Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 203 - Green Warfare

"Gross. Gross. Gross!"

Evading a projectile of repugnant, olive liquid, Ren rolled forward over the rocky ground as he watched the liquid melt away the stone it landed on. 

Turning his gaze back towards the enemy before him, its maw oozed out the same liquid, displaying its dozens of rows of tiny, sharp teeth as its viny limbs stretched out in all directions. The main body of the creature was covered in stygian, pointed leaves, acting as a covering for its body that looked like a mass of the same viny tendrils, wrapped around a glowing, veiny core underneath. 

"This is what you meant by "fun", Macheo?!"

Yelling out to the golden-haired boy, currently preoccupied with his own opponent of the same class, Ren was forced to dodge a strike from one of the vine-like arms of the creature, countering by slicing the limb off with the dagger in his hand. 

"...I was being crass!"

It was a game of tag between Macheo and the jet-black vine-arms of the monster before him, bouncing from platform to platform as he evaded its thorny grasps. 

"...Anytime now, Valerie!"

"Don't rush me! I'm only taking as long as I am because I don't want to hit you!"

Responding to Ren's impatient call-out as he took on the brunt of the creature's aggression, Valerie held her amalgamation of a weapon to the air, an ivory lance formed of steel with many ridges, holding a second barrel that functions as a staff, keeping her eyes shut as she listened to the sounds of battle ring through the valley. The plant-like monster seemed to recognize the threat of Valerie's prolonged spell weaving, attempting to thwart her by sending vines up through the ground beneath, reaching up with their skin-crawling, jiggly form. 


Summoning a bright-copper hammer out of thin air, Hongse roared out as he smashed the approaching vines into wriggling bits of muk with a powerful slam. As effective as the blow was, Hongse quickly regretted it as Valerie shot him a glare; the shockwave emitted from the harsh impact nearly made her trip over, slurring the words she had been quietly chanting. 


"Learn a little restraint!..."

Hearing the two demi-humans bicker behind him, Ren couldn't help but smile somewhat as he cut through an array of vines easily, spinning to rapidly dismember the thorny limbs with efficiency. Just as fast as he cut them, more grew back, stretching from the creature's core. 

"Feuer: Ball!" 

From behind the overgrown vegetation that Ren faced, Iris sent out a ball of flames towards the back of the creature while its aggression was locked onto the young, white-haired man. Before it could land, a wall made up of a clump of black vines pierced the ground, blocking the incoming fireball before burning away. 


"Focus, Iris!"

Circling the abyssal plant, Ren ran up next to Iris as she followed alongside him, circling it as a wave of spiky, bloodthirsty vines chased after them. Another spit of acidic saliva was launched towards the two as they raced around it to distract it from Valerie. 

"Dunkel: Veil!" 

"Wait!--That won't!--"

Watching as Ren cast the defensive spell, she reached out--fearing it wouldn't be nearly enough to stop the incoming acid. To her surprise, the dark, smooth shield completely repelled the attack--leaving her momentarily shocked as Ren grabbed her wrist for her to keep moving. 

"We need to open up its core so Valerie can take it out in one fell swoop. Got it?"

"Got it."

As Ren dashed forward towards the core of the multi-meter tall plant from hell, he put all of his trust in Iris' assistance. All around him, vines burrowed upwards, piercing through the stone like it was fragile soil; surrounding him in all directions with dozens of the acid-lathered, spiky limbs of it as he aimed his sights at its main body. 

Focus on it; complete and utter darkness. The absence of sound, sight, touch, smell, and taste--you're obscured completely in shadows. You're a shadow. Move from one spot to another, dance from darkness to darkness. That's--Shadowstep, Ren ingrained into his mind. 

Relieving himself only to this one process of thought; he didn't flinch as the malicious arms of the plant neared his own body, only keeping his eyes on the spot ahead before--he was there. It was a seamless transition from one spot to the other, narrowly avoiding the incoming grasps of the countless limbs as he rushed forward with greater intensity. 


Hearing the now distant call of Ren, muffled by the walls of vines trapping him within the territory of the monstrous plant, Iris nodded her head as she prepared her part of the plan. As her magical energy surmounted her fears, the coalescence of light and fire burned away the few vines that attempted to seize her, shifting their vibrant, lively form into dust that danced off into the winds. 

I don't have much experience in this yet, but I have to try! He's giving it his best--I refuse to fall behind! Iris thought. 

"Helios: Grand Burning Dance!"

Calling out the true name of the spell, Iris' command gave birth to circular seals postured in the air, surrounding the enormous, stygian plant. From each of the five seals, a scorching light formed itself, spiraling around the grooves of the intricate symbols before the burning, golden flame bounced between each seal rapidly. Exchanging flames, the five mystical fires combined at the center finally—launching directly towards the body of the plant. 

It all happened within a singular moment, too fast for the plant to react as it was hit by the fearsome combination of light and fire. 

Directly in front of the flames, Ren felt none of its malice; only its calming warmth as he aided the assault on its sturdy, steel-like armor around its core. 

"Araphel: Condensed Detonation!"

Triggering the many particles of darkness that lathered the steel of his sword, his words sparked a contained explosion that swept his blade forward with maximum firepower. 

It's a tricky one to handle, but it's powerful. All of the advantages of Detonation without the drawback of hitting myself, he thought.

With the combined force of their attacks, the plant-beast was left wide open as it screeched out with a ring that pierced their ears. 

"You might want to get back, Ren!"

"On it!"

Following Hongse's call, Ren weaved his way through the maze of wreathing vines, cutting his way through as he watched a majestic flame conjured around Valerie's lance-staff. 

It was a flame nothing less than magical in origin; the distinct, blood-crimson tint of the flame set it apart from anything else. Burning so brightly, the orb of inferno cast a light over the battlefield of vines and obsidian gunk. 

As the final few notches were being set for Valerie's magic, Macheo and Aiko handled their part of the deal with the second of these plant beasts. With blades of water running opposite of his arms, Macheo sped through the air, bouncing from platform to platform as he cut away at the sea of vines aiming towards him. 


Finding herself on the defense, constantly having to evade the plethora of conscious tendrils, Aiko embellished her gauntlets in a box of light, extending this mystical light into the form of astral gauntlets that ran up her arms. 

With a thrust of her magically-enhanced fist, a shock wave of light unleashed onward, bulldozing through the wall of vines--giving room for Macheo to expose the core of the beast as he readied his own magic. 

"Achelous: Atlantean!"

Stopping himself with the assistance of one of his astral platforms, his incantation spun his conjured water into the form of an aquatic drill, spinning rapidly before it crashed against the thick, durable armor of the plant. 

More, More! Macheo gritted his teeth. 

Pouring further mana into the attack, the drill finally busted through the hide of the raging plant, leaving it exposed before he quickly retreated. 

With her chance being opened, at last, Valerie opened her eyes, holding her intricately crafted catalyst of destruction up to the air as its steel began to radiate from the gathered heat. 

"Kojin: Storm of Fire!"

As she yelled out the true name of the great magic, at last, two large seals appeared above both of the plant-formed monsters, formed completely of radiant, crimson flames that breathed out embers. With one last swing of her metallic weapon, she commanded a pillar of vicious flames to crash down from the seals, swallowing the vine-armed creatures whole in the melting embrace of her flames. 

Screeches that could shatter glass wailed from the plants as the spiraling flames consumed them, generating waves of embers that carried memories of the heat towards those watching. 

"I'm glad I'm not them right now."

Ren wiped the sweat from his chin with a slight chuckle, watching as the majestic display of mystical flames reflected in his hazel irises. 

"That's right! Valerie is one of the top fire mages in Vesta!"

Boasting about his companion, Hongse let out his usual, bellowing laughter as he rested his plus-sized hammer against his shoulder as if it weighed nothing more than a twig. 

"Still, I'm surprised you were a dedicated mage at all. I mean, that fancy armor and all--I expected you to swing a sword around."

Ren commented as he watched Valerie shift her weapon into a small, compact form, fitting it into a special compartment within her pristine gauntlets. By the sheer size and ferocity, she possessed with armor that would make any knight jealous--he still couldn't imagine her to be the type to sit back and fling spells. 

"What sense does it make for a caster to wear anything less than the best armor? We're constantly prioritized by the enemy."

As if it was a completely common line of thinking, Valerie responded with a raised eyebrow, looking down at the shorter male with her draconic irises that always made his blood run a little warmer. 

"You know, that actually makes a lot of sense."

Ren commented before ruffling his own hair, sheathing both of his blades as he looked over at the other pair returning to the group. Celebrating their victory, Macheo and Aiko exchanged a gleeful high-five--a sight that still felt somewhat unorthodox to Ren's eyes.

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