Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 382 - The Bazaar

After such an eventful breakfast, they were once more approached by the frail-seeming manager of the tower, who guided them to the one thing they were most interested in. 

The Bazaar...let's see what it's all about, he thought. 

As he followed behind Gerund while the rest of the group was either at his side or behind him, he checked the small pouch attached to his belt, counting the crimson coins to make sure his savings were all there. 

It was the floor directly above the dorms, attached by a much more lavish, gilded stairway that was decorated with scenic paintings. 

"No participants are allowed to enter the Bazaar unattended by staff," Gerund said, "it should be fairly obvious why that is." 

After recounting his encounter that transpired first thing in the morning, the snowy-haired adolescent knew well what he meant, as did Iris and Macheo. 

"Thieves, huh?" He followed. 

Gerund didn't answer, only silently stopping as they reached a platform at the very top of the lengthy, violet-carpeted staircase. 

A golden door engraved with what looked like gilded serpents stood tall, bearing a magic crest that symbolized a six-pointed star with crimson gems inlaid in its form. 

Gerund quietly placed his palm against the crest before speaking a command in a tone unbefitting of his small-stature, "Open." 

A simple command invoked the door to click before opening on its own with a metallic roar. 

They all stood with eager eyes as the door revealed the area behind its secured state; finding a mixture of lights hitting their eyes as Gerund turned to them with a smile, bowing. 

"Welcome to Balam's very own bazaar--please, shop to your content--with your eyes and your wallet!" Gerund introduced. 

Stepping to the side, he allowed the group to enter the rather spacious shop. At first glance, the gold and crimson lights that spawned from embedded runes and hanging torches gave a sense of exuberance to the domain. 

"Holy…" Ren scanned the bazaar with his eyes. 

There were too many choices; dozens of shops run by rather inhuman-looking shopkeepers. All at once, these shopkeepers urged the newly arrived customers to view their products: weapons, artifacts, gear, runes--it was all there. 

"...Where do I even begin?" He sighed. 

Suddenly, it felt like the crimson coins he had acquired didn't feel like enough, even without knowing the prices--the sheer quantity of shining, mystical gear made it feel like Christmas itself. 

The group naturally separated, finding the need for different equipment. Though Ren was still left pondering on what he needed to upgrade on the most. 

I don't need weapons...some runes might be a good idea; I went through all the ones Lucas gave to me. Maybe some armor? He thought. 

Macheo had his sights set on a vendor displaying artificial limbs and such enhancements, approaching it with a curious gaze to his scarlet eyes. 

"Something catch your eye, boy?" The blue-bearded vendor dressed in a multi-layered, beige set of robes asked. 

Without saying a word, the Lucrauvian prince answered by lifting the sleeve of his coat, showing his wooden arm to the man. 

The vendor whistled, stroking his beard as he poked the young man's wooden arm with the pipe he held, "That's no good, boy." 

"Huh? What're you trying to say?" Macheo hissed. 

"I'm saying that arm is shoddy work, at best. It's not doing you any favors in battle, is it?" The man asked. 

Macheo remained silent, though his wordless lack of a response confirmed it for the shopkeeper who smiled. 

"An artificial limb isn't supposed to merely make up for your lost limb, boy. It's not a shortcoming; it's a blessing in disguise."

"The hell are you talking about?" Macheo pressed. 

Taking a huff from the pipe of black, smooth wood he held, the shopkeeper shuffled to one of the tables displaying his products, reaching beneath the snow-white veil to retrieve a pitch-black case. 

As he brought it back over, he popped it open, using his own fingerprints to unlock the sealing mechanism. 

"What's that?" Macheo asked curiously. 

"What you should have attached to your left shoulder," the man answered. 

He revealed what was stored within the black case--an artificial arm made of stygian metal, lined with golden, exuberant stripes that centered around slots containing gemstones. 

As the hot-headed prince saw it, he was left speechless at its exuberance, looking back up at the blue-bearded shopkeeper. 

"How much is it?" He asked. 

"I'd venture to say more than you could afford," the man answered. 

Hearing that, Macheo's hopes were dashed at he quickly replied, "then why--"

--He was interrupted by the stout shopkeeper raising his pipe to quell his words. The wisened, old vendor looked at him with his tired, navy eyes. 

"As a magi-smith, it pains me to see someone toting around such primal handiwork; it gives us a bad name, I'd say." 

It took a moment for Macheo to process what the man was hinting at, but the cheeky smile and wink the man gave allowed him to understand. 

"...Wait, you don't mean?..." Macheo began to ask. 

"Consider it my investment in your victory in Purgatory, boy. With "Aster", your triumph is all but guaranteed!" The man laughed. 

He was left silent at the selfless gift bestowed upon him, having to let it settle for a few moments to certify it was indeed the truth. 

"...Thank you," Macheo bowed his head. 

"Don't mention it," the man waved his hand, "come here, I'll help switch it out. I'm not trusting anyone but myself to attach my own craft!" 

Gratefully accepting this, the Lucrauvian prince sat by the shopkeeper--allowing his wooden arm to be replaced by the lavish, mystical arm gifted to him. 

"How's it feel?" 

The question came after the arm was fully attached to the young man, looking at the prince as he moved the artificial limb, clenching his fist and moving his fingers to test it out. 

"Great. It feels perfect," Macheo answered, "thank--"

Before he could give his thanks, he was stopped once more by the blue-bearded man, "Thank me by surmounting this place." 

"Got it," he nodded. 

As Ren was still left pondering on what he needed, passing by a few vendors as he found himself constantly tempted by the mystical, over-the-top looking swords and armor--his attention was grabbed by one vendor directly in front of his path. 

Differing from the far-too-heavy sets of armor he found at the other shops, the humble-seeming shop in front of him instead housed much lighter apparel. 

"Now this is more like it," he smiled. 

After gathering the items that caught his eye, he headed into the dressing room stationed behind the vendor to try everything on. 

"Ta-da! How do I look?" 

He asked as he stepped out, pointing his words to the vendor--not realizing Iris was waiting in front as well. 

"Looks great! Spin! I want to see the back as well!" Iris said as she clapped her hands happily. 

Following her words, he spun around as his new, fur-lined cloak fluttered, softened with snow-white, silky fur on the plaid, black cape that held a square pattern of white stripes. 

In place of the gambeson coat he wore, he opted for a more simple, long-sleeve, black shirt that was reinforced with light armor made of ashen leather that made it easier to move about. 

"Like it?" He asked. 

Iris nodded her head with a bright smile, "it looks fantastic on you!" 

"You think?" He bashfully ruffled his locks, "it's not just a stylistic choice, you know; the cape and armor is enchanted!" 

As he explained this with a certain childlike wonder, she couldn't help but share in his happiness as he showed off the silver gloves he found as well. 

Finding his eyes lingering on what she held in her hands, he saw a medium-sized rod of amber metal in her grasp, "Did you find something?" 

"Oh, right! I asked Fedrin to help me find a staff, and he helped me find this one! It should really help me have an easier time casting," Iris answered. 

"That's great!" He chuckled. 

Picking out a scabbard for his dagger, he completed his set of purchases that cleared three quarters of his crimson coins, joining Iris as they explored the rest of the bazar together. 

It was a good few hours spent there, with each of the members of the group opting to spend every last coin they had as it was their last stop. After hoarding the crimson coins for so long, he was only slightly reluctant to part with them, but soon caved. 

With these new additions to their strength, an increase in confidence came--an invaluable asset in pushing them forth to the last step that had to be made in the time soon to come. 

A moment of respite, much needed in the bowels of Purgatory itself, however...they wouldn't be aware of just how badly such moments would be needed. 

Unbestknownst to them, a tragedy would soon befall them all; a tragedy far beyond the likes of any faced thus far. 

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