venue is a huge arena with a side length of XNUMX meters.

The entire arena is gray and white, made of special stone, which is extremely sturdy.

The arena is full of chairs on both sides.

At this time, the chair on the front side was full.

Li Qingshan sat in the center, and Zhang Xinyao stood behind him.

On both sides are Zhong Ningyu and other students participating in the special training class.

On the steps behind them, there are a few more chairs.

The Marquis of Jingshan sits in the first place,

On the right is Zhu Yuande, and on the left is Vice President Jiang Yunxiu.

Jiang Yunxiu also stood behind - a pretty figure.

"Sister Menghan!" Zhang Xinyao beckoned playfully.

Xin Menghan smiled and nodded in response.

She has already worshipped Jiang Yunxiu as her teacher.

Today, Li Qingshan will appear, and she will not miss it.


The door of the venue was pushed open,

Jiang Chengzhou started, and Yu Feibai led Su Haoyu and other martial arts disciples into the venue one after another.

At the end are many reporters taking pictures.

Soon, a group of dozens of people all entered the arena, standing outside the ring, facing everyone in the martial arts association.

Despite the large number of people, there was no noise at the scene.

Jiang Chengzhou stood in front of the crowd and bowed his hands in salute.

"I have seen Hou Ye!"

The reporters around the camera were excited and imitated.

Su Haoyu and the other disciples who came out of the headquarters, a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes,

Bai Lie looked at the master.

Yu Feibai's stern eyes swept over the crowd,

Then he took a deep breath, and bowed in the direction of Jingshanhou.

"Yu Feibai and the disciples of Shengtian Martial Arts Hall have met Lord Hou!"

Bai Lie immediately followed,

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