Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 479 - Black Mission

"It's rare to be summoned by the Hollow Council itself, I'm honored," Sirius playfully bowed, "I thought only celestial-ranks had that honor."

Though his sarcastic words had little impact on the stern-faced men who sat around the enigmatic, almost mythical table. 

It was difficult to see most of the anomalous council members as the shadows obscured their appearances; not by accident, either. Even though he was a guest, he had to stand at the bottom of the steps that led to their distinguished table. 

"You're a stygian rank only in an official capacity, Sirius," one of the men answered tautly, "in all but title, you're a celestial." 

"Enough of this childish play, Federov," another council member spoke more sternly, with a voice as deep as an abyssal chasm. 

"Yes, this is an important matter," a member with lengthy, well-kempt silver locks spoke, "--one that greatly concerns you, and the Outlanders." 

Sirius' quips stopped there, just as his frivolous smile as he knew well what the councilmen meant. 

Stationed around the secretive chamber were the Black Hand–the sentinels of the Hollow Foundation, who stood so statuesque they at times appeared lifeless. 

"Well, if you don't mind, can we get to the point then?" He told them, "I've got a doting brother I'd like to return to–pronto." 

He could hardly see their shadow-cast expressions, but he could tell the looks he was given were sharp, and lacking patience. But, that's the reaction he looked for. 

"As lackadaisical as ever I see, Federov…" One of the men stated. 

"This is why your promotion to celestial has been dragged through the mud–that attitude," another added. 

Sirius sighed out abrasively, "Yeah, yeah, I don't give a crap. Just get on with it. Who do you need me to kill?"

Of course, I already know why I'm here. The only reason the Hollow Council summons anybody is for "Black quests"--classified, off-the-record missions. They're not exclusively tied to murder, but well, it's easy to understand what most "off-the-record" missions would entail, he thought. 

"Come now, we're asking a favor of sirius–it is our job to display courtesy, not his," a familiar, eccentric voice spoke, belonging to Ferstaus, though Sirius couldn't exactly see him. 

"In any case, you're perceptive, Federov," the deep-voiced councilman spoke, "this is a task of killing. However, you will not be alone on this job." 

As soon as this was said, a figure stepped from the shadows of the nebulous councilroom, as if detaching from the darkness itself. 

"Of course," he muttered under his breath. 

It was somebody he knew–for better or worse. Dressed in sleek, flexible black, most of which was obscured by a fur-lined, chainmail-infused cloak of tangerine fabric, the woman didn't so much as meet her gaze with her cat-like golds. 

"Emilia Von Straussen," the centermost councilman spoke through his hoarse voice, "though I'm sure you're both well-acquainted by now."

He scrunched his expression, "Yeah. Yeah, you can say that." 

"I'm not any happier about this than you are, Sirius–trust me," Emilia told him, folding her arms across her chest as her amber ponytail swayed behind her back. 

In response, he playfully stuck his tongue out, to which his colleague didn't see as he waited to do it as she turned away. 

"We're aware of your clashing personalities, but in the past, you two have made a formidable duo in Black Quests," a booming councilman spoke from atop the elevated roundtable, "as such, we've divided your roles in this mission."

"I think it's about time you tell us what this mission is, anyway," Sirius said. 

Emilia added, "Hate to say it, but I agree with him." 

A moment of silence occupied the round table as they whispered inaudible utterances between one another in secrecy before returning their attention to the two adventurers. 

"One of our informants has gathered that Jonathan Briswall, a highly-powerful merchant operating out of Mastorn, will be arriving in the capital of Gallvania five days from now. He plans to enter a partnership with the weapon dealers of Gallvania–that can not happen. This is also the first time in years his movements have been leaked–an attempt as his life has failed before. Failure again cannot be tolerated."

"I get it, but is that really it?" Sirius asked. 

"No," another councilman answered for him, "As you're unaware, Briswall is the leading supplier of resources to the Argonauts–weapons, food, and general supplies. I am sure you can deduce what his sudden urge to expand his supply is led by."

"The Argonauts are making their move," He muttered. 

"Correct," the councilman continued, "to add to that: Briswall will be specially escorted by two Argonauts."

"Who?" Emilia asked.

No answer came for a moment as the council spoke between themselves for a minute. 

"That information, we do not have," the hoarse-voiced man answered, "however, that is not your concern, Miss Emilia. That is where your two, separate roles come in: Sirius will handle the Argonauts, and Miss Emilia will execute Briswall–all while no eyes witness his assassination." 

Finally hearing the true nature of the Black Mission, the two stygian-ranks looked at one another before turning their gazes back up to the council table. 

That's what they meant by important to me, is it? Well, they're right–I've been itching to rid this world of some Argonauts, he thought. 

"Do you know exactly where Briswall will be heading to on the day of his arrival?" Emilia asked. 

"All we can presume is he is likely to head to the Merchant's Guild in the capital, but we chose you to undertake this mission because gathering such information falls under your expertise, Miss Emilia."

"Figures," she sighed, muttering to herself. 

It was the usual for a "Black Quest": they were given sparse information to start with, but for him–he somewhat preferred it that way. 

For the Hollow Council, the minimal information is sort of their way of telling us "Get it done, we don't care how"--essentially, I can go about this however I want…and hopefully, not have to play nice with Emilia all too much, he thought. 

"So, is that it? Just handle some Argonauts and a sleazy merchant five days from now?" Sirius asked without much tact. 

"Handle this with more significance, Federov," one councilman spoke from the shadows, "this mission is paramount to damaging the integrity of the Argonauts, and furthermore, Mastorn. If this partnership between Mastorn and Gallvania should be made, it is likely a foundation of Argonauts will be established in Gallvania. I am sure that is enough to motivate even you."

"Right by our doorstep, huh? Don't worry, Gramps, I've got it," Sirius began to take his leave, waving off. 

He was quick to find his out from the suffocating atmosphere of the anomalous councilroom as Emilia followed behind him. 

"Are we doing this the usual way?" He asked without looking back at the women who marched behind him down the stygian corridor. 

Emilia answered, "Of course. You handle your end, I handle mine. Nothing less, nothing more." 

"Glad to hear it," Sirius yawned out, shoving his hands into his pockets. 

As soon as he walked away, his relaxed expression turned serious. 

So, they're trying to expand the Argonauts' reach into Gallvania? Right beside Old Treyna…and if we kill off their supplier, then they likely won't be able to sustain an operation like that.. Forget the quest, this is something I'd need to handle anyway, he thought.

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