Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 346 - Winds Calming

Letting out an annoyed sigh, the Marquis finally spoke, "Stop, Wrath. We're retreating."

With his command, Wrath fell to a still, causing Jae-Seong to stop his next straight right halfway through as he watched the lumbering beast return to the Marquis' side.??


Ren asked, finding himself even more perplexed by the situation than he already was. Taking his stand next to Ren, Jae-Seong rolled his shoulders as he let out a heavy breath--watching the two entities intently.??

"We were unprepared this time; an exhausting waste, really. I can't capture you without killing you--so for now, this is goodbye, Ren Nakamura. As a parting gift, I'll tell you one thing: right now, the passage to the third floor is cleared."??

A Heavenly King was unexpected; Wrath can't handle him as he is now--maybe if he was complete, it'd be a different story--but those are just excuses. Besides that, we lost a Marquis, even if he was a lunatic, and our plan to eliminate Andraste was a failure. Overall, an exhausting defeat. I'm not the type to sink into deeper holes; let's quit while we're behind, Zeno thought.??

While Wrath stood at the Marquis' side, Ren realized there was zero sign of damage present on the beast's body.??

I thought Jae-Seong was pummeling it, but it's not hurt at all???? Ren thought.??


Before he could get any further information, Ren watched as Zeno retrieved a sable gem from beneath his robes, crushing it between his fingers; the Marquis and Wrath were engulfed in an abyssal mist before completely vanishing.??

What do they want from me? "Belmon"? I've got a lot of questions; I guess I'll have to wait until I'm clear of Purgatory to ask any of these questions, Ren looked towards the imposing castle in the distance.??

"Looks like a miracle came through after all. We probably would've died if that Marquis was really intent on killing us."

"???You think so?"

"Yeah, I sensed it a dozen times over; he displayed the ability to kill but stopped. And that beast???he's trouble too."

Jae-Seong spoke while he released his ability and cracked his stiff joints.??

"I'm pooped???"

Falling onto his back right into the holds of the vanilla grass, Jae-Seong collapsed into rest, shutting his eyes.??

"You can say that again."

Ren sat down on the comfortable bed of grass beside Jae-Seong, feeling exhaustion coat his heavy eyelids.??

Even exposed in the middle of the vast field, sitting beneath the sky of trees, the world of dreams drug both of the exhausted men in as their war was finished.??

Waking up, his eyelids felt as heavy as mountains, but a certain softness existed beneath his head.??

A pillow? He thought.??

Slowly parting his dense eyelids, he was greeted by a small smile that came accompanied by locks that resembled both a waterfall and the great azure sky beyond this realm.??


A small nod came from the angelic presence above him, causing him to share a smile of his own with her.??

"You're reckless, you know that?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know???"

Being reprimanded by Iris, he responded quietly before receiving a playful flick to his forehead. After a short chuckle, he turned his head to the side to see the Weltwanders resting in the serene, ivory grass: Macheo sat with one knee up as if brooding, while Aiko sat against his back, hugging her knees as she greeted Ren with a smile. Valerie sat on a small rock as her crimson locks flowed, watching the skyline of reverse trees. Somewhat surprising, but relieving, the purple-eyes high elf was present as well, reading a tiny book that rested on two of his fingers.??

Hongse and a man mysterious to Ren, as large in height and width as the crimson panda, munched away on crackers.??

"Where is????"

Ren sat up, finding the answer to his own question he cut-off as he saw Jae-Seong fast asleep in the grass beside him.??

Before he could make any further noise, Iris put her finger to her lips to signal for him to keep quiet.??

"He needs his rest. I tended to his wounds, so he's reasonably tired."??

"I see."

Ren smiled as he confirmed the safety of all of his companions, letting out a heavy, drawn-out sigh of relief.??

Sitting up, he turned his gaze to the round, green-haired giant who was now looking at him along with the rest of the group, "Urr, who are you?"??

Standing up and brushing the crumbs from his suit, the large man bowed as far as he could with his hefty stomach in the way, "Augustus of Ostmanhus, at your service!"??

"Osmanthus???? You're part of that group that Sicarius was from, huh? I guess he wasn't lying about all of that???"??

Saying such words, Ren felt the reality of the losses that occurred sink in as tears lined his eyes, covering his face for a moment with his arm, "Shit???"??

It happened again, didn't it? I was so caught up in the heat of the moment that I didn't realize...I let them die. If I just tried harder, maybe I could've...Ren thought.??


Catching him off-guard in his dreary thoughts, Augustus suddenly called his name. It was only now that he got a closer look at the large man that he saw his eyes were puffy and red; the trademark blemish of grief.??

Sitting up on his own beside Iris, he looked at Augustus, nodding his head to confirm he was listening to the man.??

"I heard what happened; the young man with you told us before he passed out once again. The one named Yuri fell, and my dear friend and colleague, Sicarius, fell as well."


Ren lowered his gaze as he replied to Augustus' words, feeling the gentle hand belonging to the azure-haired woman caress his back.??

He's going to scold me, isn't he? I deserve it, Ren thought.??

"Don't beat yourself up over it."


"I can't speak much for Yuri, but Sicarius knew full well what this mission entailed. We of Osmanthus have sworn our lives to repelling Belmon; today that mission was a success, in no small part due to you, Ren. I believe Belmon's defeat on this day is no greater show of respect and remembrance for the fallen; be proud, Ren Nakamura."??

The kind, uplifting words from Augustus were enough to squeeze Ren's tear ducts as trails of grief slid down his cheeks--somewhat to a surprise to himself as he felt his face to confirm the abundance of tears.??

That's weird...I'm crying, he thought.??

A passing wind swept through the endless stretch of vanilla grass, sweeping by the limbs of the upside down, ceiling trees as he felt the moment fall still with this realization.??

Though his heart ached thoroughly with a distinct sadness, a fresh warmth flowed through his veins as he looked down at his own two hands. As if sensing the flourish of emotions through him, Iris wrapped her arms around him--bringing the young man into a seraphic embrace.??

I guess victory without loss is a child's dream, isn't it? I'll...have to learn to accept that, he thought.??

"...Thank you, Augustus."??

Extending his hand to the towering man, he smiled as the two shared in a handshake.??

"Come to think of it, I didn't see you in the tournament, Augustus."??

Macheo suddenly brought up, looking at the tubby man who responded with a haughty laugh of his, twirling his mustache as he seemed to enjoy doing.??

"Yeah...did you fail the qualifiers or something?"

Aiko added in, looking up at Augustus as the eyes of the group were now on the verdant-haired man.??

Clearing his throat, Augustus gave his answer, "I broke in!"??


Everyone, in unison, shared their confused reactions to the man's claim--now more curious than ever.??

"I'm not actually a Purgatory participant, you see! I should've been more specific earlier, but I was in a bit of a panic--"Secluded Castle" is only one part of my innate ability. With "Backwards Forwards" I can tether one point to someone or someplace, and tether the other point wherever I wish; it's one way in, one way back--but I can teleport to and from once. I had Sicarius act as my tether to Purgatory and laid low until things got spicy."??

Giving his explanation, a smug expression overtook Augustus' face as he presented himself as some sort of mastermind tactician, though the looks he got were mostly indifferent.??

"Huh...Osmanthus is really something else, isn't it?"??

Ren commented, looking up at the man who gave him a warm smile in return. Even so, Augustus cleared his throat once more as a somber look came over his expression, adjusting his collar as the ivory fields came over with a breeze.??

"Apologies, but I must be taking my leave now."

"What? I thought you were staying. There's still a lot we need to know about...everything. None of this makes sense still."??

Ren stood up suddenly, nearly falling over as he didn't realize the exhaustion that had taken hold of his body.??

"Yeah, why?"??

"What gives?"??

Chipping in with Ren, the beige-haired girl raised her gaze to the man from Osmanthus while Macheo seemed to only be joining in to support Aiko's words.??

Hongse remained silent, still nibbling on crackers as the smacking of his lips intruded on ongoing conversations--not having a care in the world as he acted as a "lookout".??

"It is a selfish ask, but I believe our chances of survival would be better with you around, Sir Augustus. Please reconsider."??

The quiet high elf spoke humbly as he bowed his head, causing the bashful man to wave his hands to disregard such formalities.??

Is Fedrin with us now? What'd I miss? Ren thought.??

"It's understandable; Augustus should leave."??

Valerie spoke against Ren and Aiko's denial of the man's leave, reeling in both of their gazes to her as she sat with her arms crossed.

"Why's that?"??

Aiko's question was quickly answered by Valerie, "Like he said, he's not a proper participant of Purgatory. That means he doesn't have the Pact of Undying. There's no second chances for him if he bites it here; one and done."

"Ah???that's a good point."??

Ren scratched his cheek embarrassedly with a soft chuckle???forgetting that was a thing to worry about. Laughing heartily from Ren's reaction, Augustus twirled his lengthy mustache.??

"That's only one reason why I can't stay here."

"Why else?"

Aiko asked, brushing her silver gauntlets with a handkerchief as sand still remained on its form. Pacing back and forth a bit while tending to his loved facial hair, Augustus let out a sigh.??

"I truly do wish I could assist you all through this cruel realm, but alas, duty awaits. You must understand that when it comes to dealing with Belmon, every moment is paramount. Much information was gathered here today; information that my partner died to gather.. I would lament the day I squander such a sacrifice."

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