Russell and the others looked terrified, lowered their eyebrows, and did not dare to look directly at the giant face on the water curtain.


A little black light appeared out of thin air and gradually expanded into a hole.

Russell and the others looked happy, and they were about to set off to get in.

at this time,

Whoa whoa whoa!

The black light hole instantly turned into a bubble and disappeared.

The water curtain suddenly fluctuated,

On the giant face, the water lines on the eyelids are rippling, and the eyelids are slowly raised.

Principal, open your eyes!

Sculpturally resolute face,

At this moment, it is "lived" again.

With a look, he looked directly into the depths of Gu Luo Continent.

Boom boom boom!

The shocking explosion sounded faintly from thousands of miles away,

Then came the unwilling anger.

"Long Pan, you are going too far!"

Russell and the others looked happy,

Qi Qi looked into the depths of the continent, as if expecting something.

Li Qingshan looked at the vice-principal with doubts in his eyes.


Apparently, the principal took action against Gu Luowusheng.

But the principal's state is abnormal, if Gu Luowusheng chases after him

"Don't worry, the principal is not the eleventh rank, but he has the ability to suppress the Martial Saint."

Lu Tianhe smiled confidently, and Li Qingshan also felt relieved.

Sure enough, nothing happened until Russell and the others stiffened again.

On the water curtain, the giant face looked back, and his eyelids slowly fell.

"The principal is going to sleep again."

Li Qingshan lowered his head and sighed in his heart.

Suddenly, the hair on the skin trembled slightly, and the feeling of awning on the back reappeared.

Li Qingshan turned his head skillfully and looked around.

I saw on the pier, one after another astonished eyes stared at him.

Not only on the pier, but also with the same surprised look around.

"Vice-principal?" Li Qingshan looked at Lu Tianhe suspiciously.

"Principal, I'm looking at you!" Lu Tianhe said softly.


Li Qingshan suddenly raised his head,

I saw the giant face, the eyelids were still falling, but the eyes really fell on him.

look up,

Li Qingshan was startled suddenly.

There was no emotion in the headmaster's eyes.

But he understood what the principal meant.

The principal wanted to "pull" him again before he fell asleep.

The eyelids are still falling,

Li Qingshan turned his thoughts, looked at Russell and the others, and quickly asked Lu Tianhe.

"Vice-principal, are there only eight of them at the tenth rank of Gu Luo?"

"That's right!" Lu Tianhe nodded and whispered:

"But they can't kill, after all, they are all human races, and Wu Sheng is also"

"I see."

Li Qingshan nodded, and a divine sense quickly spread to the water curtain.

Next second,

The principal's eyes suddenly closed, and the water curtain collapsed.

The collapsing currents converged around Russell and the others as if they were alive.


A giant water polo cage that imprisoned eight people together.

The expressions of Russell and the others changed drastically, and they slammed into the sphere frantically, but the water polo remained motionless.

Then their figures dissipated, but within a second, they reunited again in the water polo.

Several people suddenly slumped, and their faces were ashen:

"Lu Tianhe, what are you trying to do!"

Looking at the water polo, Lu Tianhe was also stunned, and looked at Li Qingshan.

It was obvious that the principal helped Li Qingshan to have such a change.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly and looked at the water polo cage.

"Don't worry, when I come back from Gu Luo Continent, you will be free."

"Do you really want to go deep into the Gu Luo Continent?"

Lu Tianhe frowned slightly and reminded:

"Although there is no tenth order, there are quite a few ninth orders in Guluo Continent."

"There is even a real ninth order that pushes open the door of origin."

"Don't worry, the vice-principal, I know what I know."

Li Qingshan nodded, said goodbye to Lu Tianhe, and fell to the pier.

on the pier,

The Dragon Kingdom team was still in a daze.

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed,

"Let's go, didn't you come to the league?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone came back to their senses.

Yes, they are here to play in the league.

But then, everyone's eyes became complicated.

First, the thunderclouds rolled, then the tenth-order Venerable appeared, and now even the Headmaster of the Demon Sea appeared.

Who still has the heart to watch the league!

Not only them, other people on the scene, the audience in front of the TV, all have equally complicated moods.

King Chen took a sip of the cigarette holder and looked at Li Qingshan.

"How is it, are you sure?"

No one understands Li Qingshan's path.

At the moment of transcendence, no one could see clearly.

At this time, everyone knew that Li Qingshan had made a breakthrough.

But no one could figure out how much strength he had after breaking through.

"of course."

Li Qingshan 637 nodded with a smile,

The emptiness in the body is everywhere,

At this moment, the league is just a passing game for him.

The more important thing is to replenish qi and blood and go to the forbidden land of Shinra.

At this time,

Jiao Yun took the headset and walked over excitedly.

"That Li Qingshan, someone is looking for you."

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows and heard the voice in the earphones.

He took the headset and opened his mouth with a smile.

"Senior Qiao, what's the matter?"

"Congratulations in advance for winning the championship?"

Li Qingshan looked at the high platform, where teachers and students from the Six Continents were sitting on it.

He shook his head slightly and said:

"It's not early, you can see it right away."

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