Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 371 - [Bonus ] EPISODE: Aelius

Immeasurable. Invincible. Indomitable. That's what I am seen as; the ultimate sword and shield of Mastorn, Aelius Van Eliades. Still, what has this strength and legend brought me? 

"Knight of Knights", "The Symbol of Mastorn", "Pillar of Strength"--names, titles bestowed upon me that I never asked for. Curated to destroy enemies I hold no malice towards...Is this why I was born? 

The only reason I agreed to walk this path of not only knighthood, but of heroism, was just that--I dreamed of the feeling of having crowds of people cheer me on after returning from a victorious quest, children watching me giddily and telling their parents they want to be like me. 

Fear. That's what I mostly see. All they see is a walking, talking form of destruction. So carefully choosing their words as if just the slightest hint of disrespect will spell the end of the world.

I hate it. 

Playing with his spotless, snow-white gloves, his locks of the same complexion fell over his coral eyes, shifting and tightening the gloves over his wrists. 

"Sir Aelius!"

Calling out from the left side of the pondering knight's ear, he turned to see the familiar, jovial expression of a young man he knew well. 


He found himself somewhat embarrassed to be caught in such a lax position, sitting on the railings of the grand quartz that overlooked the exuberant courtyard of the estate he found himself in, simply watching the sea of flowers gently sway in the soft winds. 

"What's with that brooding look you've got going on? Something got you down?" 

Adaire approached Aelius, giving the knight of a similar, youthful age a playful smack on the back accompanied by a chuckle meant to heal invisible wounds. The boy, a full head shorter than Aelius looked up at him with his vibrant, lavender eyes held the radiance of a thousand volts. 

"Just thinking about some things."

Giving a smile to appease Adaire, the white-haired knight slid himself off of the railing, stepping onto the pristine tiles that made up the walkway of the exterior manor. 

Adaire; one of the few knights--well, people in general, I can talk to freely. A free, unhinged spirit, he truly is. Like me, he's part of the Victorious Eight. 

"The thoughts of The Great Aelius, huh? Mind indulging me in such exuberant details?"

Saying this, the boy-knight with messy, blonde tufts earned a slight frown from Aelius, who simply looked down at him with those gentle, yet fierce eyes of his. 

"Just kidding, just kidding!"

Adaire chuckled playfully as he nudged his elbow against his fellow knight's arm, placing his hands back on the sides of his all-white uniform, matching Aelius' own, save for a few, ornamental designs on the Knight of Knight's outfit. 

"What'd you come here for anyway?" 

Sharing a soft laugh with the fellow knight, Aelius' smile now came naturally as his mood was brought back under the graciousness of the orange rays of the sun caressing his shoulders. 

As if holding the very answer to his question, a paper was held up in between the golden-haired knight's fingers, who held a smug smile before setting it in Aelius' hand. 

"This is…?"


Hesitantly, Aelius opened the folded parchment before laying his eyes on what was inscribed in azure ink. 

Blue ink. That's specifically how the Council of Iron addresses quests of a phantasm-rank for knights or adventurers. Let's see...A beast near the Scardreim Hills, it took out a few adventurers already and some passing merchants. Seems pretty serious. 

"And you came to me with this, why?"

Already knowing the answer, Aelius squinted at the young, grinning knightly friend of his as he held the paper up in front of the boy's eyes. 

"You've been stuck here doing nothing, right?"

"No--well, maybe. Protecting my household while my family is away is an important duty." 

Unable to deny it, Aelius muttered quietly as the young knight took the opportunity to sink his fangs into the opportunity before him. 

"Then let's take this quest on!" 

Totally ignoring what I just said, huh? Aelius sighed. 

Not very impressed with the impulsive request by the youthful knight, Aelius folded his arms across his chest as he walked past Adaire, marching along the walkway surrounded by meticulously trimmed hedges that inhabited a variety of colorful flowers. 

"Wait--hold up! Sir Aelius!" 

"Sorry, but I can't. The Eliades estate isn't something that can go unprotected by one of the Eliades swordsmen. It just so happens...I'm the only one available in the capital now."

Following closely behind the tall, slender knight and son of the noble household, Adaire squinted and furrowed his eyebrows as he seemed to almost pout. The sight of which was something Aelius always remarked to be "unknightly" of the boy. 

"It's because of that fabled armory, isn't it? I wish I could see it, just once...An armory stocked with the blades and artifacts passed down the legendary Eliades bloodline…I think it's fair to say it's every kid who swings a twig around's dream to see it."

Now the frivolous knight seemed to set his sights on another passtime, holding his gauntlets close together as he spoke of this as if proclaiming his dying request. 

"Well, you can't."

"Why not!?"

"Not a single person without the surname "Eliades" has stepped foot into that place since its inception, Adaire. I'd be excommunicated from the family in a heartbeat."

Besides that, it's too much of a risk. If the theory my uncle and father were discussing is correct, then Belmon might have their sights on something in the armory, Aelius thought. 

"You? Excommunicated? Hah!"

"What's so funny?"

Stopping in the middle of the walkway surrounded by near-perfect evergreen, Aelius looked at the boisterous boy beside him with a confused expression, his cape falling stagnant on his back. 

"You're the star child, that's what's funny. I mean, you are the Eliades family now. The name Aelius is probably more well-known than Eliades at this point." 


Aelius frowned a bit, running his fingers, covered by the silken material of his gloves, through his colorless locks on the back of his head. 

"...Ah, my bad. It's just...there really is no denying that your own name borders the line of myth. I mean, how awesome is that? There are tales about you despite still being alive!" 


He's just a kid, I don't really blame him for saying things like this. But, it doesn't make it hurt any less. If someone like him, gifted and talented beyond the waves of millions of others, he still looks up to me like I'm some sort of deity. I can't escape it, it really is just who I am. 

"Can't you just make an exception, just this once?"

Adaire held his palms together with his plea, looking up at the royal knight with one eye shut playfully as he awaited his answer. 

"I told you; nobody can enter the Eliades armory."

"Not that! I mean, can't you come with me on this quest?"

"Even you, huh…"

Averting his gaze, Aelius affixed his quiet utterance with a sigh as he watched the passing winds stroll through the walls of exuberant bushes. 

"What was that? Did you say something?"

"No, nothing important."

Aelius gave a small smile to the curious knight who looked up at him with those pearly, vibrant eyes of his. 

They soon found themselves seated beneath the pearlescent gazebo that occupied the center of the beautiful gardens of the Eliades family estate; watching the glistening ponds dazzle under the rays of the morning star, it was a relaxing place. 

"You know, I've always wanted to ask you something, Sir Aelius."

"What's that?...Don't you have a quest you're supposed to be taking on?"

Completely ignoring Aelius' softly spoken words, Adaire's child-like, bountiful energy dimmed as his eyes narrowed a bit towards the pristine knight sitting across from him. 

"You're strong enough to do it."


"To slay every monster pressuring Mastorn, to hunt down every otherworlder, handle Mastorn's enemies. Why don't you do it?...You could easily do it. And don't try underselling yourself--I know how strong you are, Sir Aelius. I've seen it with my own eyes. You could do it. You could bring peace to the kingdom, with your own two hands."


Listening to this speele without any frivolity from the young, impressionable knight, Aelius fell silent for a moment, only returning the gaze of Adaire with his own. At first, he planned to give a half-baked response, but even if Adaire was still closer to child than man, he respected his strength and integrity as a knight of the Victorious Eight. 

"I'm not god."

The drop in Aelius' voice stopped Adaire from instantly butting in, but it wasn't just that. It was a somber, yet intense look in those unnatural eyes belonging to the pinnacle knight. As a soft breeze pulled itself through the garden, the silence was once again decayed. 


"What do you think will happen once I do that? I kill every monster, otherworlder--every enemy of Mastorn. Will I be praised as a hero?--or will I be seen as some sort of deity? Maybe a devil. Who will I be in the eyes of the people? That question has nagged my mind everyday. I've considered it, don't get me wrong. Who wouldn't? I understand...I was born with a "blessing", but it doesn't give me the right to play god."

These were the troubles of a man born with far too much power; the choices needed to be made to maintain a balance of humanity. 

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