"The similarities have been found, but conflicts have also emerged!"

"Okay, that's all for today, finally"

Xiong Mengzhu patted his palm lightly, his eyes fell on the girl in the last row, and he smiled slightly.

"Gu Shuang, your three doors are all condensed, come up and show it to everyone!"

Immediately, all eyes were on the tall and slender girl.

Gu Shuang didn't falter, he walked directly to the podium, qi and blood running.

In an instant, three illusory portals emerged from her body, floating around her.

The red portal is the most solid and has been completely opened.

The yellow doorway was almost transparent, but it was also open.

The last blue portal is slightly more solid, but it is tightly closed.

"This is Gu Shuang's Human Gate, Earth Gate, and Heaven Gate!"

Xiong Mengzhu moved his fingers one by one, his voice high.

The old students in the audience were all enthusiastic.

Only Li Qingshan,

Looking at the yellow door that opened, and Gu Shuang's body with no trace of spiritual energy.

My heart is getting heavier! .

Chapter XNUMX Test!

"Okay, that's it for today's class, get out of class is over!"

Xiong Mengzhu put away the pointer.

"Thank you teacher!"

The old students got up one after another and left the classroom contentedly.

Li Qingshan also left his seat and walked to the podium.

"Li Qingshan." Xiong Mengzhu's eyes brightened, and he said with a smile:

"If there is anything else you don't understand, just ask!"

Li Qingshan is not too surprised that Xiong Mengzhu can know himself.

He hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Teacher, I want to ask if the three doors of the flesh body can be reversed and dispersed?"

"You can actually think of this question?"

Xiong Mengzhu frowned slightly and nodded slowly.


"The first person who thought of reversing the three doors of the physical body back then was the principal."

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, and he bowed slightly to Xiong Mengzhu.

"Also ask the instructor to teach me the method."

The ancient leaders of the Qinghui world are all body and qi practitioners.

The two paths must be compatible.

However, he does not have a real ancient tycoon inheritance.

Now if you want to go down both paths at the same time, you can only rely on your own exploration.

And "reversing" the three doors of the physical body gave him the opportunity to experiment.

"Actually, the method is very simple."

Xiong Mengzhu chuckled and shook his head, and said:

"It's just a matter of reversing the qi and blood running route during condensation."


As soon as his voice changed, Xiong Mengzhu became serious.

"Reversal only works when the door is not open."

"Reversing the 'earth gate' will damage your vitality, but for a warrior, it's actually not important."

"Reversing the 'human door' will lose at least 1 point of blood."

“As for 'Tianmen'”

Xiong Mengzhu looked at Li Qingshan with an unprecedented stern look.

"It is my duty as a mentor to teach you the method."

"However, you must promise me that you will never try to reverse the 'Tianmen'."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Li Qingshan nodded solemnly and did not ask any further questions.

'Tianmen' involves mental power, brain,

Once damaged, the consequences are self-evident.

But the current information is enough for him.

'Dimen' doesn't matter to other warriors,

But for him, it is absolutely impossible to try to damage easily.

On the contrary, it is the 'human door', which is the most suitable test object.

Losing more than 1 point of qi and blood at a time of reversal is just a matter of an elixir.

After thanking Xiong Mengzhu again, Li Qingshan said goodbye and left.

back to the courtyard,

Li Qingshan couldn't wait to stand quietly in the courtyard.

Mobilize qi and blood and run according to the route of the meridian map in your mind.

He wants to try to condense the "human door".


The qi and blood of the whole body become more active than ever before,

The traces of qi and blood phantom seeped out of the body, like flames.

But at this moment, it is already the limit.

Li Qingshan couldn't really condense the "human door" at all.

"The threshold of 8 qi and blood is really not enough."

He shook his head, calming the blood in his body.

Now it's almost 75 qi and blood, so I can't wait a few more days.

Li Qingshan was not in a hurry, he just sat cross-legged and started the "Longevity Canon".

Compared to bodybuilding,

Refining Qi is a long way to go.

It has been two months since I broke through the Peiyuan Realm.

But he is still in the early stage of Peiyuan, and he is still far from the mid-term breakthrough.

In the ocean of waves and waves of aura, a giant whirlpool quietly appeared

In the next few days,

Li Qingshan still inquires about the course schedule every day,

Once there is a relevant martial arts knowledge class, go to the main building to listen to the class.

Except for Xiong Mengzhu,

He also took courses from several other instructors.

The understanding of the three gates of heaven, earth and man has also become more and more profound.

A week later, in the small courtyard.

In Li Qingshan's quiet courtyard, Qi and blood began to slowly mobilize.

"Above 83 qi and blood, it should be foolproof."

Today, he is going to try to unite the "human door" again.

And just in case, it can be reversed immediately,

Li Qingshan also waited for three more days.

Everything is ready, and blood begins to pass through the meridians.

The flames of qi and blood burst out of the body again,

This time, it was obviously much easier than before.


Numerous qi and blood phantoms connected together and gathered behind Li Qingshan.

An illusory red portal slowly took shape.

"People's Gate" condensed!

Li Qingshan opened his eyes, his qi and blood were slightly mobilized,

The "human door" automatically surrounds the body and turns from the back to the front.

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