All he could see was the endless sea.

Moreover, all the sea around the beach is calm and unwavering.

Obviously, the headmaster's spiritual power surrounds Mohai Wuda all the time.


No matter how calm the sea is,

Li Qingshan can also think of the killing hidden in the dark.

The ocean of aura cannot be faked,

The number of monsters in the open sea must be staggering.

Mohai Wuda cruising the open sea is not just as simple as "swimming. 々 弋".

"It is estimated that the warehouse behind the canteen is just the tip of the iceberg."

Li Qingshan glanced at the sea for the last time, retracted his gaze, turned and walked towards the main building.


Classroom 307 in the main building.

There are nearly XNUMX students in the classroom.

All the students, male or female, are full of qi and blood, and their eyes are full of light.

They are all sixth-stage high-stage or peak, with at least 8 or more qi and blood.

To advance to the seventh rank, you need to open the three doors of the physical body, which involves qi and blood refining the brain.

Not only is it difficult, it is also very dangerous.

This is the first big hurdle on the martial arts road!

Because of this, they were stopped before the seventh order.

And students like them,

No matter in the capital or the sea of ​​magic, they are the most.

Therefore, courses that explain breakthrough knowledge are often the most popular.

There was no class at this time, and the classroom was a little noisy.

The senior students are discussing and exchanging their breakthrough experiences.


Stepping into the front door with one foot, the classroom suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at the person in surprise.

Li Qingshan smiled politely and responded to everyone's gaze,

Then he found a corner and sat down on his own.

At this moment, whispering voices sounded behind him.

"Li Qingshan?"

"Why did he come to this class?"

"During the martial arts conference, wasn't he only 35 qi and blood?"

"If Zhuang Ya's 9 qi and blood are about the same, 35? It's too far off!"

"Don't say that, the first place is Li Qingshan, with 175 million combat power, it's terrifying to think about."

"That's just relying on innate abilities, it's useless to break through the seventh-order sky!"

"To be honest, I still envy Zhuang Ya even more. She has started to 'open the door', right?"

"Also, Zhuang Ya's martial arts talent is rare in a century."

"There are three gates of heaven, earth, and people. It is estimated that only the 'Heaven Gate' can block her a little."

Even without the use of spirituality,

These voices could not hide from Li Qingshan's ears.

But he doesn't care about private gossip.

It was the "door" that everyone called that caught his attention.

"Heaven, earth, and man, are these the three doors of the flesh?"

Li Qingshan tapped the table with his finger and secretly wrote it down.

Ding Ding Ding ~!

The school bell rings,

A mature lady wearing a small suit, a hip skirt, and high heels,

Walk into the classroom and go straight to the podium.

All the students stood up immediately and bowed in salute.

"I have seen Mentor Mengzhu!"

"Hello, classmates, sit down first!"

Xiong Mengzhu pressed his right hand, his eyes swept across the classroom, and finally landed on Li Qingshan who was sitting in the corner.

"¨〃Looks like we have a new classmate!"

"Then I'll start with the basics today!"

Li Qingshan smiled gratefully,

The rest of the seniors also had no opinion.

The Marquis of Chihai, Xiong Mengzhu, is of the eighth rank,

Even just starting from the basics can give them new insights.

"As we all know, if you want to break through the seventh order, you must further improve your control over the physical body."

"And if you want to do this, you have to mention the three doors of the physical body."

"The three doors of the flesh involve essence, qi, and spirit!"

Xiong Mengzhu picked up the chalk,

On the blackboard, write down the three characters "Jing", "Qi" and "Shen".

"However, some pioneers believed that these three words were too vast and were not suitable for the title of Sanmen."

"Therefore, many pioneers negotiated together and settled on the three gates of 'Heaven, Earth and Man'."

Xiong Mengzhu is under "Essence",

Write the three big characters "human, earth and heaven", one by one.

"Essence represents qi and blood, and corresponds to the human door."

"Qi represents vitality and corresponds to the earth door."

"God represents the spirit and corresponds to the gate of heaven."

After writing,

Xiong Mengzhu suddenly laughed and shook his head gently.

"To be honest, I've always felt that the three words 'Heaven, Earth and Ren' are even bigger."

"Perhaps, this is the gap between me and the pioneers!"

There was also laughter from the audience.

"However, a joke is a joke."

The wind turned,

Xiong Mengzhu became serious, pointed at the blackboard and said:

"The name of the pioneer has its own deep meaning."

"The three gates of 'Heaven, Earth and Man' refer not to the outer world, but to the inner world."

"Being able to open three doors means that you are in perfect control of your physical body and become a master."

Li Qingshan sat in the corner, his eyes moved slightly.

"Essence, Qi, and Spirit represent the three flowers on the top, respectively."

"It's almost no different from the three doors of the flesh."

"But the 'Three Doors of the Flesh' is to perfectly control the physical body."

"And 'Three Flowers on the Top' is to achieve Jindan."

"Where is the connection between the two?"

with doubt,

Li Qingshan listened more seriously

Chapter XNUMX Contradiction?

"The specific method of condensing the three doors, I think many students already know, but today I will tell you again."

Xiong Mengzhu turned on the projector on the podium, and the curtain slowly fell from above the blackboard.

Soon, a translucent human meridian map appeared on the screen.

The pointer waved, pointing to a red dot on the map.

Xiong Mengzhu began to carefully explain the specific methods of condensing the three doors, as well as the precautions.

Offstage, although most of the students were also listening, they were not as focused as before.

in the corner,

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