Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 469 - The Weltwanderers, Until Next Time

Slowly opening his eyes, his eyelids immediately shut out of instinct as an unnatural light met them. 

But, that wasn't quite right. 

…Light? He thought. 

Forcing his groggy eyelids open, the intrusive light was something he had indeed forgotten over time; it was the warm, orange rays of the sun, seeping through fluffy, nomadic clouds. 

"The sky…" He muttered, his eyes naturally widening at the surreal sight. 

As he attempted to move, he found a soft feeling beneath his head; though it was clear he was outside, it didn't didn't resemble a bed of grass. 

It wasn't something he could forget easily. 

Thighs…! He thought. 

"Excuse me, but did I die and go to heaven?" He asked, waiting for an answer. 

A soft, familiar chuckle met him in response, "That's the first thing you say?"

Looking down at him, the crystalline, azure jewels of the girl he loved greeted him with a smile, caressing his snow-white tufts. 

"Iris," he smiled. 

As soon as he said her name, he was embraced tightly in the slender, but firm arms of the girl—who held him tightly as if he had been lost. 

"I'm so glad you're awake, Ren…I was so worried," she whispered as her voice was muffled by her embrace. 

"Iris, that kinda hu—" he stopped himself, smiling a bit, "I'm glad you're here, too."

"I didn't expect anything else," Another familiar voice chimed in, of a younger girl. 

"Aiko," he muttered out with a smile. 

Stepping into sight and crouching down beside him, the golden-haired prince didn't hold his normal, fiery expression, "You're a real tough bastard, you know that?...You…really saved our asses." 

Macheo rubbed the back of his neck, acting bashful as he clearly wasn't used to giving a direct complement like this. 

For once, he was greeted by a kind smile by the red-eyed prince, who extended his hand down to him. He returned the smile, accepting his helping hand as he sat up.

They were all there: Iris, Aiko, Macheo, Hongse, Valerie, Jae-Seong, and Mencius. It felt like a sweet dream, but it was his earned reality. 

"What a pain," Jae-Seong ruffled his hair, "all because those bastards took us by surprise.

"It's vexing, indeed. To be so caught off-guard…" Mencius kept his arms folded. 

He looked around, noticing the fact they were all sitting on a verdant, spring-laden hill; an unexpected scenery.

"Where are we? This doesn't look like Primordia," he asked, scratching his head."

Iris sat beside him with a smile, twiddling with her azure locks with a hint of sadness, "Ren…you've been out for a month. We're in the country of Gallvannia…it's a land west of Primordia, east of Mastorn." 

"A month…?" He tilted his head, confused by her words.

Though he came to realize it was the truth as he finally noticed the state of his body: it was even more thoroughly wrapped in bandages than before—all of which were dyed mostly crimson as scars were etched across his pale skin. 

Valerie added, sitting on the edge of the hill, looking back at him with her draconic eye, "You were about one kick from meeting an early grave when we found you. Girly-guy and Iris had to work fast to heal you."

Mencius quickly snapped in, "Who're you calling "girly-guy", huh?!"

Though he was ignored as Aiko continued for her, "…It was bad. We were all immediately thrown into Primordia…and in the state your body was in, the weather of Primordia was as big of a danger as your wounds…"

Aiko lowered her gaze as she kept her knees tucked close to her chest. 

"That's what happened…? I guess that sounds about right," he said, looking down at his bandage-wrapped torso. 

Jae-Seong placed his hand down atop the young man's head, "It was a pretty scary sight, you know? You had the girls crying. Not Valerie though—I don't know if it's even possible for her to cry. She kept your body warm with her fire magic, by the way." 

"She did that…?" He muttered, looking towards the draconic woman who was no longer looking his way, "sorry…guess I left you all with a mess." 

Though his apology was promptly denied as Iris flicked him on the forehead. 

He winced lightly, caressing the spot of affliction, "Hey…what was that for?"

"Don't you dare apologize, dummy," Iris told him sternly, though her pouting face only served to be adorable to his eyes.

Hongse finally added, after finishing the handful of grass he swallowed, "She's right. If you didn't do what you did, you could kiss our butts goodbye." 

He could tell by the thankful gazes set on him that he didn't have any right to deny such a notion. 

Feeling the soft rays of the sun shine down on him through the pale clouds, he couldn't help but just smile as he placed his hand atop Iris'.

"I'm just glad it all worked out—somehow, I managed to pull through."

Macheo grunted with his usual abrasiveness, "Cut the shit! You kicked Purgatory's ass—own it!"

As usual, the prince lacked any tact, a worrisome aspect of one usually positioned for diplomatic responsibilities. 

After the group shared a short laugh and caught the snowy-haired adolescent on what transpired in his month-long coma, it was time for a bittersweet outcome of this journey. 

Jae-Seong stood at the edge of the hill, overlooking the valley of verdant hills that stretched past the sun's reach, "Looks like this is where we all go our separate ways."

As the curly-haired otherworlder spoke, he looked back at the rest of the group, who fell silent for a moment at that bittersweet truth.

It was something he knew deep down himself, but it still wasn't pleasant, "That's right. We all have our own lives to lead. Still…I have to ask…"

"What's up?" Macheo asked, chomping on an apple. 

He looked between the group, "You all came to Purgatory for your own reasons. Are you…fine with it ending like this?"

Aiko's eyes wavered a bit with a hint of lamentation before she answered herself, "…It does hurt a bit, but I think I'm fine with it this way. It might sound weird, but I don't want to rely on a wish to solve my problems. And besides that, I have no right to complain after what happened…"

"Same here," Valerie added in with a huff, "Just gotta lick our winds and continue marching forward, right, big guy?"

Hongse nodded his head, "That's right! The fact we're alive is a blessing that should be counted! We can still continue looking, that wouldn't be possible if we were stuck in a grave."

As he looked at their smiling expressions, he didn't feel as if their words were just meant to assure him. 

"Good point," he smiled, "so…"

He finally brought himself to his feet, stumbling a bit as he was assisted by Iris. 

"This really is it, huh?" 

Though they all held smiles, they were of melancholy. 

Hongse faced towards the east, patting his fluffy stomach, "We aren't the Weltwanderers because we stay in one place, right? That's what it means to be a Weltwanderer: it doesn't matter if we're scattered across the world, we'll always be tied to one another." 

The group fell speechless for a moment as they looked on at the usually clumsy panda before Valerie slapped him on the back, taking her stand beside him, "Well said! Listen up, Vesta will always welcome you all, so don't be shy to come visit, alright?! That's an express pass from one of the knights, okay?! So, don't you dare waste it!" 

They all nodded, though Macheo stood himself up, brushing the dirt from his cloak as he stood beside Jae-Seong, "Don't forget about Lucrauv, either. It might be cold and bitter, but we make up for it with our food and ale."

Jae-Seong wrapped his arm around the prince's shoulder with a bright smile, "I can attest to that!" 

Mencius smiled, "I might just take you up on that offer. It isn't often that one from my homeland ventures across the continent to the "Land of Snow"...oh, and of course, you're all welcome to Jinyue–though, I can't guarantee we're as welcoming as the other kingdoms." 

Jae-Seong whistled playfully, "That's quite the offer. If I recall, Jinyue is the most secluded kingdom on the continent." 

"Sounds pretty exciting, right, Iris?" He asked whilst the others talked, looking at the girl by his side. 

"It does," she smiled, "we have a lot of places to visit, don't we?"

"Seems like it!" He chuckled. 

Having remained mostly silent, Aiko forced herself to her feet, though she spoke loud and clear, it seemed her words were aimed at the golden-haired prince, "...Please visit Akitein sometime! It might not be as advanced as other countries, but it's beautiful, I promise!" 

Macheo's eyes widened just slightly before a smile placed itself across his lips, "You know, after I win the throne for myself and become king, I'll probably have a lot of free time."

"...Really?" Aiko looked at him with longing eyes. 

"Yeah," Macheo nodded, "so…maybe, when that day comes–you can show me around Akitein."

"Of course!" Aiko replied with enthusiasm. 

As the two youngest of the group shared in a promised smile, the rest held a similar warmth as they all naturally were placed on opposing sides of the hill. 

He grabbed Iris' pale, slender hand, holding it tightly as he shouted out, "Mastorn might not exactly be an appetizing place right now, but after we overthrow that bastard king–you better come party with us!" 

"If you kick as much ass as you did in Purgatory, well…I don't doubt that day will come soon," Macheo said with a fiery smile, pointing to himself, "but not before I become king of Lucrauv!" 

–With that proclamation, cemented by the victorious smiles of the Weltwanderers, and the promises of their reunitement, they all set off in opposing directions, marching towards their homelands. 

After a few minutes of watching the others' backs grow distant, it was just him and Iris, left alone on the verdant pasture atop the hill. 

The sun began to settle behind the veil of clouds, leaving a comforting hue of orange that cast cool shadows over the rich, fertile land. 

"So…what now?" Iris looked at him as they overlooked the verdant valley. 

"I guess it's time to gloat about our victory to the others, right? I imagine Sirius has one hell of a hug in store for me…" He shuddered a bit, "you still have that returnal crystal, right? The one Beatrice gave you?"

Iris puffed her cheeks in a slight pout, "Of course I do! I'd never lose something that valuable…" 

As she rummaged through the pockets of her coat, she retrieved the mystical crystal, holding it on her palm as she held onto the young man's hand with her other. 

"Ready?" She asked, meeting his hazel eyes with her azure. 

"Never been more ready–I'm going to make sweet love to that bed when I get back," he let out a longful sigh." 

"I didn't need to hear that…" She chuckled a bit with a wry smile before lifting the crystal upwards. 

After pausing for a moment, gulping, she kept her eyes on the opalescent gem before commanding out, "O'Gaia Return!"


"...O'Gaia Return!" She shouted again. 


"Is that normal…?" He asked. 

"No…" She said with a worried look, "this…I don't understand. I can feel that the spell still exists–the crystal is still lighting up in response, but nothing is happening. It's as if…the spot it's been tethered to no longer exists. But, that doesn't make any sense…does it?"

Her words didn't bode well, as they both looked at each other as if knowing deep down what it could truly mean. 

As she tried once more, shouting the activation chant of the crystal–it shattered, instead producing a different result in the form of a feathered avian, manifesting in place of the dissipated crystal. 

"Huh–?! What the hell is that?!" He immediately reached for his sword, but was stopped by the young woman. 

"Wait, Ren–! This is Hopwoffle!"

He stopped, furrowing his eyebrows, "...Hopwoffle?"

"It's Mother's familiar…but why is he showing up now?" She spoke quietly, looking at the white-feathered avian as it flapped its wings in place. 

"Weird…it's holding something in its talons," he muttered. 

Iris' eyes widened a bit, "You're right."

She snatched the rolled-up letter from its talons, watching as it disappeared into a small ball of smoke before their eyes, leaving them with the stamped parchment. 

"It's from Mother…" She muttered quietly as she focused on the letter, unraveling it. 

He kept shoulder-to-shoulder to her, reading it alongside her. 

The contents of the letter were dreadful at first, but the realization that none died in the attack on Grandeuve settled their hearts. 

"It was destroyed…?" He uttered sadly, scratching his head. 

Iris, however, seemed to be on the verge of tears at this news, "Lucas…he's gone."

"Wait, what?! I didn't see that part…!" His eyes widened in surprise as he took another look at the letter. 

Silence fell between them as he held her close to his chest, comforting her as he slowly ran his fingers through her hair. 

I took too long, he thought. 

They sat on the grass together for the next hour, mostly in silence as they watched the sunset, pondering their next move. 

"Old Treyna, huh? Have you ever been there before?" 

She softly shook her head, keeping her gaze down as her eyes were left puffy by the tears, "No…the only time they bothered to travel out there themselves instead of receiving quests was for phantasm-level missions. Mother didn't think I was capable of helping on those tasks." 

"I see…" He continued to pet her head. 

After another minute of wordlessness, he got an idea, one that clung to his mind like an unwavering adhesiveness. 

"Hey, Iris."


"How about we take some time to ourselves on our journey back?"

She lifted her head a bit to look up at him as she was resting against his chest, "What do you mean…?'

Looking down at her now with a small smile, he replied, "I'd say after what we just went through with Purgatory, we deserve a break. You saw what she said in the letter, right? The Hollow Foundation is as protected as can be. They don't need us–not right now. And I doubt they'll go on any crazy, king-usurping missions without all of us there. So…let's take our time to enjoy the small things; there's a lot I haven't experienced in this world yet, you know?" 

Iris remained still of words for a moment as she looked at the smiling, young man as his snow-white tufts softly swayed in the gentle breeze. 

"...That sounds nice," she wore a smile again. 

"Yeah," he responded softly, "it does." 

And so, on a whim dictated by the tiresome journey's conclusion, two years passed.

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