Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 419 - Snow-Lurking Enemy

Though it was unnervingly absent of malicious creatures during the storm of coldness, there was another enemy that served as an obstacle; the cold itself. 

As droplets of snow rained down on his body, it began to fall numb in completion as he quivered, feeling his strength begin to dwindle in the challenging weather encompassing his march. 

In the stretch before the structure placed atop a hill, a clearing existed, devoid of any trees to create a spacious land. 

...I've got to hurry and get in that building before I freeze to death! He surmised. 

Beginning to move at a faster pace, the frosted grass became a thin layer of snow, then that thin layer of snow became a thick, deep floor of the white, soft powder of concentrated frost that made each step result in his boots sinking into the cold walls of white. 

It's getting colder and colder by the second...what is going on?! Is this some sort of real-time event?! He thought. 

As each step seemed to sink him into deeper and deeper snow as the entire, barren field around him had become a sea of snow before he realized it, it suddenly became a real threat to his life. 

The next step he took sunk him down to his waist in abundant snow, having to claw his way up an uphill battle as there was no leverage to be found from the mushy, unstable frost. 

"Gngh…! Come on…!" 

He flailed, having to sheath his blade as he used both hands to dig his way up from the depths of the malicious snow that attempted to swallow him. 

There was little respite in returning to the surface as he now found himself surrounded by the sea of chilly white as far as he could see around the mystical forest. 

Intense winds howled, carrying sheets of pale white that coldly pelted his barely covered body as he shivered, embracing himself as he barely maintained his own footing while remaining mostly still. 

Something is definitely up...this isn't normal. It wasn't this bad just a minute ago--not even close, he thought. 

His fingertips became red as he attempted to swim against the sea of constantly rising, building snow, huffing out cold mists as his nose turned beet red as well. 

Something began to rumble within the snow; small waves were sent through the tall, deep plains of white frost as he stopped for a moment, keeping still. 

Something is in this snow with me, he thought, I've got to improve my situation...and now!

"...Araphel: Inverse Hand!" He yelled out. 

Protruding from him came a limb formed of shadows, managing to latch onto the snow with a grip that acted almost as a strengthened adhesive. 

With the shadowy hand acting as a tethering rope for him to balance on the snow with, he managed to stand himself onto the smooth surface of the frosty sea of white. 

"Wait…" He muttered

A sudden absence of weight was realized as he touched his own back, coming to a daunting realization.

"The supplies…!" He called out in surprise.

In his frantic struggle with the sea of swallowing snow, he inadvertently dropped the sack containing his food and mana potions into the deep trenches of white.

Before he could lament his lost items, his attention was stolen by the increasing vibrations felt throughout the enigmatic snow. 

Should I use a Shadow Step from here…? It's too far to reach the building in one'll take three in succession, maybe four...but I don't have the mana pots anymore--shit, he thought. 

Being unable to see what lurked within the lake of pale snow, only feeling the reverberations of what felt like a large, heavy entity, his heart thumped intensely within his chest as he weighed his options. 

Interrupting any sort of decision being made, the pain in his right eye returned with an acute sharpness, causing him to nearly keel over if not for the shadowy limb acting as a stopgap from his own fall. 

"Not again…! Ghh…" He winced. 

It felt like a dagger being lodged straight into his eye socket and into his skull, releasing an echo of continuous, hammer-like throbs within the interior of his head. 

That momentary distraction was enough for him to be caught off-guard, as a sable tentacle lunged from the innards of the snow, wrapping around his leg with a quickening tightness. 

"Huh--?" He gasped out of confusion. 

In the next moment, he was weightless, being pulled into the air by the strength of the limb disembodied by the enigmatic sea of snow, being spun around as he let out a natural yell from his throat. 

What the hell is this?! A tentacle in the snow--?! He thought. 

Attempting to posture his arm for a strike of his blade, gravity worked against him in full force as his bearings were lost in such a chaotic spin; his vision swung around wildly as dizziness set in, beginning from his abdomen. 

"...Ghh! Do you want me to throw up or something?!" He yelled out. 

Can't think...can't focus! I can't use a Shadow Step like this--! He thought. 

After being spun around for long enough that he felt his brain bounce around his skull like a pinball, the lengthy, powerful tentacle flung him forth as he glided through the snow-filled air. 

"Hrooo--!" He gasped as the air left his lungs. 

It was as if he was launched from a cannon, finding himself overshooting past the structure before beginning to plummet atop a further stretch inhabited by the snowy sea. 

If I fall from here, I'll sink right in...who knows if I'll be able to make it out--especially with whatever is lurking in there. Now's the time to try something risky out--it's do-or-die! He resolved. 

Flipping himself to take control of his own momentum, he landed atop his feet on the field of smooth frost. 

He didn't sink--he was standing perfectly on top of the material that should've swallowed him whole with its loose, abundant mass. 

"...I did it," he huffed with a surprised smile. 

On the bottom of his boots, reinforcing his soles, a small space was created between the soles of his footwear and the top of the snow, inhabited by gathered darkness. 

I lucked out. It's...a bit hard to focus, but I think I've got the hang of it, he thought. 

Even a single step forward had to be taken slowly as he maintained his concentration on the perfect balance of reinforcement maintained on his soles. 

"...Now, for the real problem…" He huffed. 

His focus shifted to the approaching vibrations that shot through the plains of white like an earthquake, pulsating beneath his soles as he remained still. 

Whatever this tentacle-monster is, I'm fighting it in its natural element. I'm at a clear disadvantage here, no two ways about it, he thought. 

The thought of having to fight atop the snow was a pressing idea; while he managed to position himself on top of the river of frost, it was an action that required most of his focus. 

Fighting and maintaining my balance on this...give me a break, would you? He thought. 

But before the tremors of the burrowing, giant foe of his could reach him, they stopped at a distance over a dozen meters away as everything fell silent, save for the frosty, whistling winds that carried droplets of snow. 

"...Huh?" He muttered. 

He watched in perplexion as a set of sleek, black tentacles shot out from the snow in front of him, though they didn't attempt to grab him--if it was even possible from their distance. 

All he could do was watch the swaying, elongated limbs as they wriggled in the cold air before the tips pointed at him as if seeing his form. 

...I don't like this, he thought. 

An azure glow manifested at the ends of each black tendril, forming into large, clear icicles honed for violence as they pointed directly at him. 

"Magic?!" He breathed out in surprise. 

He was barely left with enough time to dash to his left to evade the incoming projectiles of ice as they launched like bullets, embedding into the snow behind him as clouds of frosty mist rose in their downfall. 

Having to sprint across the snow, he momentarily lost focus of his impromptu reinforcement, dipping one leg into the holds of the barren, white mountain of frost for a moment. 

"Gah!" He gasped. 

Shit! He thought. 

A large, sharpened icicle was hurling directly towards him as he was busy picking himself up from the snow. 

Only in the last moment was he able to apply the same technique to his hands, throwing himself forward before rolling onto his feet--returning his focus as he regained his breath. 

"...Phew. Almost had me for a second, there," he wiped his chin. 

The tentacles continued to sway in the air while remaining pointed towards him as if possessing the gift of sight. 

I don't see any eyes...I wonder if it's working off of sound, or maybe vibrations? Its main body is down in this snow, so that might be the case. Still...that information doesn't really change anything, he thought. 

"How the hell do I make you show your real body, though? That's the million dollar question, I guess…" he whispered to himself, flipping Belus between his fingers. 

Well, I've got an idea...but, mana is the real issue there, he thought. 

As he stuck to his thoughts for a moment, it seemed his foe was a little less patient as another set of six tentacles protruded from the snow, wriggling intensely as they spawned from the same general area of the other two. 

"Bingo.. So that's where you are? I don't have to flush you out then--'plan A' it is, then," he smiled to himself.

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