Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 200 - Argonaut V Outlander

As they gathered around to prepare their defense plan to handle the approaching assault--a world-shaking tremor shook the very core of their being. The sudden, volatile sensation sent all three of them into shock, momentarily freezing before another rumble came through; knocking paintings off of the walls and sliding furniture across the floor. 

The intense, ear-shattering boom that unleashed with the force threw balance off, Fai pushed through the confusion and out through the front door as his blood rushed through his veins. 

"Hey, hey...Either my eyes are fucking with me or that's a ship--floating in the air." 

As Fai looked up towards the sky just outside of the abode, his confused, slow words drew Donatien's doubt as he approached the door as well. 

"What are you talking about--oh. That's indeed...A flying ship." 

Both men were completely bewildered by the unorthodox sight; staring up at the underbelly of the sea vessel that hovered in the azure sky. It looked to be formed of a stygian steel, holding the statue of an angelic figure melded into its bottom as if supporting the weight of the ship. 

Caught in this moment of utter confusion and curiosity--they were slow to realize the growing light that gathered at the exposed cannons at each side of the vessel. 

"That doesn't look good…"

"No, no it does not."

Fai and Donatien stood there blankly as the verdant lights flared up--unleashing a powerful wave of energy that collided with something in the air. 

Appearing only once staving off the incoming blast, the large, all-encompassing barrier that surrounded their base made itself visible, cracking slightly under the immense strain of blocking the wave of energy unleashed by the mysterious ship. 

"Looks like things are getting started early--how many more blasts do you think the barrier will hold for?" 

Fai asked, stepping fully outside onto the colossal leaves as he kept his gaze locked onto the airborne ship. His fists became engulfed in orange flames, running up his forearms as all playfulness left his tone. 

"I'd venture to guess--no more than three."

"Then we have to take care of it before it reaches that point."

They were quick on their feet, making judgments as a moment's notice without any self-doubt hindering them. Watching this, Charlotte felt like nothing more than an anchor to the two men--finding herself still unable to fit herself into the equation. 

"I'll launch a volley of ice from here, support me with your firepower."

"On it, chief."

As the two men prepared to launch a counterattack against the ship, something amidst the night sky caught Charlotte's eye. 

"...Something is coming! In the air!"

Finding the courage to speak up, her words halted Donatien and Fai's incoming attack as they squinted--seeing what the girl was mentioning; three figures were plummeting from the ship. It was impossible to discern what was being said, but one of the figures let out a joyful yell, cascading downwards to their ears. 

"That magical energy...You feel that right?"

"Of course I do--no doubt; those are Argonauts."

Just hearing the word sent a shiver through Charlotte, watching with her trembling eyes as the falling entities appeared closer and closer. 

"Rookie mistake by them! You can't dodge in midair!"

Fai reared his arm back, coiling it in a raging sea of flames that roared out into the night. The heat emanating from the newly formed fire radiated, manifesting itself through the fiery spirit of the Outlander before he launched his attack towards the approaching Argonauts. 

"Zhurong: Three-Prong Scorcher!"

Throwing the flame conjured from his arm up into the air, it extended into three pointed forms, harpooning directly towards the targets. 

Now I recognize it—there's not much mistaking a flying pirate ship. It's the "Vessel of Melancholy"—that means that Argonaut is here, "The Navigator". Shit, we've been completely outplayed, Donatien thought. 

"You have it covered right, Avdima?"

Falling through the air, the man with the quiver on his back asked, who held a bored, indifferent look in his eyes despite the adrenaline-fueled situation. Their black overcoats fluttered in the high-velocity winds; yet their expressions were uncaring for the severity of the fall. 

"Yeah. Erebus: Center Form."

A casual incantation left the lips of the pale, ghostly Argonaut, unleashing from its body a vast amount of shadowy mana. As soon as the dark magical energy had formed itself into existence, Avdima simply waved his hand, sending it down to intercept the path of the approaching flames--colliding directly with the orange matter, swallowing it whole. 

"I want the one with the glasses; he looks fun! Fun! That's Donatien, right? Right! Oh, I can't wait!"

The rightmost of the Argonauts spoke in a repulsive tone, his expression twisting with each word as his fingers wiggled with ecstasy just at the thought of battle. 

"I don't care; just pull your own weight."

Avdima spoke with a tone completely opposite of his twisted companion, watching as his spell continued to travel. 

"What the-- there's no way!"

Watching his spell be completely overpowered by the enemies' own, Fai called out in disbelief. Collecting a mass of flames in his palm once more, he prepared to launch another attack--interrupted by a desperate call from the comrade at his side. 

"It's still coming! That mass of darkness--it's heading right for us! Charlotte, Fai--prepare to jump! Heighten your reinforcement!"

There was hardly a moment to spare between his warning and the fastly-approaching assault of darkness, crashing directly in the spot they stood. 

It was swallowed completely—their senses, completely distorted by the brutal impact left behind by the dark spell. 

I can't see a damn thing, the darkness is too thick! It feels like my entire body is being overwhelmed by dense water! Donatien thought. 

Everything was dark, resulting in complete panic before finally--he was snapped back into reality as soon as his back landed against the sturdy soil waiting below. Above him, he could still see the floating ship hovering above the Grandfather tree, large chains running from its form, up into the clouds. 

This is a worst-case scenario; that ship, the Argonauts--we may very well be had here tonight. That's if my strength fails me, which I have faith it will not, Donatien thought. 

As he slowly brought himself to his feet, brushing the dirt from his shoulders, something collided with the ground not more than a few meters in front of him. 

"Avdima wasn't joking, you really are the real deal! You survived that fall from that tree without even being prepared? Amazing! Really amazing! You won't break as easily as all the others."

The voice was beyond sanity, twisted with such fervent passion; it wasn't until the kicked up dust settled that he saw the opponent that chose him. 

Just my luck, looks like I've been stuck with a real tainted fellow, Donatien thought. 

"You're Donatien, right? You're famous around the Keep! Wait, "infamous" is the right term...I think. You use ice magic, right? Amazing! It's a rare treat to fight with an ice mage; so rare!"

Donatien chose not to play along with the depraved ramblings of the Argonaut, adjusting his footing and mana flow as he prepared for the inevitable clash. 

"Ah! It really is true! They say ice mages are usually quiet and shy! That icy glare--you fit the stereotype completely!"

The appearance of the Argonaut was shrouded by the tattered, black cloak he wore over his body, but it was obvious to tell he was of a slight build, his exposed hands trembling as they moved through the air. The only defining feature Donatien could make out was the unkempt, all-white locks that poured out from his hood. 

"Oh, how rude of me...I've been trying to practice my manners, but it's really, really difficult! I'm Fleisch, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!---"

Introducing himself, the twisted man dashed forward as his cloak unveiled his appearance--revealing a pathwork face, covered in stitches as an ear-to-ear smile perched itself on his tainted canvas. 

He's fast! Donatien thought. 

The sudden switch from frivolity to aggression nearly took Donatien by surprise, countering the incoming spear-hand attack with a knee to his opponent's sternum. Colliding against his chest, it was surprisingly light; little resistance was felt from Flesich before he was flung back with a ferocious impact--sent flying against the background cedar. 

It caught me by surprise, but he's not very strong, Donatien pondered. 

"Ah...That hurt, it really hurt; good, good! I want more, just like that--no, stronger! Put some more mana behind it!"

Like a corpse revived, Fleisch rose up from the foliage, patting his chest as if completely unaffected by the attack--holding his unmoving smile as a shiver was sent through Donatien's skin. 

Something isn't right with this person, Donatien thought, I'd like to regroup with the others--at least know they're okay, but it seems my hands are going to be quite full. 

Thoughts could only travel so fast; the gut-wrenching smile was just before his eyes before a gliding leaf could reach its destination. The initial reaction that came to him; raising his arms, without even recognizing the danger before his eyes, guarding himself from the fist his eyes did not see. It was a completely different level of power he first felt, having the soles of his leather shoes dig into the brittle dirt below, not fully sure if his arms were still attached to his body. 

The imprint of his fist was left so vividly on his forearms; feeling the throbbing pain blister through his reinforcement as if it were paper mache. 

"Surprised? Well, it takes a bit for me to get all warmed up--but I'm just so excited that I can't hold it back any longer!"

Standing with a pleased expression, Fleisch's colorless hair blew in the wind generated by the impact, swaying side to side with picture-perfect frivolity. 

What power!...It isn't that it was so vastly sharper than the last incoming strike--the speed didn't give me any time to strengthen my defense, Donatien huffed. 

It was only after regaining his composure that he noticed it--something strange wrapped around his enemy's arm, pulsating as if breathing. 

"Fleisch, right?"

"Oh! So, you can talk! Yup, yup--that's me! In the flesh!"

Even though he was praying for an answer, exchanging words felt as if he was inhaling toxic air, scrunching his nose as just talking seemed to please the lunatic. 

"It might be a stretch, but can I inquire as to how you discovered we were at our lowest numbers?"

"Low numbers? I didn't hear anything about that--wow, Avdima really scored the jackpot! Taking care of that sage will be done-and-easy!"

Hearing that last part of Fleisch's fervent rambling, Donatien's eyes temporarily widened behind the glass frames he wore. 

"Oops, I said something I wasn't supposed to again, didn't I? I told them I'm bad at keeping secrets…"

Fleisch frowned like a child who dropped his ice cream scoops, his vermilion irises never changing from their demented shade as his lips contorted. 

Their main goal is Beatrice, not us? I can't say I'm surprised, but...It doesn't matter--I have to take care of the enemy before me, Donatien resolved.

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