Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 318 - A Pretty Face, A Pretty Soul


In that fraction of a second that came after Asmodeus' signal to start the match, the giant, golden haired man dashed forward with speed that completely caught her off guard. 

He's so fast…! I can't get a spell off in time! She thought. 

Slamming his bare foot to the sand with a thunderous stomp, Ju-Long pressed his large shoulder forward as it collided against the girl like a steel wall. 

Being bounced off the ground from the force of the shoulder check, Iris gasped as the air she held in her lungs was no longer present, breathing in a gasp full of sand as she coughed out. It was a simple maneuver—only done with such physical prowess that it felt inhuman. 

Can't breath…my lungs…so hot…she thought. 


Asmodeus' words weren't needed as the crowd was already riled up by the immediate start of the battle. 

"Get up, Iris!"

Almost digging his fingertips into the durable quartz he clung onto, Ren yelled out at the top of his lungs towards the young woman who laid on the sand, who still seemed to feel the effects of the blow. 

Against her skin, the coarse sand felt like a fuzzy blanket as the powerful impact made her body want to shrink away into the ground. 

"Stand. Out of respect for Ren, I shall offer you another chance at battle."

Standing over her, Ju-Long looked down at the girl with eyes that held little emotion. 

It was an overbearing presence to exist within; standing so tall like an oak long embedded in an ancient forest, it seemed as if the man was one that could not be uprooted with the power she currently had. Just a single, simple blow is all it was, yet it easily blew through her reinforcement—against such strength, she was hesitant to rise to her feet, but the yell from Ren guided her up.

"Impressive. I can't imagine you're even a fifth of my size, but you can still fight."

Taking his stance once more as he spoke with his voice as deep as a boundless chasm, Ju-Long held his hands out in preparation of their second clash. 

Now I know…he's agile—way too agile for his size, Iris thought, but what good does knowing that do…? Can I stop him? 

As soon as she returned to her feet, brushing the sand from the knees of her silver stockings—another charge came. A crack resounded from the wind as the propelled mass of hulking muscle and fat exceeded the sound barrier; a wave of sand cascaded in his wake. 

Expecting it this time, Iris threw herself to the side with little time for extra movements, feeling the wind pressure from her opponent as he passed directly by her. 

I made it…! She thought.

This temporary triumph was tested as he stomach sank at the explosive impact that sent a tremor though the arena; having crashed against the magic barrier protecting spectators, Ju-Long shook the arena to its core.

Silence befell the arena in the face of such monstrous strength; with the tremors settling, the towering man straightened himself as he rolled the shoulder that collided with the color-shifting barrier. 

"Just what kind of strength is that…?"

Ren blinked a few times, watching as sediment from the quartz walls showered down. 

Attempting to rest, Aiko was startled from her spot on the bench from the singular charge. 

"I knew by looking at him he'd be a powerful contemporary, but this sort of strength is something reserved for great beasts."

Holding a concerned furrow of his eyebrows, Fedrin muttered at the raw display of strength from Ju-Long.

"Well, he's not exactly the norm…that golden sash he's wearing is something exclusive to the Endai. My knowledge of Oriru is unfortunately lacking, but even I can discern that."


Fedrin looked at Jae-Seong for clarification—as did Ren as it seemed the man always had a bit more information than he let on. 

"Really, I don't know all too much about it. Both Akitein and Jinyue are as isolated as they come—you can bet only a select few outsiders can witness Oriru matches. Anyway…an Endai is someone that has reached the pinnacle of Oriru—and that isn't a superficial feat by any means."

Slipping his hands into his coat pockets, Jae-Seong spoke with his vanilla-smooth suave as the others listened in—though the news only fueled the imposing figure of Ju-Long.

"Licht: Arrow!"

While his back was turned to her, Iris yelled out as she manifested into the air an arrow of light, allowing it to shoot towards him at a viscous speed. Carved from light itself, the arrow collided with the center of the gargantuan man's back--dissolving upon impact without a trace of damage to be seen blemishing his immutable hide. 

"What? It had no effect…" 

Finding herself in disbelief at the futility of her attack, Iris shook her head slowly as she watched Ju-Long turn himself around to face her, holding an indifferent look--as if she was just another obstacle for him in this tournament.

"Iris! Move! Dodge! Now---!"

Once more, Ren found himself screaming--this time nearly tearing at his throat as the girl didn't seem to realize the stance Ju-Long was shifting into. Lowering himself back down as he massaged the soles of his feet into the warm, plentiful sand--this time, he kept his arms tucked by his waist. 


Even being told this stern warning from the booming voice of Asmodeus, Ren didn't acknowledge what he had heard in the slightest as he called out once more, being pulled back by both Fedrin and Jae-Seong. 

It's just like that one time...against the Pale Stalker--you froze just like this before. I was there to help you before--I'll be here to help you again! He thought. 

Resisting the hold of the two men, Ren attempted to crawl right through that window. It wasn't just some mindless desire to protect her from any and all harm--he could feel it; the mana building within Ju-Long--it grew so potent and dense. 

"Calm down, man!"

Jae-Seong pleaded with Ren as the young man flailed his body--the high elf broke a sweat as the raw strength of the white-haired competitor was quite the pull. 

Witnessing Ju-Long propel forward--Ren's antics fell limp as he could only watch now in what felt like slowed time. 

It was faster this time; the massive man shot forward directly towards the still girl--quickly coming into range as he then propelled his fists with the same, viscous power--launching both of his boulder-like fists directly into her abdomen. 


Left breathless, Iris was flung into the air by the force of the blow. Shining down on her, the bright lights that filled the arena with such radiance filled her wavering vision. 

I don't get it...why am useless? Compared to everyone else...I'm nothing. What is it...I'm missing? She thought. 

Her stomach felt as if it was filled with magma; each breath came in like raging flames as she began to descend from her time spent in the air. However--her opponent didn't let up with just a single attack. 

Compressing himself down into an extremely low squat, Ju-Long launched himself up--meeting the girl in the holds of the air. Presenting agility that surpassed his build, the blonde-haired giant rammed his knee directly into the girl's back as he howled in agony before the man followed up once more with a hammer fist to her gut, sending her down to the ground. 

"I'll kill him…! If he continues this, I'll kill him!" 

I don't give a shit if I'm disqualified--I can't watch this! I can't bear it! He thought. 

Clenching his teeth as he witnessed the brutality of Ju-Long's combat, Ren could see only red. The thought crossed his mind to retrieve his sword from its sheath, but even in his rage he couldn't quite commit to such depravity. Just before he could slam his fist against the quartz, he was stopped by the gentle grasp of Aiko, who looked up at him with glistening eyes. 

"Think about what she wants." 

Of all people, she knew the wrath that he buried within himself--that's why he understood that worried, yet trusting look present in Aiko's eyes. 

"...I can't say I know this "Iris" woman, but if she is indeed your comrade, Ren Nakamura--no...if she is someone you care for, then there is no greater downfall you can cast upon her than jumping into that arena. Above all, trust her." 

Fedrin's words were as wise as the eyes he possessed, it felt as if by hearing those words as crisp as a spring day and staring into those wise, old eyes of his, Ren felt his rage simmer down as he returned his eyes to the state of Iris, who was laid out across the sand. 

"Right. Thanks."

He had to focus to contain his rage; choosing to place his trust in the girl despite the thorny situation she found herself in. 

Stand up, Iris...he thought.

Though, even if he brought such words across his mind, he didn't know if he truly wanted that. To see the fight continue would be a painful endeavor for himself--however, this fight was not about him--he realized that as he watched the azure-haired young woman shakily lift herself from the sand. 

Even with arms as thin as straw; shaking so heavily, she found herself to her feet as the way the sand held around her boots was all that seemed to keep her up. 

Mother...why did you send me here? You knew...just how weak I was. I can't do anything. believed in me, didn't you? Mother, Ren...I'm so pathetic, she thought. 

Sniffling as she wiped the tears from her eyes, the harsh sand clinging to her skin felt like tiny blades being run across her face; her nose ran bloodied from the harsh impacts that had landed earlier. 


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