"Li Qingshan and the mercenary guild encountered each other, and both were injured. They supported the severely injured body and went deep into the Dipe Canyon."

"How about this story?"

There was more blood on the corner of his mouth, but Li Qingshan smiled even more.

"The Dipe Canyon is extremely dangerous. For the 'new road', all the princes of Guro must come to the rescue, right?"

"Are you crazy?"

Jim's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You are seriously injured, and you still want to go to Dipe Canyon?"

"Who said I was seriously injured?"

Li Qingshan slowly got up, his back was gradually straightened, the other half of the dormant blood rushed up, and the injury quickly recovered.

Then he flipped his palm and threw a red elixir into his mouth.

"I will be in the canyon, waiting for your prince of Guro to come."

After dropping a sentence, Li Qingshan turned around and walked towards the west, but there was no trace of serious injuries.


Jim spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes splitting.

At this moment, he finally understood.

Li Qingshan never took him seriously.

The battle just now was just a play, a play to lure the prince to come!

The figure in front gradually disappeared into the night,

The eyes are wide, and the anger is lost little by little

Chapter XNUMX I've been waiting for you for a long time!

Shinra Forbidden Land,

Tall trees obscured the sky, making it difficult for moonlight to penetrate.

In the mountains and forests, the roars of beasts rise and fall one after another.


On the bank of a river valley, several black shadows tens of meters high kept roaring.

The blood and red light flickered, and a figure quickly shuttled between the monsters.

in a blink,

Bang bang bang!

The shadows fell to the ground one after another, and the river water was red with blood.

The figure stopped moving and hovered three feet above the ground.

"There are too many monsters in the forbidden land of Shinra!"

Li Qingshan frowned slightly.

When you arrive at the forbidden land of Shinra, you can't fly naturally.

If you attract the attention of the tenth-order monsters, you will be in big trouble.

He followed the map all the way, avoiding many giant space passages along the way.

But, not yet a third of the way,

He has already met five waves of eighth-order monsters.

"But with these corpses guiding the way, they should be able to keep up, right?"

Li Qingshan smiled slightly and set off again.

Along the way, he only used the red light of qi and blood, and did not use other means, just to leave "traces" for the Princes of Gu Luo.

As Li Qingshan continued to deepen, the horizon also lit up with a dim light.

at this time,

A golden-red light suddenly lit up from the east, sweeping across the earth like the morning sun.

However, the sun has not risen yet.

"Prince Charles of Eagleman?"

Li Qingshan made a move and looked east.

"It's just one, it's not time yet."

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, turned around and continued toward the Dipe Canyon.

The golden red light quickly spread from the sky,

until the town of Renner,


the light fades away,

A middle-aged blond and blue-eyed man in aristocratic clothing appeared, it was Prince Charles from the Eagle Man Empire.

Charlie stared at the traces below,

Finally, he focused his eyes on Jim's body and spoke coldly.

"If you can't open the source door, you will still be trash!"

In front of the corpse was a series of footprints with bloodstains.

Charlie followed the footprints and looked up at the Shinra Forbidden Land.

"Li Qingshan really went to Dipe Canyon?"

A trace of anxiety flashed in Charlie's eyes, and his body moved slightly.

But after shaking a little, he stopped again.

"Li Qingshan's road is only prepared for the empire, it is useless to me. 々."

"There's no reason for me to take the risk alone!"

"Besides, there is Cesar"

Charlie's eyes flickered, he fell directly to the ground, took out his mobile phone, and sent messages everywhere.

Time passed by, and the ruins fell silent again.

Only the roar of the hidden beast came from the forbidden area of ​​​​Shen Luo in the distance.


The already dark sky suddenly lit up.

Six rays of light of different colors rushed from the sky.

Charlie looked up at the sky and nodded slightly.

"finally come!"

"finally come!"

Deep in the forbidden land of Shinra,

Li Qingshan smiled slightly and looked back.

Then his face turned straight and he looked at the charred land ahead.

This is a wide river valley, which should be lush.

But at the moment, there are only giant hoof prints more than ten meters wide, and there are traces of fire all around.

"Moyue Footprints!"

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up,

Moyue is shaped like a mountain, and its four hoofs make fire. These hoof prints are definitely left by Moyue.


A dull sound came from a distance, and the stones on the ground trembled.

Li Qingshan turned his head and looked into the depths of the river valley, where there was a gap between two giant mountains.

Behind the gap is the Dipe Canyon!

At this moment, through the gap, you can faintly see shadows over XNUMX meters high shaking, like moving mountains.

"Mo Yue!"

Li Qingshan thought about it,

Spiritual consciousness rushed out of the nest and swept away behind the gap.


The roar shook the sky, the mountains and rivers shook,

The blue-blue flame instantly erupted from the depths of the canyon, spreading wildly.

In the blink of an eye, the blue-blue flame has come to him.

"I can detect the consciousness!"

Li Qingshan's expression changed, his true essence covered his entire body, and he quickly retreated.

In the process of retreating, a trace of flame touched his body.

True essence circulates, dousing the flames.

But Li Qingshan frowned.

"There are traces of Dao Yun in these flames!"

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