Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 349 - Lamentation Of Purgatory

The sounds of multiple pairs of footsteps brought him to open his eyes as the approaching sight of those who went out to scout for a fountain greeted his opened eyes. 

"Back already? I'm guessing it went well." 

Ren asked as he stood up, stretching his arms as he released a yawn. 

Scrunching his nose at being directly yawned at, Macheo looked like he was one second from hitting his white-haired companion as he nodded his head, pointing back with his thumb. 

"It's just over that hill back there; we already set our points there, so you all should do the same." 

"I see. Good job!"

As Ren complimented the three, he walked over to the slumbering, curly-haired otherworlder before kicking him in his side. 

A sharp gasp left Jae-Seong's lips as he opened his eyes, kicking himself onto his own feet with an agile maneuver--taking Ren by surprise. 

"You're a morning person, aren't you? Weird." 

"When you're as busy as I was back on Earth, that's the way life has to be lived! Anyways, what's up? Are we being attacked again?" 

Jae-Seong shadowboxed a bit; there wasn't a shred of evidence that he had just woken up a few seconds prior with the boundless energy he showcased. 

After somehow managing to grab Jae-Seong's attention, those who didn't set their revival point set off to the fountain to claim their spot amongst Camlann, hiking through the serene fields of white and silver, littered with steel and corpses. 

Over the hill that obscured their view, they found it; the tall fountain of crimson that supplied the rejuvenating liquid. 

Each of their hands were dipped into the crimson pool, feeling their exhaustion be quelled and their new points of revival locked into place. 

Placing her hand in it, what Iris felt was different from the others; nothingness--it just felt as if she placed her hand in cool water. 

Just as they finished setting their revival point, a tremor of sorts resounded through the sky of upside down trees; propelling through the leaves like a stormy breath. 

"What was that…?"

Aiko asked, looking up just as the others did. 

"Beats me...I don't think Purgatory exactly has storms." 

Ren answered as he kept his eyes on the quivering trees sitting far above his gaze. Feeling a fit of anxiety build up in his gut, he and the others quickly returned to their temporary place of camp to regroup. 

"What's our next move?"

Macheo didn't waste anytime, asking right after they each restocked their stomachs with much needed nutrients. 

"...Well, now that Jae-Seong is awake...and clearly full of energy, I think we should go through that castle. I'm not a betting man, but I'd bet a whole lot that the entrance to the third floor is within that place." 

"I don't think anyone disagrees with that."

Hongse supported Ren's words, still munching on his ration of bread as his fur was stuck with crumbs. 

"Despite how desolate this place looks, it'd be a sure fire way to get our asses handed to us if we just waltzed into the place expecting nothing." 

Jae-Seong added in as he kicked his feet up on one of the crates, placing his hands behind his head. 

He's humble, Ren thought, it's easy to confuse him as a cocky bastard from the way he usually talks, but I know how strong he is...I doubt even whatever guardian exists on this floor could hold a candle to him. 


Iris muttered, keeping her gaze down as most of the others did as they sank into thought. 

Thinking it through, Ren thought of a plan of his own; something he coined as the "anti-trap strategy". 

With this, we can avoid being ambushed...which is what I feel like is our biggest threat here; something tells me either some of these knights are just waiting to get right back up, or some are in hiding, he thought. 

"Valerie, Macheo, and Aiko--you three hold our flank outside of the castle." 

"Not that I really have a problem with it, but why me?" Valerie asked. 

"Yeah, same question," Macheo chipped in. 

Though Aiko didn't seem to have any questions regarding her placement, Ren happily obliged their curiosity. 

"With Valerie's flight, you can keep a completely clear angle on whatever or whoever is approaching the castle--it'll be impossible to be flanked like that. Macheo...well, I trust your judgement. That's all." 

Giving his answer, Ren looked at both the draconic knight and the prince as they silently stared at him for a moment before nodding their heads. 

"That's enough for me," Macheo said. 

"If you think that's best," Valerie accepted. 

With their compliance, the rest came easily as Ren gave out the complete positions to the others, "Hongse, Jae-Seong--your job will be to stay on watch while the vanguard pushes in; watch the corners, clear rooms--make sure nothing is lurking within the building." 

"Fine by me," Jae-Seong smiled. 

"Roger, roger!" Hongse raised his hand. 

Smiling, Ren looked between Iris and Fedrin, "Iris, Fedrin, and I will be the vanguard. Iris, you'll use your guidance spells to help us navigate clearly; Fedrin, with your quick judgments and magic expertise, you'll protect her alongside me. Sounds good?"

"You can rely on me, Ren," Fedrin bowed his head with a gracious smile. 

"...I can do it. I'm with you!" Iris answered with resolve. 

In their reliable group, a plan was cemented; the ominous castle that stood in the distance now seemed surmountable. 

We're coming for you, third floor! Ren thought. 

As if signaling the coming of whatever night cycle existed in this quadrant, the luminescence of the countless trees above faded slowly, prompting Iris to create a campfire with a basic fire spell. 

"I can't remember the last time I experienced something close to "night"; I had forgotten that feeling."

Fedrin smiled small as he removed his gloves, keeping his hands close to the warmth of the orange flames. 

"You've been here awhile, haven't you?"

Iris asked, staying near Ren as a new cold wind inhabited Camlann in the nightly time of the domain. 

"That's right...sometimes I want to just fall over and give up...let Purgatory just take me away so I can finally rest. Then...I remember their faces, their wife and daughter. When I remember that, I can struggle for another decade." 

Though Fedrin smiled with these words, a somber tinge took his eyes as he clearly remembered those he spoke up, gripping the fabric of his robes. 

"Well, you've got us now, Fedrin. You don't have to carry such a heavy burden alone. We'll find them—your wife and daughter."

Ren assured the new member of their group with a small smile.

"That's right; the Weltwanderers are a team!"

Stuffing his stomach still, Hongse called out with his boisterous voice. 

"Thank you, everyone…"

Fedrin's eyes watered a bit as he bowed his head with gratitude. 

"Don't mention it. Down here, the only thing we can rely on is each other. If you don't learn that lesson, you'll probably end up dead."

Biting into a piece of bread as he said this, Macheo spoke with his eyes watching the warm flames in the middle of the group. 

"Macheo, that's…"

Pulling on the young man's sleeve, Aiko shook her head as he turned to look at her with his usual, sharp gaze before realizing what he said.


Lowering his head, Macheo apologized to the high elf with an unnatural maturity. 

Waving his hand, Fedrin laughed lightly as he stopped the gesture, "It's alright—I know you didn't mean it like that. You're right: relying only on yourself down here is more than likely paving your own path to failure."

"That's what they bet on down here."

Jae-Seong added in as he fiddled with a blade of grass between his fingers. 

"What do you mean?"

Iris looked at the man for a further answer, watching as Jae-Seong sat up to get a drink of water from his canteen.

Letting out a satisfied sigh as he wiped his mouth, he answered, "They want to isolate you. And more often than not, relationships aren't made down here because you can't exactly trust depraved challengers. If you have a support system, it's unlikely you'll surrender to despair."

"Yeah, I definitely know what you mean…"

Ren replied as he looked down at his own hands, feeling fresh, unwanted memories surface.

I still remember it; the pain of being stomped away by that damn Minotaur…those bats eating me alive mercilessly…I might've fallen if I continued alone. Ren thought.

"And those damn "familiars"; just another way to mess with us."

Macheo clicked his tongue as he took a sharp bite out of an apple-like fruit. 

"I realized that right away."

Adding in quickly, Jae-Seong whistled to himself nonchalantly. 

Macheo scoffed, "You bragging or something?"

In the somber, quiet darkness of Camlann in the ivory fields layered with soft shadows, the group sat around the warm flames—sharing in laughter and tales as they prepared for their last battle on the vast, second floor. 

With the supplies given to them in thanks by Augustus, it was the first time in a long time a feast was had, worries were dulled, and pain temporarily forgotten.

"A toast…to Bakar, Yuri, and Sicarius!"

Holding his canteen of water to the air, Ren announced a toast that the others shared in.

"To the lost…!"

Fedrin held back his own tears as he joined in; it was the same for Jae-Seong, but his sadness was second only to the fiery resolve in his eyes as he remembered the comrade he lost. 

Yuri, it won't atone for my own failure but…I'll make it out of this place. No…I'll make sure all of us do.. I won't lose anyone else down here, Jae-Seong thought. 

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