Gate of Amitilicia Online

Episode 148: Life of the Sea Elf 2

The waves entering the bay are quite high. For the wave riders, it must be a good wave.

I can see the macho sucks - they slip like surfboards having fun. From time to time, he was showing a performance slipping down the "water path" that obviously didn't seem like a natural wave, or flying from it and landing while adding a twist. Not surprising considering the preacher was Johnny, but unlike surfing I know.

Leave the surfer elves out for now and move on. It's behind the river. There was a sandy beach, with several boats that would be used for fishing. Other seafood may be dried on rugs or columns. It's like a fishing village in a time play.

No, well, the image of an elf living in a forest, and there was no such thing as an elf living in the ocean. More, like, what to say, is this a good idea to run!?

"What's up?

Reply to Tobias, who sees this one strangely, by shaking his neck to the side. There's no point in saying this. Because they just live as they are.

After a short walk I arrived at the sandy beach. The sea elves who were working saw this one, but went back to work without showing any particular reaction. Oh, the fish dried. It would be delicious if I broiled it, draped it in soy sauce and ate it.

"After all, is seafood the predominant food relationship?

"I live on an island, so don't be like that. Sometimes we hunt birds and boars, but often we go fishing"

"I wonder if there will be more fishing for me to help."

"I'll have you hunting and fishing. You must have come here for something like that, huh?

"Oh. I'd love it if you waved a lot of things to the extent you wouldn't bother me. I'll let you learn for that."

I just want to touch anything about the ocean. Hunting may be helpful, and I want to be taught how to cook their food, cook their food, cook their food, etc. She said she had fish soy sauce, so I'd like to know how to make it. Oh, do you even have your own fermented foods or something, like Jate at Forest Elf's?

"The settlement goes ahead"

Tobias pointed to the woods behind the beach. The sandy beach itself is quite large, but the forest you can see from here looks pretty deep as well. From this position, you can clearly see the emerald tree. He was a fine figure, not disgusting with the emerald trees at Mr. Joaquim's place. Underneath that, there must be a settlement.

Through the woods, he took a short walk down a path that he was able to consolidate and finally arrived at the settlement of the sea elf. There was no lost forest defense mechanism, but there was a fence strewn around the settlement, and the building beyond it is the same high floor ceremony as what we saw at the forest elf. The atmosphere of the settlement itself was with the settlement of the forest elves.

"Are sea elves and forest elves the same source?

"I don't know when we split up, but that's not what they tell us. So even if the skin color and ear orientation are different, they are our compatriots. Sometimes we visit them, sometimes they come."

I can't feel anything in Tobias' words to say that. Elves and dark elves are often hostile species in fantasy works, but they are different in GAO. Well, sea elves aren't dark elves in the first place.

Or do forest elves sometimes come? How, what settlement are you from?

"Tobias, what about him?

At the entrance of the settlement stood an open gate, a man of sea elves. Look at me and Quinn and ask Tobias on guard.

"Oh, a guest. Gentiles and fellow foresters."

To Tobias's words, the man seemed surprised when he shifted his gaze to the billboard of the Cuisine Tree on my chest. That's all, I guess it's rare for anyone but elves to have it. I guess this is the only way I'm certified to be a compatriot. Let's not divulge information about this to the outside world.

"Well done, fellow foresters."

The sea elf on the lookout softened his expression and cleared the way for me. We have a meeting, followed by Tobias and the others going into the settlement.

Based on the number of buildings in the visible range, the size of the settlement appears to be slightly larger than Mr. Joaquim's place. How many child elves do you have?


There was a woman in the sea elf calling my name and approaching me. Ursula. I was normally dressed today.

"Yes, Ursula. I'll take care of you for a little while."

"I thought we'd be a little further. You're welcome. I was looking forward to it."

Yeah, I promised. We're getting ready.

"Ursula, we'll talk later. We need to get to the chief first."

Oh, I know, brother.

Tobias has plugged words into his conversation with Ursula. Plus Ursula nods honestly. Hmm? Brother? Ursula and Tobias, were they brothers and sisters? If you say so, do they look alike?

"They're already here."

I was about to move again, and a new voice arrived. This again shows up a man with a good physical sea elf. He looked quite young compared to Mr. Joaquim. Although the appearance does not match the age of the elves.

"Well done, fellow Forest Fist. I am the head of this settlement, Ivar. You should stay until you feel better."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Fist. I'll take care of you."

"I hear about you from my daughter. Pretty funny guy, I hear."

"I don't know if it's funny...... daughter?

"Oh, it's Ursula there"

Mr Ivar said as if it were nothing. Well, I don't have a better choice than Ursula being the only sea elf in contact with me before I got here. Ursula, the village chief's daughter? Tobias, the brother, is also the son of the village chief.

"I'll show you to the house where I'll have you use it first. Once that's done, I'd like to ask you a quick favor, okay? I'll be ready for you here."

Mr. Ivar laughs deeply in fun. That sounds kind of expected. Will I have to put my temper back into this?

"Ursula, show me around."

"Okay. Fist, this way."

Ursula nodding at Mr. Ivar moves out. I followed her with Quinn.

The houses that served as accommodation during the guided stay were found in the same construction as the forest elves, including the interior. The difference was the bed, which was knitted instead of the sheets, and the underneath, which was not hay, was packed. This bed is more resilient. Is the difference in the subtleties due to differences in vegetation around?

I don't have any baggage to put in. The armor is also being repaired, so it is light. For what I would do after this, I just removed the gauntlet and cleaned it up [space storage] and left the house as it was.

"Is that enough?

"I just checked inside. All my belongings are in [space storage], so I don't need to unload them."

Answer Ursula waiting outside and jump to the ground without using the ladder.

"This time, are we going to make a Templar that we made before?

Actually, the last time I had dinner with Ursula, I made a promise. If you ever come to the settlement, act like you're all fried. Because cooking methods that use large quantities of oil are rare, they want everyone to eat them too.

"Tempura doesn't seem to go well with flour."

I found out later that the flour used for tempura is thin powder. There were some mistakes in the way I made it back then, but the flour I bought at GAO doesn't seem to be lightweight. Strong or medium powder, I think. There seems to be a way to make it properly even with strong powder, but there was no time to try it, so this time pass.

"I'll do another one this time."

"Another different fry? I'm looking forward to that."

Take me to Ursula, who breaks up with me, to move around the settlement.

I'm going to make fries this time. Because I've already made it several times and I feel safe making it. Bread for bread flour, as well as necessary ingredients such as meat and vegetables, have been prepared to some extent. And then the sea elves will prepare the seafood, so I plan to use it.

But do you want so much fried food? Would you be happy to behave next time you go to Mr. Joaquim and the others? It's close to Zvand over there, so it won't be hard to go eat.

When we arrived at the village cookery, the women of the sea elves were ready for us. Um, looking at it this way, I'm still in better shape than the Forest Elf women. In many ways.

And the men were gathering too. This one's full of machos too. I wonder what I could do with such a body if I were eating it.

"Is that enough?

Tobias has asked, so I answer by nodding. Well, let's start with Mr. Ivar's acknowledgement.

"With the large number of people who behave, I'd like to ask you all to help me with a lot of things, okay?

"Oh, this is a good opportunity to learn to cook new dishes."

That's what Mr. Ivar said, and the women shook their heads vertically. I see, I don't just want to eat. Then don't hesitate to get me to work.

Look at the ingredients you've prepared. Fish for the fry... you have a maggot. And squid, shrimp and oysters. Can you use a leaf shell, too? Oh, I have vegetables like pumpkins. Do you want to try that one too?

I've been looking forward to the sea elf dishes, but I hope you enjoy them later. So let's start cooking!

"This bread, it's powdered."

"You were running low over there, so take it with you!

"I'm done putting it down to three pieces, Azi. I'll take it."


"Fist, do you still have potatoes?

"Wait a minute! Bovine fried!

Take it up and quickly put the oiled boar bite cutlet on the wood plate and give it to the elf woman who was waiting nearby. Then I took out a crate containing potatoes in [space storage] and gave it to an elf woman who had been calling me.

"Eat women alternately, where appropriate."

We can still afford the ingredients, but we're cooking for all the sea elves with over a hundred people. It would be nice to have a meal over here with a break.

"No, you're the one who rests a little, Fist"

I heard Ursula. When I look at you, I see Ursula standing with a frightened face.

"Everyone is taking a break on the way. You're the only one who doesn't rest."

"No, even if they say so, I'm in a position to oversee it."

"We're all getting used to cooking. There won't be any more questions about how to do it, will there?

If you ask me that, it would have been all about reporting below and inquiring about the missing ingredients.

"What's everyone's appetite like?

"It's not fading yet."

Ursula shrugged her shoulder as she asked as she fried a bite of boar cutlet.

"They were all delicious. What you usually eat tastes different."

"Enjoy it. Above all."

Not only were the fried food the first people, but it was also a good response from the elves who had been in and out of the city and had eaten fried food. It is particularly popular to eat boar and chicken sauce with [culinary research] prepared sauce. I ran out of sauce because of you. I need to order again.

Seafood provided more decently made tartare sauce than before, but this is also popular. And fries.

"The rest is a combination of ingredients and flavoring. You can try anything other than what I made this time."

"Some things are not available on this island. There won't be many chances to try it."

"You can go buy even Dorad, right? You can ask [Fishing Association]."

What is unavailable in the current draught is as much as a sauce. All other ingredients are available.

"Besides, you can make sauces by hand."

"Can you do that?

Ursula that surprises and makes you happy. Well, it seems that it was originally made at home, and you won't be able to make homemade sauces. I buy it from [Cooking Research] because it's a hassle to make it myself. Hmm, can I give it a try once or so?

"I'll check the ingredients again. You can make it yourself first, and if that's what you want to do, you can try that too."

If you don't think about aging or something, you should be able to make it right away. Do you want to make it if you can afford it while you're here?

"All right, shall I give you a break then? Ursula, can I have it replaced?

Ask Ursula by taking up all the bite cutlets she was frying.

"Leave it to me. You should slow down. You can count on us to cook at night."

"That's exciting."

Leave the pan to Ursula, give a bite of cutlet to the other elves, and you get one fried shrimp.

Crunchy clothes with prickly meat. The sweeter the fresh shrimp bites, the more it returns and is indescribable. You don't have to put anything on it. This is all it tastes good.


It's fried properly, and there doesn't seem to be anything I can teach you anymore. Originally, it's not a difficult dish. Later it will undergo its own evolution.

"Where are the magpies and squid, all the time"

Let's try the other fries. Daytime, but while doing ale. I'm sure you'll be happier.

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