Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 189 - Surprise Meeting

Sitting down with his back against a sturdy, prickly tree that jabbed at his spine slightly, he held a wide view over the nearby cliffs. 

Hearing the two girls chatting and getting along, holding smiles despite the tedious environment, he was able to smile himself--keeping his watchful, yet relaxed gaze forward. 

I want to master this ability of mine...That requires actually using it again. I can feel it--bubbling up inside of my stomach, churning up a mass of energy--but for some reason...I'm scared. For one, the lack of control I had over myself against that minotaur...What'll happen when they're around me?...What about that darkness I saw in my dream? I have a bad feeling--but it's something I need to get over. I hate to admit it, but that ability is my next step to becoming a proper Outlander, Ren pondered. 

With his stomach full of tasteless, yet filling food, drowsiness set in--feeling his eyelids become heavier and heavier as soon, he fell asleep without even realizing it. Somehow, the hunched-over position he sat in was comfortable enough to set his body into total relaxation, only opening his eyes once more to find out everyone else had already fallen into slumber themselves. 

It's confusing as hell; no matter when you go to sleep, you open your eyes and it's all the same--night and day isn't a concept down here, Ren thought. 

Feeling a bit guilty for falling asleep while he was supposed to be the lookout, he perched himself on the stone ledge overlooking their camp, allowing one leg to dangle while keeping his other knee close to himself. 

"So damn boring…"

Complaining to himself in a whisper, he kept his sheath close to his chest, briefly looking down at the slumbering, azure-haired girl as she rested peacefully, wrapped in an old cloak as a makeshift blanket. 

I guess it's not so bad with a sight like this nearby, Ren smiled. 

Humming to himself as minutes passed like slugs against the asphalt, something caught his eye amidst the limitless boredom inflicted upon him. 

"...What the?"

Squinting as hard as he could, he focused his reinforcement across his sclera, specifically honing it around his irises to further enhance his vision--beginning to make out the odd sight a few mountains away. 

It was still hard to make out from the distance between him and the obscured entities, seeing a fluffy, round creature dragging its feet before falling straight over. However, what caught his eye was the distinctly humanoid figure walking alongside the fluffy being--no doubt, it was a woman by the mountains that inhabited her chest--the first thing that caught his lecherous gaze. 

A person?...And some sort of animal? Is it a demi-human? It looks like they're in trouble. Crap, what should I do? Ren thought. 

Knowing how tired the others were, he was hesitant to wake them, but the other option of leaving them unguarded while he investigated the odd sight was even worse. 

Shit...I know I shouldn't try to run into others if I can avoid it; who knows if they're like Leo...I just can't help it. I know Iris would help them. I guess...I'd rather help them and regret, rather than not help them and regret it, Ren pondered. 

Hopping down from his post, he clipped his sheath back to his belt before quietly kneeling beside the slumbering Lucravian, gently shaking him by his shoulder. 

"...Huh?...The hell do you want? I'm trying to dream here...I was eating some good grub, finally…"

"Sorry, that actually sounded like a nice dream...Anyway, I need to check something out, can you take over my watch for a bit? Just until I get back."

Adjusting to his new state of consciousness, Macheo groggily sat himself up, running his fingers through his pristine, golden locks as he combed his bangs back temporarily. 

"...I don't really mind, but the hell are you even checking out at a time like this?"


It wasn't something he was sure he wanted to speak of, knowing the cautious, abrasive nature that belonged to the Lucravian prince. There was no avoiding it; those fearsome, crimson jewels embedded into his eye sockets coaxed any truth out. 

"I think I see a couple of people out there...They look like they're in trouble."

Spilling out the truth, he expected a harsh retaliation in the form of that loud, berating attitude Macheo usually held, but the boy simply looked at him for a moment before sighing quietly. 

"...I'll cover your shift. Be careful out there."

"You're not against it?"

"I won't lie--my own instincts are screaming for you that this is a bad move, but...If we want to be better, this is the right path, isn't it?...I'm choosing to trust you, got it?"

Hearing that from Macheo felt like he was in a dream, pinching his own forearm and slapping his cheek to make sure he really didn't fall asleep from his boring role as the outlook. 

"Hey! Is it really that hard to believe?!"

Somehow managing to strike a balance between yelling and whispering, a red fluster came over Macheo's cheeks born in the cold, now fully awake as he stood himself up. 

"No, you're completely right...Thanks, Macheo. You're not such a bad guy yourself."

Giving the younger boy a wink, Ren gave him a slight wave before taking off quickly, keeping a cautious air around himself while maintaining an efficient swiftness to his movement. It wasn't far by the standards of speed awarded to mages--giving a rough calculation of several hundred meters for himself. The problem sat with what creatures might be lurking along the sides of the plethora of cliffs, especially what may intercept him while crossing a bridge. 

I'm prioritizing everything into my speed and senses; if those two really are in need of urgent care--I can't waste a single moment, Ren thought, I didn't build this strength just so I could ignore those who are in need of it!

As many times as he's had to cross the many bridges that make up the cavern, the ticklish sensation that spurred within his bowels never dulled; forcing himself to keep his eyes forward as he scaled the length of the windy pathway. 

Finding himself midway through the entirety of the narrow, creaking bridge--a gust came in, pushing it side to side as the planks jutted upwards. 

"I knew it!...This damn place really does have a mind of its own sometimes!"

The farther he got, the stronger the wind became, fluttering the bridge helplessly while Ren kept his stance low in hopes of gravity keeping him on the right path. 

"I'm definitely going to demand some compensation for this!...Heroic acts don't come cheap!"

Jumping from plank to plank as they began to jutt out with the full intention of thwarting his path, Ren picked up his speed--finding the butterflies in his stomach to flutter wildly as he slid across the spinning bridge, running his hand along the rope for balance. 

He was now left completely upside down, hanging onto the rope as his feet dangled above the depths of complete darkness, feeling the wind mock him as it scaled up his body. Naturally, he looked down--instantly feeling bile caress the rim of his throat as he forced his gaze back up. 

Crap. I don't have any walls to grab onto if I fall this time...If I splat on the ground, I'll be revived a day's walk away, Ren groaned. 

As he reached with one hand towards the next section of rope, the wind made its move again--shaking the bridge as his body swayed side to side violently, gritting his teeth as he was forced to focus all of his strength on holding himself up. 

Shit. Shit. Shit. 

Coming to realize the lapse of judgment he made, the sound of wings flapping met his ears--halting his thought process for a moment as he honed his ears on this sound. 

More of those damn gray things? This timing couldn't be any worse! Ren thought. 

Preparing to fight in any way he could with only one hand free while the rest of his body dangled, the sound of heavy wings smacking against the air and defying gravity grew closer, unable to see the enigmatic creature as the upside-down bridge obscured his vision. 

"...Come on, birdy, you think one hand isn't enough?"

"I'm not a "birdy"--I'd caution you to hold your tongue with such insults." 


It was a feminine voice, leaving no playfulness or welcoming tone to be had. Not expecting this sort of response, his brain short-circuited for a solid few seconds before he looked side-to-side in an attempt to see the source of this voice. 

Above where he hung from, he felt a weight settle down atop the flopped-over bridge, the distinct, unmistakable pressure of a person standing above the planks. 

"Give me a hand here, maybe?!"

In an act of desperation, as he listened to the wooden floorboards of the bridge creak, watching as wooden shavings rained down against his face, he called out to the figure for help. 

"...And why should I help you? How do I know you won't turn on me the moment I return you to safety?"

"...Fair. That's fair."

"That spot you're hanging above right now--you know what's down there, right?"

"Urr...A whole lot of darkness, from the looks of it."

Ren responded, taking a peek down as he confirmed his own words--watching as his feet swayed above the pit of shadows. 

"Down there is the "Pit of Asamya", a tainted fire elemental. You may not stay dead, but I heard the pain she inflicts on people turns them insane."

There was no kindness in her voice; it was clear she was leaving him no time to hang there and ponder as her words hastened his heart, throbbing with anxiety at this point."

"...Lovely. A little help then?"

"Tell me why I should trust you."

It's the woman I saw, isn't it?...Doesn't explain the sound of wings I heard, but it's the only plausible explanation. In that case...Ren thought. 

"You have a flurry...companion with you, right?"

"...How do you know that?"

Her words were much sharper now as he clearly hit home, once again feeling the wind intensity as the weight above him grew denser. 

"I came out here to help you! It's the truth!"

"You think I'd believe that? You're like the rest of them--bandits, thieves, murderers--a coward, is all. There are no good ones left in this place."

"I...I have somebody I don't want to disappoint."


"If I didn't try to help--I wouldn't be able to look them in the eye anymore; I'd regret it."

Telling the purest truth from his heart, the voice above him fell silent for a moment before suddenly--the wooden plank above him was pummeled right through, falling down towards the abyss as he clung together to the prickly rope. 

A hand reached down through the newly made hole through the bridge, extending directly towards him. 

"Grab on."

He didn't hesitate for a single moment, grabbing hold of the tan hand that exhibited crimson fingernails, being hoisted up as the soles of his feet reunited with solid ground once more. The bridge fell completely still as he now stood on its flipped surface, catching his lost breath into his exasperated lungs before finally getting a look at the woman. 

A shadow cast itself over him, having to strain his neck to look up at her as she towered over him by a full head's length. As outwardly tall as she was, her build didn't lose any of its natural feminine charm--specifically, Ren battled against his own eyes that focused on the more, "voluptuous", aspects of her. 

Raining over her shoulders were voluminous, glossy locks of a fiery shade of vermilion, holding the very essence of fire within her fine crown. Though her luscious crown ran freely down her shoulders, some neatly formed braids were mixed in, matching the intertwined roses etched into her pristine, ivory and crimson armor. 

Woah. Woah. Woah! Do my eyes deceive me? Is this a trick of the darkness? This mature beauty--totally, one-hundred percent cute and sexy! Ren repeated in his head.

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