Instead of going to the counter and asking the salesperson, go straight to the manager.

Soon, the door opened.

A bald man with a shy belly appeared at the door.

"Who are you?" The bald man said instinctively, and then his pupils shrank.

Li Qingshan knew that his identity could not be hidden, and he did not want to hide it, so he said directly:

"I'm Li Qingshan, and I want to buy the three 'Xuanze Red Sand Turtles' in your warehouse."

Hearing the exact number, the bald man was shocked.

"how do you know?"

Li Qingshan shook his head,

"You just have to make an offer."

"This" the bald man hesitated and said with an apologetic smile:

"I'm sorry, those three heads have already been reserved, I really have no choice here."

"All right!"

Li Qingshan shook his head, turned and left.

There are only three Xuanze red sand turtles in the shopping mall.

Not worth his time.

But just as he was about to step out the door,

His ears moved slightly, he stopped, and his spiritual sense quickly probed into the manager's office.

Bald man is holding a phone.

"Boss, Li Qingshan came just now."

"What does he want to buy?"

"Xuanze Red Sand Turtle, but the boss can rest assured, I didn't sell it to him."

"Well done, that little girl Zhong Ningyu openly regretted her marriage and coughed with Li Qingshan again!"

"You can't know these things, just remember that in our Lu's mall, we don't sell a single nail to Li Qingshan!"

"Understood, but boss, there are only three Xuanze red sand turtles left, we should stock up."

"Wait a minute! The people from the Bio Guild have followed us twice. Last time, their ship even went to the nearby waters."

"This gathering place must never be discovered by them!"

outside the mall gate,

"It was targeted!"

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed,

Originally, there were only three corpses in the Lu's mall, so he didn't really care.

In the end, you have to go out to sea to find it yourself.

But it's different now.

He's not going to "find a needle in a haystack" anymore.

Li Qingshan directly took out his mobile phone and called Nan Zhengyang.

"Help keep an eye on the movements of the Bio Guild and pay attention to the whereabouts of all of them!"

After hanging up the phone,

The corners of Li Qingshan's mouth twitched into a smile.

Lu Shi may be very careful,

But a mercenary organization like the Bio Guild was no different from a hyena that smelled meat.

Of course he will lead the way!factory.

Chapter XNUMX Lead the way, can't you?

Two days later, Yongdong Wharf in Mohai City.

Yongdong Wharf is not a freight terminal, but is built for tourism.

Blue Star people's fear of the ocean can be said to be common.

But it is human nature to yearn for the ocean.

Thus, the project of inland sea cruises was born.

There are only a few piers like this in the entire Magic Sea.

They are the only choice for the people of the Dragon Kingdom to go out to sea.

Therefore, it has also become a popular check-in place for tourism in Mohai City.

It's only nine o'clock in the morning,

Many cruise ships have stopped on the sea, waiting to set off.

on the pier,

Tourists are bustling and gradually congregating.

"Xiao Xi, are we really going to take the Princess?"

Lingling hugged her best friend and winced:

"I heard that the Princess's route is about to leave the inland sea, and it has to spend the night on the ship."

"Or we can just find a small cruise ship and change careers nearby."

"You've already bought your tickets, don't wait any longer."

Xiaoxi raised the ticket in her hand and dragged her girlfriend forward.

"Princess has been operating for so many years, but nothing has ever happened."

"Besides, haven't you left the Inner Sea yet?"

"Every time Mohai Wuda comes back, it will clear the vicinity of the Inner Sea once, it's not that dangerous."

"Besides, there is still a grandmaster on the Princess!"

Referring to the guru,

Xiaoxi turned her head with bright eyes,

"Master, you understand!"

"Understand, understand!"

Lingling nodded hastily,

Since I accidentally met Li Qingshan two days ago,

Her best friend gave her a lot of knowledge of martial arts.

Only then was Xiaoxi satisfied, she took her best friend and walked to the front to line up, waiting to get on the boat.

The Princess is a large cruise ship that can accommodate more than XNUMX tourists.

The queue to board the boat was also very long.

The two little girls were huddled in the middle of the line, looking around, very excited.


Lingling's eyes lit up, she pointed to the VIP passage next to her, and exclaimed.


As soon as she uttered a word, invisible air gathered, which made her shut up.

Aside, Xiaoxi also opened her mouth in surprise, but she didn't have time to make a sound.

Li Qingshan turned his head, shook his head lightly at the two little girls, and put his fingers in front of his mouth.


The two little girls nodded vigorously,

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, moved on, checked the ticket and boarded the boat.

After getting the room card, go directly to the top floor of the cruise ship.

His ticket was booked with Nan's VIP card,

Naturally the best suite.

Entering the suite, after a little observation,

Li Qingshan sat directly on the sofa and released his spiritual consciousness.

He didn't cruise the ship to go out to sea,

But Nan Zhengyang found out,

The president of the Bio Guild also brought people on this cruise.

Almost at the moment when the spiritual consciousness was released,

Li Qingshan stopped.

"So coincidentally?"

Li Qingshan looked at his feet,

The people from the Bio Guild were in the suite on the floor below him.

"No, it should be said that I robbed their suite."

Li Qingshan reacted, shaking his head and laughing.

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