Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 220 - Butcher

Even if he found himself perplexed by this sudden development, Macheo slowly retreated himself back into the corridor, watching as his companion weaved into existence a powerful gathering of magical energy. 

"Come out, you gross bastard." 

Whispering to himself, Ren kept his eyes keenly focused on the spacious domain around him, keeping his hand up as the generated mana bore itself into existence, taking the form of a rampant sphere of stygian energy above his palm. 

Around him gathered an intense wind, gathered by the force generated by his fearsome mana. Fluttering in the unnatural gusts, his colorless locks of snow ran across the hazel veil of his irises. 

Come on. I know you're watching, he thought. 

Doubling down on his gamble, he amplified his raw magical output further, sending a tremor through the domain as it shook violently under the pressure of his building mana. Standing tall, he watched as something finally caught his eyes. 

Got you, he smiled. 

It was the same arms he witnessed take hold of the adventurer, slowly protruding from the wall as if it were a spectral spirit. Soon, it became known it wasn't just disembodied arms--but a full-fledged entity as a face emerged as well. 

The moment his eyes laid on that face, he felt his resolve be challenged by a most daunting wave of despair. 

That's...No, Ren thought. 

The entity's face was patchwork; the skin wrapped over its own was sewn together, wearing a face that clearly wasn't its own, holes cut open for its own mouth and eyes to be revealed. Both eyes it possessed were completely different from one another, one verdant and the other an icy blue. 

Leaving the boundaries of the wall unnaturally, its leg jutted out from the surface of the flesh-gate, slowly stepping onto the ground as it quietly looked at him with a smile. As it crept out from its place within the walls, its full-form looked human--unnaturally so. 


Though it was natural for him to call for his companion, it wasn't something done out of a tactical mindset, but the complete fear of facing this being alone. 

I feel sick. I want to throw up, just looking at that thing--imagining its disgusting presence alone makes me want to puke, Ren thought. 

"What the hell is that?!..."

Returning to Ren's side, the question left Macheo's lips naturally in horror as his eyes met with the same entity. 

"I think that's the "Butcher" all of its abhorrent glory." 

As the entity stood both of its bare feet on the ground below, it stretched its body as if it were attempting to snap all of its bones, twisting its neck side-to-side as well as bringing its arms behind its back as its bones loudly cracked before a sigh left its maw. 

"That's right; I'm the Butcher." 


It came to a haunting surprise to both of them--the human-seeming, monstrous entity spoke to them. Even if it did truly look human, it clearly was not. Standing well over the height of even the tallest athletes, it possessed a body layered in scars and stitches, its skin covered in patches of different complexions. Even its own hair seemed to be stitched into its scalp, holding a mix of beige and gray. 

"Ah, you two look strong...I want you. I want you. Such smooth skin...Healthy bodies...What a gift this day has become." 

Reveling in its own twisted desires, the Butcher licked its lips, its unnaturally long tongue running along its chin before retreating back into its mouth. Watching this, both boys suffered from a chill running over their bodies. Still, Ren forced himself to speak up as he gripped his blade. 

"Where are the others?! There were four others with us, you were the one who separated us, weren't you?"

"...Others? Ah...Yes, the others. The others. Mm...they're here, yes."

As he spoke, the Butcher's lifeless irises rolled around as his tongue slipped out once more, running his hands along his overtly muscular body as if enjoying the feel of his own skin. 

"Tell me where!"

Demanding an answer, Ren seemed ready to strike as he pointed his blade towards the entity standing near the wall opposite to his position. 

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! What good does it do me to indulge your desires? Maybe if you show me a nice ecstasy, my lips will be unsealed." 

Even if Butcher wasn't making any movements that entailed malice, the shaky, excited tone that coated his words as he leaned forward sent Ren's instincts into alert. 

"Was this thing supposed to be...human?!"

"I don't know!"

"Doesn't matter now, I guess--cover me!"


Exchanging words quickly, Ren took the vanguard as he sprinted just as Butcher took the first step, flipping Belus between his fingers as he kept his eyes locked on the tall, unnatural entity. As he ran, stomping his feet forward as his arms dangled behind him, Butcher laughed like an ecstatic child as he drew close to the middle of the large, spacious chamber. 

"What's so funny, huh?!"

Swiping his blade towards Butcher's chest, Ren yelled out as his attack was avoided by an unorthodox dodge, watching as it looked like the monstrous man fell backwards, only to launch himself back up with his hands into a dropkick. 

Despite its size and muscle mass, the monstrous human-like entity moved fluidly as if gravity didn't treat it as harshly as the rest. Avoiding the incoming kick using its full mass, Ren slid beneath Butcher as it launched past him. 

"I'm just enjoying myself, that's all! Ha-ha! Mm...maybe the other one is just as delicious."

Setting its sights on Macheo, it licked its lips with a devilish grin as it sprinted towards the golden-haired mage dressed in black and crimson. 

"B-bring it on then!"

"Yes! Yes! I love bold people, especially when they're trying to hide their trembling bodies!" 

Each time Butcher's sprinting feet smacked against the ground, a loud, heavy stomp resounded through the acoustic chamber. Holding its wicked, frivolous smile, it neared the position of the young Lucrauvian, clenching its fist as it prepared for contact. 


Trying to catch up with the intense speed possessed by the entity, Ren called out from just behind Butcher, tightening his grip on Belus. 

"Don't you dare worry about me! I'm not backing down!"

"Show me!"

Butcher leaped into the air, spinning itself as it finally began to crash down into a mighty kick, descending towards the golden crown below. 

"Wasser: Geyser!"

Slamming his palm against the ground, a short tremor birthed itself before a rumbling began--ascending into a burst of water that burst through the crimson flooring. 


Butcher seemed more intrigued than worried as the pillar of steaming, high-pressured water crashed into it with ferocious force. The summoned geyser propelled itself against the roof of the rotten domain, running strong as Macheo kept his hand pressed against the floor. 


An obvious vein protruded against his forehead as he muttered to himself, biting onto his lip as he increased the output of the geyser. 

"That's enough!" 

Arriving at Macheo's side, Ren grabbed his arm to halt the rampant mana output. The look on Macheo's face remained as intense but shifting to utter fear as he looked past his companion. Following the frightened gaze, Ren experienced the same dread, witnessing the patchwork form of the creature land perfectly on its two feet. 

"Mm, that really was fun. You both are quite strong; I've really been blessed with such quality material."


Ren muttered as he brought himself back to his feet, helping his partner stand as well as they kept close to each other. It only continued to escalate; the primal fear that exuded from Butcher. It was something that should've been obvious at first glance, but he finally realized. 

That patchwork body, this entire place, I mean--it's right in its damn name--"Butcher". It's using the parts of people as its "material"...That explains why it looks human, but it's the farthest thing from it, Ren thought.

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