Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 245 - Sun Wukong, I Am!

If he charged at me right now, I don't know if I'd be able to guard against another attack. Just the air pressure alone fractured my ribs last time...What would a more precise blow do? Leon thought. 

Looking back towards the scenery of unconscious bodies strewn across the pale wooden planks, he felt his strength waver as the sight of the flowing blonde locks of his closest comrade came into view; Manfred was knocked unconscious by that single kick, slumped against the back of the ship. 

"Keep your eyes on the battle, kid."

The unnatural quietness to the familiar, fiendish voice of Sun Wukong met with his ear directly, turning just in time to witness the Monkey King standing directly before him. 

Abandon: First Stage! He commanded his body. 

As his veins pressed against his skin, his muscles were filled out as his pale complexion was tanned by the ferocity of his heating blood. Lifting his sword, he was able to guard against the blow perceived not by sight, but pure instinct. 

"Oh? What's this? Got something up your sleeve, I see."

Pulling away, Sun Wukong looked at the young man with his perceptive, golden eyes as his fur fluttered in the nightly winds. 

I didn't want to use it...not so soon after the previous job, but here I am--a hopeless fool, Leon smiled. 

"I guess innate abilities are veiled to me until presented, that's what this is right? Mm…"

Looking at the form of the young executioner, the Monkey King scratched his chin with his long, sable nail. Going from his speculative stance, the golden-furred monkey instantly returned himself to Leon's position with his fist already reared back. 

Fast! Too fast! Leon thought, But I can see it!

Using his blade once more as a shield, he blocked the incoming strike, feeling the impact be sent throughout his body, but this time without long-lasting inflictions. 

"I get it now, I get it!"

Casually pulling his fist covered in crimson, fingerless gloves back, Sun Wukong smiled in glee as he proclaimed his insight. 

"Your ability allows you to push your body's physical capabilities beyond their limits. That's why you've gotten stronger, but you look like a tomato that's about to pop!" 

He figured it out right away...Those eyes are no joke, he thought. 

It was vexing to be deciphered so swiftly and casually by the frivolous monkey, but he retained his focus on surviving this encounter--once more tightening his hold on his sword as he set his foot down, this time preparing to take the initiative. 

"Thaumas: Unbridled Wonder!"

Manifesting the spell from the deepest pits of his being, Leon's call summoned forth streaks of glistening water that cascaded forth, coiling the shape of the ship in a territory of mystical waters. Patting the soles of his furry feet against the newly brought in water, Sun Wukong looked down curiously. 

In unison with the aquatic magecraft being called into the world, the clouds parted with their own watery essence as rain began to fall. 

"Water magic, huh? Never seen this type of spell before."

While the Monkey King was distracted by his boundless curiosity, the silver and brown-haired executioner was quick to take advantage of this, surfing forward along the water he held authority over, gliding solely on the soles of his sable boots. 

Returning his attention to the young fighter, Sun Wukong smiled at the prospect of fighting as always, attempting to take a step forward, only to find that action being thwarted. 


Looking down, the water he found himself in had wrapped itself tightly around his ankles, locking him in place as Leon rapidly approached his position. 


Yelling out fervently, Wukong finally opted to use the obsidian pole, decorated with golden trinkets along its length, meeting the young man's assault halfway as he swung the mystical pole across the length of the airborne sea vessel. 

As it was finally swung with the fervor of the golden-haired monkey behind it, its length seemed to increase a few times over, spanning the width of the ship's main deck. Using reinforcement to keep his reaction time up to par with the enemy before him, Leon watched in his heightened perception as the lavish, divine pole carved through the descending droplets of rain, tunneling towards him with a monstrous force propelling it. 

I can't block this, and from this distance--dodging is hardly an option, he thought. 

Drawing near his neck, the wind pressure being pressed and parted by the rod wielded by the Monkey King brushed against his form. Manipulating the domain of water he manifested into the battlefield, Leon gripped his own legs with the unnatural, azure aqua, pulling his body down as the pole zipped past him, cutting through the winds with a violent force. 

Moving so abruptly, he gasped sharply through his lips as the prickly, sharp pain returned to his abdomen. Witnessing the attack that likely would've done him in on the spot, it looked and felt as if it released a natural disaster into the star-filled night. 

"More! More! Show me the tenacity of a human, in all of its glory!"

Smiling with his pearly whites with his canines on full display, Sun Wukong didn't let up with just that single swing, pulling the extended pole back for another strike just as ferocious. 

Crap! I didn't expect another, and so fast! Leon thought. 

Using his blade as a cover, he ducked beneath the incoming strike by just a hair, feeling the entire ship rumble under the strength presented. Once more, a complete surprise came to his eyes, Sun Wukong was right before his eyes with that untraceable speed of his, bringing the pole overhead. 

How?! My Unbridled Miracle was holding him--Leon pondered. 

Looking down, he finally realized what had happened: from the sheer wind pressure generated by the Monkey King's swings, the territory spell had been cast away, the water dispelled completely by brute strength. 

Knowing this, Leon's hesitant heart couldn't find the brazen will to move out of the way or so much as lift his blade in defense. 

"Get your head in the game, you idiot…!"

Coming from behind him, the lively voice was like music to his ears, watching as the voice was backed by the existence of the pale, golden locks of his friend. Lifting his silver blade with a sable hilt to the air, Manfred prepared to block the incoming strike. 


Raising his sword as well, Leon aided his friend in defending against the powerful overhead strike, feeling it come down against his blade like a falling mountain. Beneath their firmly planted boots, the hulk of the ship trembled under the weight of the blow. 

Resisting such unreserved, brutal strength, he could hardly draw a breath in without nearly collapsing from the stinging, acute pain. 

In a way, Manfred and I are two peas in a pod. My ability pushes my body past its physical limit, but a toll is set on me. His rare form of magic, "Life", allows him to manipulate his own vigor and body in ways similar to mine, without the drawbacks. 

With their combined effort, they managed to push the lengthy pole back with a united roar, much to the surprise of the Monkey King who smiled in glee, stumbling back a few steps. 

"Ha-ha-ha! Not bad, not bad! Come on, show me everything you've got!"

"This one sure is noisy…"

Manfred mumbled, lowering his stance as he kept close to his comrade. Nodding in agreement, Leon winced as he chuckled, grabbing hold of his side, an act noticed by his companion. 

"Let me see that."

Placing his hand gently on the compromised section of Leon's body, Manfred's touch emitted a gentle, verdant glow. 

"There. Better?"


Smiling at the loss of the constant pain plaguing his movements, Leon stood himself straight with a newfound vigor as he focused his gaze on the awaiting foe. 

"All set? Then bring it on." 

Resting on his own gilded tail, Sun Wukong had his muscular arms crossed against his chest as he egged the only conscious fighters left aboard on. The smug look perched on his carefree face was all the more vexing to the two that were now fighting for their lives. 

Being comrades for some time now, all it took was an exchange of glances between the two to formulate their plan of action, dashing in two opposing directions. Taking the left side of the Monkey King, Manfred set out, raising his blade over his shoulder; taking the right side, Leon dashed forth with his sword trailing behind him. 


Sitting still with his arms still folded, the golden-eyed divinity watched both approaching foes without losing any of his frivolity. 

Crossing the distance to the Monkey King in unison, both Manfred and Leon drew their silver, rain-coated blades back with pure resolve straining across their expressions. However, as the monkey clad in shining, flowing locks smiled in anticipation, both of the executioners drew back before coming into striking range. 

A fake-out? Sun Wukong thought. 

Driven by instinct, the Monkey King didn't realize he had already taken a step forward, lunging for a strike that was canceled by only air being in his striking range now. 

"Thaumas: Whirlpool Prison!" 

"Sekhmet: Vigor of The Rulers!"

Manfred's own spell cast on his ally amplified him with a verdant aura, coiling across his body and embracing it as his manifested spell came out with increased potency. 

There's no better ally to fight with than him; his supportive ability is amazing. Even now, I can feel it running through my veins like raw, purified will supercharging my body and magic. With this, we can do it! Leon thought. 

The aqua he conjured formed itself in the shape of a bubble, trapping within its domain the golden-furred Monkey King himself. 

"Huh. Not bad." 

Tapping the end of his gilded, sable pole against the prison of water, Sun Wukong watched as the object was rejected by its flowing, yet sturdy form. 

Not just a simple sealing spell, is it? Sun Wukong thought. 

"This isn't a barrier meant to just contain physical entities, right?"

Leon hesitated to answer Sun Wukong's answer, but slowly nodded his head as he wiped the sweat from his chin. 

"I figured--no, I know for a fact you're a high spirit that was summoned. Whirlpool Prison specializes in containing magical properties, a spirit is formed of mana itself's only natural it would be most effective against a beast like you."

After explaining the nature of the spell to the man-faced, golden-furred monkey that resembled that of a demi-human, the very creature trapped within the spell let out a fit of roaring laughter. 

"...What's so funny?"

Before he could get an answer from the Monkey King himself, he turned his attention to his comrade, who looked just as worried as he felt despite their advantageous position. 

"We need to find a way to contact the other Argonauts...It pains me to admit it, but I don't like our chances at actually subduing this thing completely." 

If Manfred is actually doubtful, the situation is probably direr than I thought. It's true though, even if we have him sealed for now--it's only a temporary hold at best. I'd say we have at max twenty minutes, Leon thought. 

"I guess I should correct you on something, both of you."

Suddenly, the Monkey King spoke once more from the holds of the flowing sphere of imprisoning aqua, standing without any stress present on his tan face. 


"I'm not a high spirit! I am a divine spirit!"

Hearing this proclamation backed by the tangible, cloud-splitting words of the golden-furred warrior, both of the executioners readied their blades shakily while feeling the immense strain of being within Sun Wukong's overwhelming aura.

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