The Marquis of Jingshan approached with a cigarette in his mouth.


A puff of smoke exhaled,

Jingshan Hou turned around and grinned.

"Do you think it's useful to kneel down and beg for mercy?"


The surrounding pressure has disappeared,

Sheng Chuan was about to get up when his face became angry.

But the Marquis of Jingshan took a step, stood beside him, and put his right hand on his shoulder.

The power of the majestic source is like the sky, bending his knees again.

The power of the source in his body has long been exhausted,

In front of Jingshan Hou, who had just broken through, he had no resistance at all.

"It's better to kneel down to be pleasing to the eye."

Jingshan Hou grinned and looked into the distance.

"You two, are you here to watch the show?"

A fire and a hurricane suddenly rolled from the sky,

over the deep valley,

The two figures showed their bodies and slightly cupped their hands.

"King Jingshan!"

"Hehe, Eclipse, Fei Mu."

King Jingshan laughed,

"Are you here to plead for him?"

"I also ask King Jingshan to show mercy."

The eyes of King Eclipse and King Feimu flashed helpless.

They have already arrived,

However, the power captured by King Jingshan when he broke through did not dare to step forward at all.

And at this moment,

They must also find a way to pull King Shengchuan.

Although there is competition between martial arts,

But in front of the Wushu Association, the three major martial arts halls are still in the same breath.

"Pray, talk, talk!"

King Jingshan smiled and patted King Shengchuan on the shoulder.

After his third palm fell,

"Jingshan, you dare!"

Both the Eclipse King and the Feimu King changed their expressions.


King Shengchuan's head exploded like a watermelon,

This palm landed on his head.

"What's wrong with me?" King Jingshan grinned.

"I'm still worried about how to find you, but I didn't expect it to be delivered to your door."

The Eclipse King and Feimu King changed their expressions in an instant, turned around and fled.

But the surrounding air suddenly solidified, making it difficult for the two to move.


A puff of smoke drifted, and King Jingshan walked slowly.

Both were desperate.

at this time,

"Jingshan, that's enough!"

With a light drink, the solidified air returned to normal.

An old man in black suddenly appeared in the air with an illusory figure.

"Spiritual projection, Curator of the Eclipse Moon!"

King Jingshan's expression became solemn.

Eclipse Moon, Deputy Director of Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Museum.

Tenth order!

"Eclipse, the people of my martial arts association, it's not your turn to teach you a lesson!"

Another middle-aged man in a suit appeared behind King Jingshan.

King Jingshan looked happy, turned around and said:

"Vice Speaker!"

"Jing Heng, Li Chuan died at his hands, you can do it yourself."

The curator of the eclipse moon did not bother much and disappeared directly.

The Eclipse King and the Feimu King were also granted amnesty. After bowing to Jing Heng, they left quickly.

"It's up to you to blame yourself."

Jing Heng swept over the body of King Shengchuan and looked at King Jingshan.

"Li Chuan tried to intervene in Lin Sheng, and you also used him as an opportunity to break through."

"Now you are the king of nine forgings, and Li Chuan is dead."

"The grievance between you and Shengtian Martial Arts Hall ends here."

"Not enough!" King Jingshan looked angry,

"Lichuan's son wounded everyone in my Lin Province Martial Arts Association, and even killed a vice-chairman. I want to wipe out the Shengtian Martial Arts Hall!"

"Sacred Heaven Martial Arts Hall cannot be destroyed."

Jing Heng sighed and shook his head, his eyes swept below.

Li Qingshan frowned, and his spiritual consciousness instantly wrapped his body.

In midair, Jing Heng showed a satisfied smile.

"Besides, both Li Chuan and his son are dead."

"But his son, why can he come to serve in our Lin Province?" King Jingshan insisted.

"The Wuji Association has its own charter. Li Wuji has been performing well since graduation, and he is indeed qualified to serve as the acting president."

"It's just that he shouldn't ignore the law and discipline of the Wuxie Association."

Jing Heng sighed and said softly:

"However, his reassignment is indeed under the influence of Quan Mao."

"The capital martial arts conference gave an account."

The voice has not fallen,

Jing Heng's figure slowly dissipated.

Li Qingshan looked at the light scattered in the air and was amazed.

The means of the tenth order are enough to be called great power.

"Don't look, let's go!"

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at King Jingshan.

"where to?"

"Of course to the capital!"

King Jingshan exhaled a puff of smoke, flicked the cigarette butts, and laughed.

"I said, I want to watch you win the Martial Arts Championship!" Chang.

Chapter XNUMX Champion Badge

"Friends from the audience, good morning."

"The official ranking competition of the Martial Arts Conference is about to begin,"

The same words resounded in thousands of households in the Dragon Country,

Countless people gathered in front of the TV, their eyes fixed on the screen.

In the screen,

Candidates from all provinces have gathered on the playground,

The audience did their best to scan every face on the screen,

Then, press the remote control, switch the channel, and repeat the previous operation again.

With each switch, the audience grew more and more disappointed.

After watching all the channels,

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