Gate of Amitilicia Online

Episode 116: Collecting Information 1

"Swain, what's it like?

"I can't say for sure because I'm an amateur."

Now we're getting paperwork from the guards. It's called a listening record, a document that records what the guards heard from the criminals. It says what answers were given to what questions, how things were going at that time, etc.

"As Fisto was hearing, you're all testifying that you tried to grab Miss Elka at the request. We are also listening to the situation at the time of receipt of the request, but there are no different statements."

I wish that Gorotsuki had made a request in the hope that Elka herself would be attacked, but the statement hasn't broken that attitude either. Then there would be no reason to point a weapon at me there. Mostly, I'm telling you that a man I don't know called me when I was drinking in a liquor store, but I wouldn't normally take a wheel. If that's a lie, it's a straight line of criminals.

"Looks like the owner of the tavern was seeing both Gorotsuki and his client. I don't think I've seen your face in a hooded cape."

Elka's self-talk can't be in me. Therefore, I consider all Gorotsuki's statements to be lies. Then I was just wondering about the testimony of the owner of the liquor store.

In the first place, there is not a single ambiguous part of Gorotsuki's statement when he says it's about drinking. Wouldn't it be unnatural for everyone to remember clearly what was going on then? It's like we've been keeping our backs together since the beginning. Maybe that's what you think because you suspect it from the beginning.

"Either way, there are some parts I haven't heard enough about. I've heard it once, but I have to ask again... Fist"

while adding to the paper a copy of the questions already asked, new questions decided upon in consultation.

"Really, are you motivated?

Swain has heard about this aftermath.

"If I can confirm a lie, I'll leave it to the guards for now. So if you don't want to get grumpy... then there's no choice."

I want to find out who they are and clean them up before they hit me with their next hand. Things were getting worse while I was logging out, for God's sake, I just want to avoid it. What we can do for that, we have to do it. Even if it makes you uncomfortable.

Finish your preparations and move to the basement of the stuffing station. The walls and floors were stone built, with limp air. The magic lights are unfortunately lit, but it's not the place you want to stay for long.

A guard who was guiding me stopped in front of a wooden door. Is it a watch, two guards standing between the doors?

"I'm ready"

"Thank you"

I thank you, open the door, and go inside. Swain and one of the guards are with him. By the way, Swain has me dressed as a guard.

It was also stone built in the room. There is a wooden desk and chair in the center, with one man sitting across it. He was one of the Gorotsuki who attacked Elka the other day. The man's neck and both wrists are wrapped with belts, from which the chain is stretched and connected to the wall.

It's colder in the room than in the hallway. Because I had placed a barrel full of ice in the corner of the room beforehand. It's an environment where I don't want to stay long.

"How dare you..."

You remembered my face, the face of the man who saw me was hatefully distorted.

"I'm going to ask you a question. It's a reaffirmation of what I've heard so far and other questions. Answer everything and you'll get out of this room."

"What do you mean...?

"Keep it up. If you want to get out of here, answer me straight."

Looking at the list of questions, I throw the question.

"First. Do you know where the woman you guys tried to grab is?

That's all I'm saying, wait. A little bit, the man answered.

"I don't know."

"Next. What was the guy who did you guys a favor?

"I don't know your face. He was a man in a hooded cape."

The trick, and on the way, I heard a slap on the floor with my shoes.

"Is that the man you know?

"This is the first guy I've ever met."


"He called you guys when you were drinking in the tavern, didn't he?


"Was it the man who made that request that drove the woman into the alley then?

"I wonder"

"How much did they offer you?

One, 5,000 pedia.


"You didn't think the man's story was a lie?

"There was booze in there, too. I guess there's talk about that, so I didn't think about it in depth."


"I don't think so, but I guess there's something else that caught a woman in the same way?



"Looks like the hookers have been missing lately on Night Hua Street, you know?


"You know the case where the whore is missing?


"You know that whore that went missing?

"I don't know."


"You're the one who grabbed the missing whores?



"By the way, do you know what a [gemstone flower] is?


"Have you heard any bad rumors over there lately?


"Have you ever wielded that bad review over there?


I looked back and gave the guard a list of questions. The question with the shoe sounds is ticked.

As the guard nodded, he glanced at him, Swain approached the man and began chanting.

"What are you going to do!?

Ignoring the werewolf man, Swain continued chanting, touching the man when it was over. A magical light plays, something like a letter stains the man and disappears.

"Well. Let me ask you one more question. You know who the man who brought the favors and the doings is?

"I don't know, I told you. Huh!?

Words turned into screams along the way. A man who suffers from hanging over a table. That sounds pretty tight.

"Become... what, what... what...?

"What would have happened if I'd done that, and given that, you'd know the answer?

When I told him that, the man's face blued. Have you noticed?

If you reveal the seed, it's because of the magic Swain used. [Prohibition Order], a kind of curse that prohibits acts prescribed by the operator. Break it and you will suffer unbearable pain.

This time, it was' lying 'that made Swain forbid it. I mean, in response to the question earlier, this happened because the man lied.

By the way, Swain uses another piece of magic before he starts asking questions. [Lie Sensing] is a magic trick to tell if a word you hear is a lie. The shoe sound the man was making when he answered the question was meant to let me know the answer Swain had broken out to be a lie.

It's a magic trick with a lot of rules to use for listening from criminals, but this time it's clear on that condition too, so no problem. Swain was able to use this magic to help.

As for [lie sensing], it's a spell that I think has a lot to do with table talkers. When a player disrupts this in a reasoning scenario, it makes GM cry because the scenario could collapse, and even as a player, it shrivels when it solves the riddle.

But this is not a TRPG session. What reluctance is there to deal with a criminal who is certain to be lying? I'm not a detective or a detective. So this is fine. Efficiency is paramount.

"Shall we return to the question, then? You know the man who brought you the favor and the favor?

Ask the same question but did not answer. Because if you say you don't know, you're going to suffer again. The point is, I hope you don't lie, so if you don't answer the question, there won't be any pain.

but when it does, it does. So here's the next step. In overseas drama, you have a scene where the police say you have all the right to remain silent, but inside the GAO, what's so good about it? It is.

"Later, please"


The guards are called from outside, and they take the man into custody and take him out. The destination is a room for hurting criminals. I mean, it's a torture room. It's not real here, it's inside the GAO. Torture of criminals is permitted by law. Of course, there are various conditions and constraints.

"Well, then let's go to the next guy"

The rest of the gorots are waiting in the other room. I hope you don't keep it all quiet.

In the meantime, all Gorotsuki were found lying. So I wish you'd honestly confessed everything, but once you use the [restraining order], you shut up more than that. Then they send you to the torture room.

"I don't know, I don't break my mouth..."

The guard bowed his head in regret. No, because it's this way that you're sticking your neck in a criminal investigation. I'd rather be in a position to be careful if this one's out of the way.

"But why is this stubborn? What is it? Either way, Elka's kidnapping attempt is confirmed."

It just feels like you've just been involved in a series of kidnappings. No one lied about the [Jewelry Flowers], and no new statements about it come out at the moment. When this happens, I have no reason to be involved in this investigation, but I can't stop cooperating here any more than I've spoken to Master Ed.

"The owner of the tavern is still silent."

To corroborate the testimony, I went to the owner of the tavern that Gorotsuki had been drinking, but the same measures were taken with Gorotsuki because the lies were admitted there. This one stays silent after that, and I won't confess to hurting you.

"I knew you'd be warm with a stick or whip."

The guards don't seem particularly used to torture, and they seem to be resistant to even hurting. In the first place, there are circumstances where you can't do it flashy because you shouldn't let them die. I hear the Wang Capital has a specialist torturer.

"Whiplash shouldn't be a raw warm pain. You seem more afraid of discovering what you've confessed than you want to confess."

Swain sighed and said. But when it does, it means there's an organizational connection. It's troublesome.

If the impact system is weak, do we have to try another method? It doesn't make sense that torture is bearable.

"Why don't you ask Sun Ha?"

"Surugawa, what do you mean?

"The one where you can hang your hands and feet tied behind your back. Yeah, but is it decided how to tie it up... then a stone hug - you don't have a gizzard plate. There's no Trojan Horse, then blame the salt, is there no salt?"

"Why do you get pompous and torture names?

"Times is great."

Think about what's wrong while distracting from Swain. I'd like to clean it up in one shot anyway. The guy who takes it, of course, the one who doesn't want you to do it if you're watching... yes, why don't you try that one? Fortunately, I have a good potion. Plus, I got [Magic Conversion], so I can go that way.

"Oh, excuse me. I don't mind breaking it. Can you get me a lot of glasses? And is there a furnace in the torture chamber?

"There is a furnace. But what the hell is the glass to?

"I'll use it to torture you"

Though strange, the guard moved to prepare me.

Lightly gelled. That's bargaining-style torture, like this. No, I don't officially have that torture technique, and the negotiator is the more tortured side in that piece, and besides, he never gave in. They didn't have that much guts with those gorots. I didn't have to do it many times, so it helped my mental endurance.

But there is reflection. Whatever Gorotsuki was, he saw the colour of fear in the eyes of the guards. No, I'm not a happy person, am I?

But I totally missed the guess. Because at heart, no involvement in [gemstone flowers] was allowed. I'm back in the shake.

I'm home.

As I left it to the guards to wait with Swain, Wena came to the jar.

"Is that, Fist, tired?

"Hey, dude. So, how'd it go over there?

Look at me. I tilt my neck. Answer Wena vaguely and encourage the point.

"There was no line of resentment against [the gemstone flower]. So, I'm not sure about the alchemy poison, but it looks like a special poison dispenser is coming to Dorad."

"Is that the user of alchemy poison?

"That's more than likely, that's all. As for the alchemy poison, I used to tell you that assassins who use that poison used to run orphanages in Dorad territory, but when they found out they were training orphans as assassins, they were crusaded by the army."

Assassins, right? But this time, no one's dead. Is it irrelevant just because it's a poisonous connection?

"So, where is he?

"Currently unknown. I asked Fist to contact me when I found out. Then there's the disappearance of the hooker, but it doesn't look like there's a line that left the city of Dorad on a regular basis."

"Oh, you seem to be the executor broken. The guards are hearing things now."

"It is. We haven't talked about a body so far, so I'd like to think it's alive."

"Assuming he was killed, he'd be able to handle the body."

Even if he's alive, what's he grabbing for? I think trafficking in human beings is a possibility, but there is no slavery in the Kingdom of Fallula, and trafficking in human beings is naturally illegal and a felony. It may be gold, but I feel the risk is too great.

"I guess that's the place for now"

"Okay. I'm sorry, Wena, but will you go again?

I would like to confirm a few things by adding to what I have just heard and what Gorotsuki and his confessions are. Let's also check the information on that relationship.

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