Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 525 A God In Human Flesh

Releasing the cap on his magic, the dozens of windows of the mansion instantly shattered into countless pieces following the swift shock wave that carried his magenta aura.

It wasn't just the mansion he occupied that suffered shattering, but the windows of the neighboring homes and establishments gave in as well.

Chaotic; that was the one best word to describe his magical pressure, manifesting in a viscous tempest, coiled with magenta lightning that caused the surrounding streets to tremble.

Taking the form of lightning itself, he moved instantaneously from within the estate, into the clouds far above, overlooking the capital as he hovered amongst the clouds.

"I see…I was in the North Sector," he whispered, standing on the air as if it were solid.

Using just a sparse amount of his electricity, he made it so that any time his eyelids attempted to blink, a small spark would force them to remain parted.

Who should I find first? The one responsible for weaving these illusions, or Emilia? Taking care of the enemy should take priority.

I'll have to check every person with a strong enough mana signature; it'll be a hassle, but it won't take very long, he thought.

Raising a single hand upwards, the clouds began to shift around him as lightning gathered around his arm, reaching its peak at his fingertip.

"Ba'al: Sleuthing Storm."

Uttering out the name of the desired magecraft to himself quietly, he slowly brought his finger town, pointing it towards the city far below his feet.

The result was a shower of magenta light filling the sky, descending upon the city like a display of bright, colorful constellations before blending with Yulimium itself.

Lines of harmless, far-stretching lightning reached across the streets of Yulimium, hunting down the various sources of adequate mana within the city.

Across the streets, running along the wood and brick formation of houses, investigating the innards of homes, the sleuthing lightning reached across every particle of the city–high and low.


Though he planned to set for the dream weaver first, his discerning lightning had found something already that caught his mind.
That's Emilia's mana signature, there's no mistaking it, he thought.

He paused for a moment, clenching his fist as he ventured between two decisions: continuing his search for the dream weaver, or pursuing the trace of Emilia he found.

There wasn't much of a choice as he was moving before he realized.

Like a bolt of lightning, he ventured down from his place among the clouds, seamlessly zipping through the streets of Yulimium, curving through an alleyway as he re-manifested into his normal, physical form.

A shoddy, suspicious looking door was attached to the side of the grimy, brick building inhabiting the back of the dim alley.

The sleuthing storm came to an end as he stood before the door, returning the hum of static to null.

…Whoever is behind this has to know I'm coming. But, that doesn't change a thing. Even if you're prepared for it, lightning strikes nonetheless, he thought.

Placing his black glove against the shoddy, wooden door, he pushed it open without further hesitation, using a small shock wave to open it with an abrasive greeting. He expected to be greeted with an attack immediately, but alas, the door swung open with a creak, revealing a room filled with crates and dust.

He stepped into it, keeping lightning coiled around his forearms as he found a door sitting across the quiet, lightless room.

Nobody, huh? Like I believe that for a second, he thought.

Slow steps were taken against the creaking, dust-covered floorboards of the unknown, dark building as he kept his guard raised.

He could still sense it; Emilia's mana signature, bringing his steps slowly but surely to the metallic door at the back of the room.

It's faint, but it's there. She must be unconscious if her signature is this low, he thought.

Placing his hand against the unknown door, he sent a subtle vibration through it, formed by an expulsion of his mana from his palm.

The vibrations that only he was privy to were meant to check if anybody was waiting just beyond the door.


Somehow, that result left him feeling more uneasy, though he wasn't afraid, rather–he was furious at those responsible for this entire situation.

As he kicked open the door, ready to purge any Belmon cultists with his lightning, he found a staircase on the other side, leading downwards into an unlit, unseen room below.

…This smells like a trap. But still, I have to get Emilia. I'm not letting somebody die because of my hubris…not anymore, he thought.

Though he could smell the thick air of depravity lifting from the grimy steps, he began to walk down their length with caution accompanying him.

Reaching near the bottom of the stairs, it was a basement of sorts, and sitting, tied-up in the back–Emilia.

He was moving with little ration left in him. His mind was worn thin by the dreams and illusions, and his judgment was left whittled, causing him to move without thinking.

"...Emilia!" He let out, dropping down from the stairs.

The amber-haired woman came to, slowly opening her eyes as her unconsciousness was assumedly onset by the blow to her head, seen by the blood trickling from her forehead.

"Sirius…?" Emilia asked weakly.

He didn't waste any time rushing towards her, but it seemed she wanted to say something to him, but didn't manage to utter the words in time.

"...No…" Emilia let out faintly.

As he moved towards her with the intent of helping her, he was suddenly stopped by an unseen wall.

Attempting to break free from it, he called on his lightning but–nothing came.


It was the only reaction that left his lips as he already recognized what it was that prevented him from moving further.

Below his feet, an all-black magical seal made itself visible, humming as the barrier now around him was as clear as day.

A "Nullification Barrier". It's a type of imprisonment that prevents any magic from being used by anyone within. I didn't expect them to have magic of this level, he thought.

"Sirius…why did you come?" Emilia asked faintly.

Despite the dreadful situation, he put on a small smile as he looked at her with his confident, never-faltering magentas.

"Why? You're my partner. I'm not leaving you behind," he told her, "but…tell me–what happened, Emilia?"

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