Gate of Amitilicia Online

Episode 133: Face-to-Face in Reality

I left the house as usual and got to the office as usual.

"Good Morning"


And as always, say hello to the cleaner. The name is Takeda (tentatively), the cleaner who is in our company, the aunt who is supposed to... waffle, it's a woman.

"Ah, Takeda. I'd like to ask you something. Mr. Mizuki, are you here yet?

To apologize for last night, I have to see her, but first I need to see if she's at work. There's nothing I can do if you're not here.

"Mizuki? I've been at work as usual..."

Takeda, who answered my question while leaning her neck, made a serious look by checking her surroundings.

"I want to back you up, but you want nothing?

I guess so. She's clerical, unscrupulous, and faceless towards male employees. Harsh on sexual harassment, because there are irresponsible rumors going around that something might have happened with male entanglement before.

Because she was such a girlfriend, even though she was within GAO, it was hard to tie in with Nix, who was normally dealing with me as a man, and I figured she was someone else, but let's put that aside.

"No, that's not what I meant. I just need to talk to you."

"Oh, that's boring. If only Mr. Kano could introduce you to his good daughter... how about our daughter?

"You just got into high school, didn't you? Give me a break."

Answering with a sigh, alas, Takeda grins. Yeah, I'm getting tired in the morning... Damn, these people...

Break up on the spot and enter your department. When I got to my seat as I greeted him and launched my PC, I opened a list of my employees' contacts. Find Mizuki's phone number, take notes and close the file.

I can't resist using company emails for personal use, and I don't know Mizuki's personal email address or SNS account, so I just have to use my phone's messaging feature. We can meet in person, but not where the others are. It would be annoying to give unwanted misunderstandings to the surroundings.

I'm going to manipulate the smartphone and type in the text.

Excuse me for the sudden message.

Fist, and do you know the name Nix?

I'd like to talk to you if there seems to be one, so I'd like to meet you today at 12: 30, on the company roof.

Please let me know if you don't remember or find it inconvenient.

Kano Kimiko

Can it be like this? Now if Mizuki wasn't Nix, he'd go back to shaking it out, but let's crush it from where it's possible.

But even if Mizuki is Nix. Will you come? So it could be ignored.

I pressed the send button because I was worried and it wouldn't start. Become.

Lunch break. Easy lunch with the bread I was buying and head to the roof. We can afford quite a bit of time until the promised time, but I can't even make you wait because I called you from here.

He stopped once in front of the door exiting the roof, breathed properly and opened the door. Bill, go out against the wind.

There are no employees on the roof. I don't have benches, etc., and the wind is strong, so I don't have any employees to spend the day here. That's why I designated this place.

He admitted to being anything but me in a place like that. A woman in a suit with long dark hair in the wind stands with her back to this side.

There was a door closing behind me, and the woman turned to me to see if she noticed it. Nix with dark hair, dark eyes and glasses, no, it's Mizuki. There was no reply to the message, so I was anxious to see if you would come, but I was relieved for a moment. Still, being here at this hour would be too soon to come.

Mizuki looks at this one with a nervous face. I walked over there and stopped in front of her.

"I'm sorry I called you in this way. Even now, the GAO names Fisto, Kano. Are you sure Mizuki is Nix?

You responded, so I'm pretty sure it's the first time, but in case it's different, it's a problem, so it's my last confirmation.

Mizuki nodded at the inquiry. All right, well...


Shortly before I tried to apologize for yesterday, for some reason Mizuki bowed his head deeply with the words of apology. Uh, and...?

"I'm sorry I suddenly logged out without saying anything!

With a higher voice than anything I've heard several times in real life, Mizuki keeps apologizing. This was... unexpected.

"Why would Mizuki apologize? I'm the one who has to apologize for the real name in GAO, right here."

"Yes, no eh! It's not like Senior Kano is bad! The bad news is, I turned reality into an avatar as it is. Shh! Regardless of your shape, if you had changed the shape of your face, this would not have happened!

Sure enough, if the face was made by someone else, it would have been impossible for Mizuki's name to come up even then.

"Still, so. That wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been under the illusion. All of a sudden a guy who should only have contacts online called me a real name. That would upset a girl, and I can't help but get scared and run away"

If this were real, it would have been a stalking case.

"Anyway. It was my fault. I'm sorry."

"Yes, no, this way."

When I bow my head, I bow my head over and over again. Whatever you say any more is going to be a repeat of the same thing. For one thing, I guess this means a separation.

"By the way, I'd like to ask you one thing. Rose told you to make your avatar in real life, didn't she?

"Ah, yes. But Rose told me that you didn't mean to look just like my face."

Mizuki raised his head and answered the question. Oh, I knew you were talking to Rose about yesterday. And instead of Rose's instructions, Mizuki built it just the way it was. So what are you going to do in the future?

"Character, are you recreating it?

"... No, I'll keep going. I don't even think there's anyone in the company who plays GAO other than Senior Kano."

Yeah, I've never heard of that either. But there's no zero chance, is there? I didn't check every single one of them.

"Some of my friends as students, I guess."

"I think that's okay. Because I don't have any friends interested in the game, and I spent my student years discreetly. If in the future, even in the same situation, I will now try to flush it out properly. I will never expose myself to that ugliness again."

Now, I don't think the difficulty of re-education is great, but Mizuki's will seemed stiff. If you want me to, what more can I say? than that,

"Why, Senior?

I uttered a question from earlier. I've never been called that since she got a job here. If you mean a senior at work, there are many others besides me.

"Uh... I was in the same college as Senior Kano."

Mizuki, who let his gaze swim, said that. Really? But if I'd seen you, you'd have about a corner of your memory, but I don't have it. At least you've never met and talked in person. If Mizuki was in school, I'd be four years.

"... so, no, is it?

"Not that I can't. Are you okay with this?

"What is it?

"There would be a combination of face and attitude for a pair of male employees that I've been putting through, right?

"Oh, well, that's, uh..."

Mizuki wandering around with a troubled look. Until yesterday I get an unimaginable reaction back from her. No, is it really Mizuki?

"Hey, I'm actually a twin, and now the other one's being called in for a replacement, or something like that?

"Wow, I'm an only child! Is it real?

"No, because it's something that's totally different from Watercastle and Nix in GAO so far. Or is this the vegan one?

When I asked, I turned bright red to my ears and nodded. After all, did you make an attitude in the company?

"Well, let's get back to it. I don't want to step in and ask what's going on."

If you say you don't care, it's a lie, but it wouldn't be a good thing to force it out either.

"Shh, excuse me..."

"I just think if you call me senior in public, you don't need to be around me to be paranoid."

"Well, of course I'll be careful."

I thought I was depressed, and I immediately felt better. I'm not too busy.

See Watercastle again. Yes, you're already a sociopath.

"Hey, what is it?

"No, a graduate company employee called herself a high school girl within GAO."

"Oh, that! A lot for me, too, hey!?

No, I know. If you avoid people thinking about things in the lower body than there are specifications for adults in GAO, it's a valid hand. Because it is the result of thinking in person, does it have a bad personality to bring it up?

"Excuse me. Excuse me. I was just teasing you."

"Or to Senior Kano, I didn't know there was such a side..."

Mizuki turns her resentful gaze. No, because it's not always like this. Because it happens today. And because she's just adorable even when she's upside-down with a bright red face.

"No, Watercastle is cute, so follow me"

"Or -!?

Oh, frozen.

"Hey, don't make fun of me. Yikes!?

"Sorry. I'm so sorry"

Put your hands together and bow your head to Mizuki, who stares at you in tears. Are you feeling too well...

But I feel like I've gained something from being able to worship all kinds of Mizuki expressions. Not that she has any special feelings, but it's true that I thought she was cute. How about, I'm going to say something extra again.

"Anyway, I don't know what to apologize for later,"

"Apologize, is it?

I nod at Mizuki, who tilts his neck.

"So is the name thing. After that, I'm glad I got rid of all the monkeys, but naturally I left your avatar on the spot."

"… yes, it is natural to log out outside the safety area"

"So, yeah. I didn't think it was a good idea to leave it as it was, so I let it do as I please"


"First of all, black coal fruit juice has the properties of being creepy and hard to fall off when it dries. So they let me wash Nix's hair and gear"


I boiled the water on the spot and washed my hair, and my clothes couldn't just be taken off and when I touched them poorly, they would blow up on the system, so I wiped them off with a wet cloth with water only where it was okay to touch them.

"Next thing you know, after you dry your hair, you're carrying it to Einfast."


Quinn didn't cooperate, so I blanketed Nix's avatar and made a simple stretcher out of nearby wood and handheld fur. And I dragged Nix around the city with a rope. It would be an occasional act of day to day not to have been pursued obstinately by the guards at the entrance to the city.

"And I've put him to sleep in the inn"

Einfast also has a women-only lodging, where they keep Nix's avatar. You'll never forget that frigid gaze of an innkeeper.

Everything you can do has been done so as not to pose any danger to your avatar. I cut my nerves quite a bit though.

"That's why I have to apologize for those actions," he said.

"Yes, no. Eh. I'm better off taking care of my avatar..."

"That being said, I gave you a Mizuki avatar without your permission, and you wouldn't feel good about it, would you?

For once, there is nothing offensive about a series of actions, but what does the person think, because they have GM calls to explain the situation and monitor and determine everything they do so that they don't become a problem later?


"No, that's not at all"

Lightly Mizuki replied.

"... as a woman, I don't know if she's very defenseless"

"No, that's not what I meant. There's no way Senior Kano can imitate it."

Without hesitation, I was assured. I don't know what this unfounded sense of trust is, even though we should have barely even talked about it.

"And anyway. Thank you for all your help. Sorry for the inconvenience."

And Mizuki, who makes several apologies. Hmmm...... is this okay? It's my fault if I say so.

"Um, if you don't mind, what is it?"

When I wonder if something I can't do, Yuzu and Mizuki open their mouths as they snap their fingers beneath the large volume.

"If you're that sick, do me a favor."

"Oh, you got something? I'll do anything I can."

"Can you tell Zvand to take me? If you could show me to a store I've heard about before,"

"Well, I don't mind. Is that all you need?

"Yes, that's enough. Originally, I'm afraid you'll make it that far, but thank you, Senior Kano, because you don't seem convinced. Now liquidation, so what?

It wasn't long before I showed you, and you didn't have to have me there. But if Mizuki says that's a good idea, let's respond to it. I don't even feel like I'm getting a match.

"Well, I guess so."

That's what happened.

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