"Be careful when doing things."

Li Qingshan nodded seriously,

"Vice-principal rest assured, I understand!"

"With your strength, don't worry too much."

Lu Tianhe's expression softened, and he said proudly:

"There is Mohai Wuda, and the principal is here!"

"Those who can really threaten you will never dare to do it!"

"Thank you, Vice President!" Li Qingshan's expression became serious.

"What's there to thank."

"Wherever you go, you are a student of the Demon Sea!"

Lu Tianhe chuckled softly and waved:

"Okay, let's go back first!"

"As for the Wushu Association, I will inform you when the decision is made."

Li Qingshan nodded and left.

After leaving the office,

Li Qingshan took out the photo and watched it carefully.

Above is a smiley face, which is also the school spirit of the magic sea

Chapter XNUMX Died in battle!

put back the photo,

Li Qingshan walked down the stairs one by one.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of shouting from the floor aisle.

Li Qingshan took a step, and his consciousness swept across the nearby classroom.

The shouting just now came from the classroom of the actual combat class.

In addition to practical classes, other classes are also being taught in other classrooms.

"It seems that since I entered the school, I have only taken the sixth-order martial arts knowledge class?" Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows.

"When I go back, if King Jingshan or Xinyao asks, and I don't know, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

"Zhenyang Yunyang is already on the right track, but you can take advantage of this time to listen to other courses."

Footsteps moved slightly, and Li Qingshan walked directly out of the stairwell.

In the next few days,

In the Qinghui world, Li Qingshan continued to ask Yin Han to teach Qi refining.

And after returning to Blue Star,

He was uncharacteristically, going to and from the classrooms every day.

At the beginning, the reactions of the students around him were naturally great.

But after a long time, everyone will get used to it.

A week later, in the evening.

Li Qingshan held a thick illustrated book, and while reading it, 653 walked back.

There are all kinds of monster information in the picture book.

Compared with the previous three middle school library collections, this illustrated book is undoubtedly much more comprehensive.

Many monsters that have not been identified before have also found corresponding monsters one by one.

"Li Xuedi, did you just come back from class?"

The voice came from the front,

Li Qingshan put away the illustration book and looked up.

I saw Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou waiting outside the dormitory gate, looking at him strangely.

"Is there a problem?" Li Qingshan frowned strangely.

"Of course not." The two shook their heads with an awkward smile and explained:

"It's just that you've been too 'hardworking' recently, we're just a little weird."

It's not just them who find it strange,

Li Qingshan, who had not attended classes for a year, suddenly became a "good student" who never missed classes. Anyone would be curious, right?

"So it is!"

Li Qingshan smiled slightly and looked west.

There is the direction of the Dragon Country.

"In half a month, the school will be docked."

"Huh?" Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou looked at each other, not knowing why.

Li Qingshan shook his head gently and explained:

"After I go ashore, it's time for my internship, and I won't have the opportunity to attend school in the future."

Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou suddenly realized that they looked around and said with nostalgia:

"Indeed, time to stay at school is running out."

After they landed, they had to report back to the Wushu Association again.

"That's why you have to cherish it!"

Li Qingshan smiled and opened the courtyard door and walked into the small courtyard.

"Go ahead and talk about it!"

"The two of you waited for me specially, should it be more than just this question?"

The two nodded and followed behind.

Entering the living room on the first floor, the three of them sat down.

Lu Tianhong spoke again,

"Actually, this time, we want to make an appointment with you to go to Rongping Province together."

"For Senior Qiao's conferring ceremony?" Li Qingshan nodded lightly,

"No problem, after landing, we will go to Rongping Province together."

"This is the best way!" Shen Zhou's face was overjoyed,

"Rongping Province is the site of the Eclipse Martial Arts Hall. Let's go to some more people to give Qiao Xueqi a strong voice."

"Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Hall?" Li Qingshan pondered slightly and shook his head gently.

"There's no need to worry. Senior Qiao's ceremony for the title of Marquis was sponsored by the Wushu Association, and they didn't dare to make trouble."

The eighth rank is a prince, and the ninth rank is a king.

The three martial arts halls all hold their own ceremonies.

And for these "interns",

After advancing to the eighth rank, removing the title of "agent", and officially taking office as a provincial president.

The Wushu Association will naturally arrange the feudal affairs for them.

"Qiao Gu was the first to remove the title of 'agent', and Fenghou took office."

"This year, our Mohai graduates have completely overwhelmed the capital's martial arts university."


Both Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou laughed, and their eyes on Li Qingshan were even brighter.

"Li Xuedi, go to the Wushu Association for an internship with your strength, the word 'agent' will definitely not be used."

"It is estimated that the martial arts association will directly seal the king for you."

"Not so fast." Li Qingshan shook his head gently:

"My internship location hasn't been decided yet. I'll talk about it after Senior Qiao is named Hou."

He went back to watch the ceremony, so naturally he couldn't steal Qiao Gu's limelight.

The goal has been achieved, and Lu Tianhong and Shenzhou said goodbye and left.

Li Qingshan took out the illustrated book again and read it.

Time goes by day by day,

Mohai Wuda quietly cruising around the channel, heading towards the Dragon Country.

A week later, in the evening.

The setting sun was slowly setting, and the sky was dyed red by the sunset, reflecting on the sea.

The sea and the sky are all red.

On the beach, two figures stand quietly and look at the sunset

A slender reflection, slanted on the fine sand.

"It's so beautiful!"

Zhong Ningyu was full of longing and sighed with emotion.

Li Qingshan nodded lightly and smiled.

During this time, I went to and from school like ordinary students every day, and after eating, I went for a walk by the beach.

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