Gate of Amitilicia Online

Episode 96: Dorad Defense Battle 4

It was the Demons who came out of the bellies of the big Demons, what. The size is no different from the normal shape I've seen before. However, there is clearly a difference. I don't know, should I say it's melting? The shape is not delicately defined. Would it be like that if the adhesive liquid took the form of a demon clan?

But did this mean that a large demon tribe usually 'gave birth' to a mould? Instead, it looks like it 'appeared' from the other side of the demonic belly.

While thinking about it, the Demons come out next. And he came this way. Bechavecha and footsteps, at a speed far from usual. Don't remind me of any zombies.

"Mr. Fist, what shall we do?

Is the chant itself over, Kara asks, keeping the magic light waiting at the tip of the wand.

"Reschedule. First crush the demon tribe that came out"

At the same time, Kara unleashed her magic. A spear of magic flies in a straight line and pierces the belly of the leading demon clan. The hit spot could be played, and the Demon Clan fell as it was.

"Your usual hardness sounds like a lie."

I throw stones with [magic fire]. Likewise, Gunhild's hand axe and Shana's arrow with [magic fire] flew, hitting each prey. The stone hits him directly in the head, bouncing like a dropped egg, the axe pruning his neck, and the arrow blowing a piece of his head off.

"Gordon, Michelle, prepare for interception. This one will be down in numbers for a while now. Kara, maybe an energy bolt, not an energy javelin."

Gordons set up a shield and step forward. Oh, Michelle had a shield, too.

Launch another attack from a distance. Now I tried it without [magic shooting], but I could still crack my head with one blow and knock it down. I knew it was brittle. It's like a freshly feathered insect. Mmm, that means.

"The shooting stopped once!

Shall I make sure? Instruct him to abort the attack and wait for the Demons to approach. If you observe, the speed is increasing as we approach this side. Physical instability seems to be getting worse.

With the same force applied and subtracted just now, he throws a stone at the closer demon clan. The result of defeating it was no different, but the appearance of damage was smaller than just now.

"Maybe these guys, they just came out, they're not in perfect condition. It's gaining strength over time."

"Is it like a bond pushed out of a tube?

That's what Gordon said as he stood. It gets stiff when it dries, so I think it fits more or less. I don't know how long it'll take, but I don't have anything to wait for.

"That's easy to beat within the soft. Gordon, Michelle. You want to step forward?

The number of demons is not high. Gordon nodded to his left and went out to intercept as Michelle circled to his right.

I stopped throwing too and decided to step forward. Gunhild also continues.

My fist, Gunhild's axe, Michelle's sword, Gordon's mace, Shana's arrow, Carla's magic, slaughter the Demons with one blow. The demons sink as if the troubles on earth were lies. Is the incomplete Demon Clan so weak, perhaps also because of the small number?

When I realized, the appearance of the demon clan had stopped, and the demon clan that came out had been wiped out. Only large demons will remain. But so far so good that you could afford it.

It stops once it has proceeded to the middle of the square.

"What do we do? I was going to be exterminated, but I could do a little research on the Queen."

I asked everyone.

"I think it depends on how much more Rhodes' defense you keep"

And it was Kara who raised her hand and said it. Surely now, it is thanks to Rhodes' defense that we are able to move normally like this. I think I'm probably fine with the status myself, but I don't know how much we can all move when this runs out.

"Rhodes, how much longer are we going to keep it?

And when I ask, Rhodes leans his neck in some troubles. Hmm, I guess it was a bad way to ask.

"Rhodes, can we keep this state for another half an hour?

I shook my neck to the side of Carla's question that followed.

"Well, 25 minutes. Twenty minutes. That's why."

Ask for time in small increments and Carla puts her gaze around everyone where Rhodes shook his neck vertically. Twenty minutes? Given my time back on the ground, would I have about ten minutes to spare? If so, will you just check what concerns you the most?

"Shana, can you shoot me in the belly? [Magic Shots] or nothing."


Shana looks at the arrow and releases it. The arrows hit the belly of the demon clan, which remained open, making small ripples and disappearing as they were. There is no change in the large demon clan.

"That, did you penetrate it?

"Hmm, not like that..."

To Michelle's doubts, Shaena is also pointing her puzzled face at the Demon Clan. You looked like you disappeared rather than buried it in your body.

"Carla, I need an energy bolt next. Will it arrive?"

"Yeah, if you increase your magic consumption, you'll be fine"

Answer me. Kara releases [energy bolts]. The results were unchanged. The light bullet stays put and disappears just like the arrow earlier. Then it's next.

"Ask for extensive sorcery of the shooting system. Fireball is fine. Aim stays belly, feels like landing a bullet two meters behind a big fat ass"

"Uh... I'll try"

While confused by my order, Carla casts a spell again. The fireball produced is about basketball. So whenever Otoja (tentatively) was high level as a mage, I guess. The sexual roots were rotten, though.

The flying fireball was sucked into his belly just like an arrow and disappeared. Unlike earlier, the surface was slightly distorted to ripple. I think I saw a little flame, too.

So, even if we do this far, there's no change in the big demon clan. That attack on the belly doesn't seem to be damaging.

"I guess that part, something gate"

If that large is only giving birth to a normal mould, it's not surprising that the belly, the part that has its production function in previous attacks, has been damaged. But it remains intact. Then where did the normal mould come from? I would have guessed that the Queen would have summoned her before, but the Queen herself was the gateway to the transition, and I guess other demons would have emerged using it.


Still thinking about it, the belly of a large demon tribe moved. Scale closes. And his arms moved to cover him to shelter him there. Oh, my God, you're moving your arms and stuff. It's a stabbing arm, like countless nails growing on the surface.

"Consolidating your defenses, do you mean?

says Gunhild. You can also assume that the attack so far caused some damage to that 'other side'. Then, did you understand our situation and operate the Gateway Clan (tentative)? Or is the Gateway Clan (tentative) at its own discretion? I think it's too late for that.

"I can't stay long, and it's time to go bust it?

Gordon comes up with a suggestion. Right, it seems impossible to verify any more about the demonic outbreak. Either way, the demon clan annihilation is our top priority, so that's all we have to clean up. Maybe the Demons will grow up again when we free up time.

"All right, Dr. Carla, Dr. Shana, let the big one go."

Let's sink from a distance, as planned. So we'll see how it goes, and if it doesn't work, we'll switch to proximity.

Kara begins chanting. Looks like Shana's shooting at the same time as Carla's shooting. At the tip of the arrow as it stands, you can see the [Enhanced Magic Strike] seemingly magical light.

There is no change in the large demon clan. No, you're getting more red light in your eyes. And your body is a little bigger too...?

"Hey, isn't that bloated?

As Gordon pointed out, the bodies of the large demons were slowly swelling. Follow it and the light in your eyes grows stronger. Oh, God, I have a bad feeling. Promise in this case - no way!?

"Everybody down -!"

My voice was scratched off by the explosion.

"All safe!?

Undo the defense and check the situation. The explosion itself was not extensive, nor was it like being blown away.

"Goddamn it, you'll do it"

I have a black chunk pierced in my right thigh. It's part of the body of a large demon clan. That bastard blew himself up and scattered fragments of his body. The first is not just bear leather. During the repair, will you plant demon steel over here just like the torso part?

The blood is bleeding, but there is no effect of air poisoning. The bleeding increased when pulled out, but the wound began to heal quickly when the potion was served and drunk. I'm glad you didn't get a deep wound.

The large demon tribe that exploded hardly retains its original form. The belly part is completely crushed, and no matter how, it doesn't look like a succeeding demon clan is coming out.

"Hey, I can handle it..."

Gunhild stood up holding his forehead down. Did they hit you in the head?

"It's okay, because I staggeringly prevented it with an axe. The axe belly bounced by the impact just hit my forehead"

That's what Gunhild said when he noticed our gaze, hands off his forehead. There's no bleeding just because it's red. It might have sucked if it was a direct blow to the fragment.

"This one's fine, too."

Gordon will raise his hand and let you know he's safe. Even so, his shield was worn out, with a demonic fragment-like object falling at his feet. Some pieces are stabbed in the shield, and they're in that position, right?

"Your left arm isn't safe, is it?

"The gauntlet fell out, but it's a minor injury. There's no obstacle to action."

Is it okay if he says so in person? He doesn't look like he can't do it. After that, Michelle and the others...

"Michelle kun!


Kara and Shana's voice echoed in the hall, similar to the scream. When I look at you in a hurry, I see Michelle with a shield. Except a fragment of the Demon Clan was piercing his body.

I rushed over to you and supported Michelle, who was about to collapse. Claw-like fragments pierce the shield and fall out of the right chest onto the back.

"Michelle! Hold on!

Speak up and there is no reply. No death verdict has been issued, but it would be a matter of time if it stayed this way. The poison must be spinning. The measures will have to be rushed.

But what to do. There's a detoxification potion, but is it okay to treat it in this setting? Is it okay to pull out the pieces of the kako? You shouldn't have pulled this out? But that doesn't make the detoxification possible. Michelle and I have different circumstances, different damage, different vitality. I'm not sure if it's really okay to bust it out, detoxify it, and give him a potion.

"Michelle, protect us..."

I mean, I think I'm going to cry, Carla said, crying. No, Michelle was in front of them.

Whether you say you're going to die or be resurrected, I still don't want you to die. As a matter of course, so will Shana, who isn't crying but has a sad face. Then I'll have to do everything I can.

"Gunhild, just in case, ask to see if the big demons are completely silent. I'll take Michelle upstairs. Even if we treat it, it won't be good here."

It's still the same here, and Rhodes' defenses will run out over time. The treatment should be done on the ground.

Keep the usual air intoxication potion on the wound. Rest easy, but you might be able to contain a little air poisoning.

Hold up Michelle and then activate [Magic Strike] on both legs. [Magic Control] to further strengthen your leg strength. Fortunately, the passage to the ground was in a straight line. You don't have to slow down.

"Just be patient, Michelle."

Maybe you're not hearing me, but I will speak up and step out with all my might. I stepped on the ground and accelerated all at once, and I headed outside.

Michelle's wounds were healed by healing magic by the cleric warrior of the martial god Valmoray, who was serving on earth. Together with detoxification of air poisoning. I thought it was very unfortunate the current situation where players could not use this.

Michelle, who regained consciousness, was literally black-and-white with her eyes angry, apologetic and crying at Carla and Shaena for flying and rushing. Don't tell me to blow it up. It's going to be tough in the future.

If you're from a large demon tribe, Gunhild has been finely cut, just in case.

In the meantime, I guess this is the end of the event.

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