Gate of Amitilicia Online

Episode 104: Tide Dry Hunt 1

The players are thriving on the newspaper of Dungeon Discovery. Looks like the lord's confirmation work is over, and the dungeon exploration has been lifted, and even the players who were expanding from Dorad to Nurouse are beginning to turn back to Einfast. Einfast's dungeon sleigh also rose and was busy.

The Zvand dungeon, by the way, is as expected or what. Looks like the players who even went to the dungeon were there, but most of them gibbed up on the way. I guess the stench and visuals are still the gateway. This dungeon slate is busy too. in an inflammatory sense.

No, Nix was texting me. He talked to Rose and decided to get [dismantled]. Sometimes, they hunt with Mr. Ryga and the others. The dungeon doesn't have a hand at the moment. Above all because you seem to be doing well.

And Rose was texting me. "I'll kill you if you get weird on Nix," it said, "I don't know if you can explain exactly and in detail what a weird cot is," I returned it. If you can reply, you can try HAHAHAHAHA.

Naturally, I'm not at all willing to do anything weird.

Login 104th time.

Well. I hunted in the woods for a while from the other day, so it is the sea again. However, this time it is not fishing. I also thought about diving into the sea, but that's next time.

I have a handheld barrel in my hand. And I have a bear hand made by a Dorad blacksmith. In front of me, the exposed sand stretched out. Yes, it's a tide hunt today. Dig and eat shellfish. Something whispered in me today to do that. Never because the clam liquor steaming I had at last night's drinking party was delicious.

Okay, sand. Tidal build-ups or flat rocks are exposed everywhere. I don't think it's particularly difficult to walk.


Stop your legs. There was a creature on the way. Almost assimilated to sand. It's Aye. It looks terribly like a real Akaye. [Seafood Knowledge] But I went out with Akaei. What is different from that in real life is the tail, and the tip is like a pin. It's not straight long, it's like a devil's tail. You're with me on the poison.

I wasn't wearing any gear just clothes right now because I was planning on hunting for the tide. When I took my back sword out of storage and threw it, it cleared up in one shot.

"They have sashimi and all sorts of other ways to eat it, but I wonder how they eat it when it's GAO. The tip of the tail looks like it could be used as it is."

Should I bring it to the hunting guild and ask? Store the Akaei in storage and proceed further offshore. Sometimes, I see fish jumping on the tip of the tide, and seabirds snapping at it.

"Can we get around here?"

Stop, kneel down and put the bear hand in the sand and scratch. After scratching several times, shellfish came out of the sand. You're over ten centimeters in size. Pretty big. I checked with [Seafood Knowledge] and it came out clammy. No, there was a theory that the source of the clam was because its shape resembled chestnut. The same goes for the GAO clams, but the colors are double-layered like chestnuts. It's not the same color as it is.

"Do you want to dig Quinn too?

When I asked my partner, I looked at this one and nodded. Quinn is werewolf based, but his nails are long and sharp. That nail would make it easy to dig.

"Collect shellfish in the same shape as this one."

With that said, Quinn also began to scratch the sand with those splendid nails. Oh, that's the dog system. Are you good at digging sand?

I can't lose this one either. Dig the shellfish as you move one by one. I thought you'd get clams, too, but it's just clams. Too small throws it straight offshore and only earns something bigger than a certain size.


After digging for a while, another shellfish came out. It looks like a tree leaf and this is also over 10 cm in size. Is his name Leafshell? The seafood columns are delicious, and you're in [Seafood Knowledge]. Is it like scallops? You're starting to look forward to this.

"Quinn! In the meantime, collect all the shellfish that came out, except they're too small!

Keep your voice on Quinn, who is away. He told me to collect the clams, so there's a chance he's ignoring the other shellfish.

All right, let's keep going!

Well, you had a good harvest.

First the clam. Then the leaf shell. No other shellfish was caught. And then not shellfish, but also an extra two oysters. I also get one calais about 40 cm. In real life, the left-hearted left-handed calais are the ones whose eyes are leaning to the right, but the GAO calais were leaning to the left.

Well, it's a freshly caught shellfish. I want it to be fresh. You can keep it fresh if you put it in storage, but eating what you get right away feels so good.

It's outdoors with no cooking facilities, so there are limited ways to eat it, but it's a beach grill after all. Let's try Kalei for sashimi. Akaei remains anxious, so this is another opportunity.

So, clams and leaf shells... I knew I needed sanding. Soaking in salt water and leaving it alone would be the normal way to do it, but that would take time. They make it easy when you use hot water, so why don't you try it that way?

Assemble the kamado and boil the water first. In the meantime, Kalei's sashimi, let's say it. Even so, this is the first time I've seen Calais.

Wash first, remove the stuffing, and remove the scales.

The problem is no wax. I would bash my belly if I were a regular fish...... where should I knife this from? I'll try to get rid of the strain for now, but what's going on ahead? If I thought so, I'd feel like I should somehow put a knife around my chest. No, this is what I felt when I learned [Dismantling]. You must be an assistant to your skills. I'm sure.

When I bashed the area around my chest and dropped my head, I could scratch the wax out of the cut. From there, place the knife along the spine and sever yourself from left to right. I would normally grate it into three pieces, but I got two pieces with my half body. Flip over and grate in the same way, making a total of five pieces.

Then I peeled off the skin from the four bodies and finished the work first. Let's cut the rest to the right size just before we eat. I wonder what the bones will do. I think it would be a good knob to fry, so I'll make sure.

The water boiled, so we move out of the sand. It seems that the temperature of the water used to drain the sand should be about 50 degrees. but there's nothing convenient about a thermometer, so it's appropriate. Transfer the freshly boiled water into a bucket and add the water one by one to lower the temperature. Add the clam and leaf shell about this or where I thought it would be and rub it together and wash it. Put it away from overlapping the coarse monkey of your eyes and dip it in the water provided in another bucket. As I watched, the clam began to get the tube out. Leafshell says he's puffing his mouth, or it's like a hiccup shaking Yurayura. Is it the part of the string that I say with scallops? I mean, what's the rationale for sanding out in hot water? I can't breathe, so it feels like more breaths or something?

Leave for about ten minutes before lifting the monkey out of hot water. You're alive. I don't know if the sand drainage went well until I cooked it. Speaking of which, should I cook this as it is? Or should I just chill? I feel like I'm tighter when I cool it down, and I'll put it in sea water again. It's a water bath.

I'm ready downstairs, so I'm going in for the bake. Place the gold net on the kamado and place the clam and leaf shell on top of it. Um, what does it taste like?

Cut the earlier calais into sashimi sizes while they are baking. No sashimi soy sauce, right? When [Cooking Research] 's soy sauce brewing is on track, shall we ask for it?

Ordinary soy sauce with rolled down sunflowers. This one is done. So, would you like it?

"... hmm?

The sweetness characteristic of white is good, but it has some texture. Normal sashimi and strangely dull areas...... I sliced it just like that, not apart from Eungawa. But this could be fun.

To Quinn, I gave him Calais as a fillet. Yeah, you're eating normal. It doesn't look like a bad category.

but Quinn's gaze is toward Hamagli and Leafshell. I can't help but smell it starting to smell pretty good. Hmm, that's appetizing.

The clammy shell, which was making a good noise, opened up pacably. It shakes and overflows with juice from inside, making a juicy noise. Ugh, hey, hey! This is Mr. Quinn. I'll give it to you properly. Just a little more patience.

Take one so you don't spill the juice. Ah, but it smells good. You've had enough fire. He said to get some juice first.

"Wow, delicious"

As soon as the flavour spread to my mouth, it leaked like that. It had about that much impact. Intense sea flavour. I can't stop.

I'll transfer the other clam juice to a wooden dish for Quinn. If it stays shellfish, it's going to spill. Quinn licks it like it tastes good.

Well, you're next. Peel yourself off the top shell. The clams were huge, so naturally they were huge. Tough enough to eat in one bite? But eat. In a bite!

Excellent elasticity and great flavor to seep out to the point of chewing! It tastes the same, but I like the feeling that it's eating! The sand seemed to be coming out well, and there was no unpleasant tongue touch.


I felt so happy swallowing the last thing left in my mouth. Delicious. After all, delicious is just.

Oops, I can't just eat it. I'll take the clam, strip myself off and put it on Quinn's plate. Mmm, delicious or quinn. You're all right because your tail's shaking.

"Well, next time,"

Looking at the leaf shell, this one had an open shell as well. The contents...... yeah, I do have a big seapillar. Skinny scallops, you think? But when it comes to being scalloped, you might need an array.

Why don't you just take it up and eat it?

Yeah, it's not as good as the clams just now, but it has a good flavour. And the texture of the scallops is good again. You taste just like scallops. Then I figured I'd use the array.

I did the leftover leaf shell to Quinn and removed the butter and balmian juice from [space storage]. Then with a knife I snap open the mouth of the leaf shell. Once peeled off, remove the black area close to the hinge, possibly the uro, and place it on the shell of the leaf shell placed on the gold net and cook.

When it was cooked, I placed the chopped butter over my body and draped Balmian fruit juice to surround me even more, and the melted butter and Balmian aromas stirred my appetite. Burn it. Burn it!

Immediately throw the burnt leaf shell into your mouth. Yum, delicious! It goes well with the flavor of butter! Balmian fruit juice smells good again! Might as well shake some pepper on the accent!

I did it to Quinn as well, but he still preferred it as it was. So all Quinn's has to do is bake. I'll have butterbalmy tailored. Whoa, we need to bake some clams, too.

In the end, the harvested shellfish was about half tedious. Let's do a good sand removal for the rest and try other dishes and stuff. Or shall we try to wholesale it to Gunhild? I think she'd turn it into a delicious dish.

"Well, let's get back to Dorad once we clear it up."

That's right. Speaking to Quinn, she looked offshore and stood up.

Well, is there something? All I can see is the sand as far as I can see and the rocks peeking everywhere... Hmm? Was there a rock in that place? No, he's obviously approaching us. That's straight, too. If you look closely, something is moving busily at both ends of the rock. The front part was lifting something, like an arm.

I'll check with [Seafood Knowledge]. I left with the Rock Shelf Club. You have a width of two meters just for the armor. The surface is stuck with seaweed or something and only looks like a regular rock. I guess I'll simulate it to the rock with that and wait for my prey.

But I just want to say one thing.

"If you're a crab, walk to the side. Yikes!

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