Gate of Amitilicia Online

Episode 142: The End of Gold

In the meantime, Gabbial, the first big one to finish, was cleaned up in [space storage].

The sawtooth turtle is also on hold this time. Maybe it would be nice to make it into a pot or something, but it's going to take a while. I want to cook safely in a calm place, not in a place like this, and I have things to do.

That's why I decided to dismantle and eat only the smaller Gabbial.

"The procedure is the same as it was in Rock Lizard."

Is there just a demand for gavial claws? The skin will be used for fine workmanship and protective equipment, though. No, GAO says crocodile leather purses and bags, what do you think?

"Yeah, we're behind on the material."

The main purpose is to eat, so let's prioritize you first.

Flip over, tear open your belly, and pull out your guts. I packed it in an empty barrel without throwing it away because there might be a usable part.

Then skin only one of the legs, then disconnect, and clean up the rest to [space storage].

The flesh is similar to rock Lizard. Little fat. First I decided to slice it and bake it in a frying pan.

The smell of burning and drifting is that of birds. This is the same as Rock Lizard. I wonder if they all feel the same because they are reptiles.

Cook both sides thoroughly and sip first.

"The taste is similar to that of the Lizard system, but... it's hard."

It's quite toothy meat. Is it the difference between lizards and crocodiles? This may be hard to eat without a hassle. Or can it be raw?

I sliced the raw meat thinly and it tasted like white fish sashimi. It also has a good taste.

"Don't taste better when baked. This is not easy to eat."

Yeah, I knew it didn't feel like I could try this here. I'm going to need a look down or something.

I'll throw roasted and raw meat at Quinn. Both of them, Quinn cleverly took and ate.

"If you bake it and it's raw, is it better to bake it?

I nod when I ask. In Quinn's case, he's got a fine fang, so he'll chew it off fine. The solidity of the meat seems irrelevant.

When I looked at the Hufu River, I saw Gabbial's head in the stream. I feel like I'm looking over here. It looks like Gabbial's territory here, after all.

In that case, relaxing and eating may strike me again. Let's keep this for the tasting.

Clean up the cookware and think about the future. The first step is whether the nuggets are real natural money. Given the circumstances in which the man earlier tried to get rid of me, I think it's likely to be real, but I'd need confirmation.

"But hey."

Stare at the river. When the same thing may be sinking at the bottom of this, if you think about the future, you want to make sure with your own eyes. Regardless of Gabbial, I've already secured some sawtooth turtles.

The depth of the water seems quite likely when it feels like the rod has dripped earlier. If Gabbial moves near the water, he could be fine if he dives all at once.

The problem is sawtooth turtles, but they won't be easily damaged if they're wearing "Cuisine Tree Clothes". It would suck if they bit me up from the neck.

"All right, man, be brave!

Sawtooth tortoise - not, to make sure the nuggets existed, I made a decision to dive.

I won't disarm you at all. More than just putting out leather armor for repair, I need "Cuisine Tree Clothes". Heavier on that, it won't have to be flushed.

"Well, Quinn, I'm just gonna go."

He pointed to the river and put a no on his partner, then appealed to the water sperm to activate [underwater breathing] and jumped straight into the river.

The water is cold, but not as good as the underground lake in the training grounds. Do not resist the body being flushed and turn your head to the bottom of the water. The water was transparent and the vision wasn't bad. If we don't fail to be on perimeter alert for this, we'll be able to handle it even if Gabbial approaches us.

Would the water depth be between two and three meters? There's no sand at the bottom of the river, it's full of stone. I don't see a sawtooth turtle. No, it's a nugget, Nugget.

Travel to the place that looks like the deepest part of the perimeter, check safety, and then dig back into the stone.

"Yes, I do."

It's as strange as ever to hear yourself in the water or to be able to speak normally, but anyway, I found the object I was looking for lightly and such words leaked.

As for size, it's a bigger nugget than what I just picked up. It's a discretionary imagination, but I guess there's still heavy stuff around here that won't even flow through this torrent, or something that's luckily hooked to the bottom of the river. I mean, I guess the more upstream you go, the bigger the nuggets in the grain.

I thought I'd look for something else. Move like crawling at the bottom of a river. Sawtooth tortoise, no. I wonder if he'll come out.


At the bottom of the river, I found the nugget again. I'm glancing through the pebble. When I take that, I get a strange response. It felt like it was worn out.

When I wondered and drew the pebble from that spot, I saw gold underneath it. Apparently what I took was part of this. I mean, this is pretty big.

When the pebbles on the surface were removed, they were seen large enough to fit in 40 cm squares. Besides, this looks like it's still buried down there. How big is it?

Dig around the estimated gold mass. Dig harder and harder. Keep perimeter alert frequently and continue working with care not to be attacked by gavial or sawtooth turtles.


Eventually, such a voice leaked out of my mouth. Bigger than I expected. Maybe it looks that way because it's in the water.

Hold it up slowly. It also weighed snugly in the water. If this were really gold, how much would it be worth?

Remember to stay alert, keep moving to the riverbank and surf all at once. I raised the estimated gold mass to shore and quickly got myself out of the river. Lifting the estimated gold mass again and throwing it into [space storage] leaves the river. Gabbial isn't here.

"Well, what do we do?"

Unleash "Cuisine Tree Clothes" and think while removing clothes and squeezing water.

I have to see if it's really gold first. So, this was real. Can I have this?

For once, mineral resources within the GAO should be free to mine for places not controlled by the government or the state. By that logic, I think you can take all the mineral resources in this river.

No, but in case this is within Dorad's control, it's going to be illegal mining.

"In the meantime, do you want me to go back to Zvand and have Siser look at it? He also has [blacksmith] skills, so you know minerals."

So, if it's real. Let's bring it in there.

I asked Quinn for the meat for the reward and turned back to Zvand at Quinn Super Express, and Cither checked it out, and it turns out the gold is real.

We then use the transfer gate to jump to Dorad and head to the Lords' Hall. Despite the sudden visit, Master Ed was pleasant to see me.

"Long time no see, Lord Fist. Ever since the pirates thing."

"We're out of time. First of all, congratulations on your defeat."

Exchange greetings in the reception room. Whatever the reality is, it's been over a month in GAO.

"Lord Fist and the Gentiles of that time think it was because they gathered the believers together. The damage to the army has been considerably curtailed. By the way, what can I do for you this time?

"I want you to see this"

Remove the fur from [space storage] and lay it on the table, placing the gold chunks pulled from the river on top of it. Master Ed's eyes opened wide.

"Lord Fist, is this...?

"Actually, there's something I'd like to ask you about this, and it depends on you coming up. I found this gold in Dorad's territory."

"In my realm?

Covering his mouth with his hands, Master Ed contemplates something as he looks at the gold.

"Do you know which neighborhood, where?

"There is the first river that is bridged when you enter from Zvand to Dorad. in its upstream river."

"Hmm... may I ask why you went there?

"I wanted to hunt sawtooth turtles, so I stopped by on my journey"

To be honest, Ed looked frightened.

"That neighborhood is the realm of Fallula Gabbial, a pretty dangerous place. No one lives nearby but to harvest sawtooth turtles."

"Yes, like that. It was a good result, privately, because we were able to hunt Gabbial as well."

"... Well, it's Lord Fist. So, why is it like finding gold from inside a river?

Asked, I told him about this one.

"That's why I found this gold. I would like to ask Mr. Edvard if the river is certified as a mineral mining site under Dorad's jurisdiction."

"In conclusion, the river itself is not managed by the Braozee family. So I don't mind taking it out freely about what I got in the river or in the river plains. Just..."

In a heartfelt wonder, Master Ed looks at me.

"Why did you give it to me? If only Dorad had confirmed the mines under his jurisdiction, he would have been able to hide them through. If you sold the gold you got, you could have spent that profit on gastronomy, right?

"Oh, if you say so, yes."

Because if you check the mine under control and it doesn't apply, it means it's out of control. If I knew that, I could have mined all I wanted.

I just don't think I'll ever be willing to do a gold hunt, and I thought if this was the source of trouble, it would be painful for Dorad.

"I've never been past having money, but I'm a commoner, so even if I make a lot of money that I can't use up, I'm going to be able to afford it. So you're gonna throw a round at Dorad."

The point is, I want you to manage the mining in that river in Dorad. That would warm Dorad's nostalgia. It should have sounded like tax revenues or something because it was quite damaged by pirate related.

Besides, if you're under the control of the state, if you mine on your own, you're a criminal. Yeah, for example, if the player who tried to MPK me mining again. Zama.

"That's why you should dig it all over your head in the draught. I don't know if there's any big guys left."

"We also need people and time to expose that river. Even though it is Gabbial's habitat, it is also dangerous. We have to work out enough measures."

"I wonder if you have a hand in hiring Gentiles for a day in a mining escort."

"With that said, does Lord Fist pull a hand from this matter?

Master Ed tells me to tease you. Exactly. I enjoy seafood better than river gold.

Besides, if I could sell this gold, that would be a lot more money than I would have earned during Forest Silk. That way you get the 'Single Family Home with Land Fields' which is your dream within GAO. After that, we just have to make a good selection of places.

"Well, can't you help it? Honestly, I appreciate the revival of the gold mine"


"Oh. Actually, there was a mine upstream of that river where gold could be mined."

An unexpected word popped out of Master Ed's mouth. That, did I just tell you that gold can be mined?

"It's not gold ore, it's where natural gold comes from. I hear there have been gold pieces the size of a horse cabin. It's just that I was almost dug up when I was a previous generation and now I'm closed to mountains"

"I see. Maybe the gold in the river is what they were shredded by rain storms and poured into."

"That's a good chance. But again, Lord Fist has made a great contribution to Dorad."

Lady Ed turns a meaningful gaze at me, laughing joyfully. Well, I was just going to push the trouble, but Dorado, can you even look at it that way?

"I wonder, Lord Fist. Wouldn't it be time to serve our home? Some titles can be awarded by lord's authority."

"I won't."

To Lady Ed, I returned my usual answer.

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