Gate of Amitilicia Online

Episode 163: Feilong1

It will take some time to get the equipment to process the Demon Silver and Vajra mines, so I sent an email from my friends list to key friends with reservations. I try to get people to reply to me about what they want to make using. Now you know how much you're using.

Incidentally, we only decide to discount the cost of the sale if we request production from Layas and Sizzlers. The reason is to get help to level up the layers. Now that I'm unwilling to leave the main gear to anyone but them, the more skilled they are, the better. Nix also accepted this.

Most of the replies from my friends who emailed me admitted to leaving the production to Layas and the others. However, it was decided that there would already be familiar craftsmen [Silverblade] and [Freedom Warriors] Reddin & Aoleen were for sale only.

Later, after Leius and the others have completed their equipment, they decide to wait for that contact to make a deal. Until then, I'm free.

Login 152nd time.

He spent time touring Zvand's restaurants and hunting around the city, but today walks in the wilderness south of Zvand with Quinn. The aim is the extermination of the Chiswi cactus.

As the prey approaches, it dashes, stabbing a toad with paralysis poison to seal the movement, and a friggin 'pillar cactus stabbing a big toad out of his groin to breathe blood or moisture. By the way, it resembles the enemy character of an RPG, but it doesn't fly a thousand togues.

Mr. Mike called me yesterday when he brought his prey into the hunting guild. They've confirmed human-sized individuals again. When those guys were found, they often had other individuals around them or something, and this time they wanted to make sure they existed other than the guy they had tailored.

I can't tell him from a normal cactus when he's simulating, but if I see him in [plant knowledge], I can see who he is. Even when we received the request at the time we moved our base to Zvand, we eliminated it while identifying it with it.

It contains hallucinogenic ingredients and is unsuitable for eating, but it is not useless because it also contains pharmaceutically effective ingredients. The lizard is available for needles for sewing, and the paralyzed lizard can be used for hunting. I've decided to take it on because it pays off and there's nothing to lose.

There were sightings along the streets close to the area where the Feilongs (Wyburn) came from. In the distance you can see the woods, and beyond them the high and rugged rocky mountains.

Around the street are rocks and dirt. Barely leafy shrubs or pillar cactus are just a few accents.

"That's a regular cactus. Not that one either. That's a hit."

After a while of repeated hassles, I was finally able to find my fateful Chiswi Cactus. Human-sized, or round large. Look around, find and pick up affordable stones. [Enhanced Magic Strike] and when thrown, the stone was hit, the magic bounced, and the fat body broke and fell to the ground. I'll see how it goes for a while, but it's not moving. It is easy to add pieces when a countermeasure is established.

Throw the defeated Chiswi Cactus into [space storage] and then look for another cactus.

"It looks like there's no one on the road."

As far as I can confirm with my normal vision, I don't see Chiswi Cactus. Just in case [hypervision] is also used to check the best possible range, apparently only one just this time. You can think that the first threat could have been eliminated.

"Well, go hunting normally."

Speak up to Quinn and decide to stretch your legs toward the woods.

"That's right. Quinn, you want a new outfit?

When asked by his partner walking next door, he was tilted in the neck. Would it not have made sense?

"Look, it's your collar and bracelet. You got the magic silver, so you can make a new one."

The bracelet is now made of silver and has the disadvantage of discolouring in a hot spring. The same goes for the collar pendant top. I think the magic silver would be gone, too.

Plus, if it's magic silver, it's sturdy, and I was wondering if I could grant some enhancements later. It's normal in games to do stats up with ornaments. They've had such things come up in dungeon crates, and some polar players have already done buffing their weapons. The sizzlers said it might be time to step into that realm, and you could think about the future and make some outfits first.

I don't mind, but her head moved ambiguously. The tail shakes only slightly.

Now, the ornaments are part of the stitch, but would Quinn also listen to them? I also feel like showing this and exploring trends that I like.

I'm not interested in the ornaments themselves, but if they can be enhanced, maybe I could have some made too. Since the ring is impossible because it collides with the armor (Sabi), is the neckline reasonable?

"What's up?

Quinn stopped inadvertently. At the end of her gaze is a large pillar cactus. I checked and it was a chiswi cactus. Were you even here? I was lucky to find it.

Quite a distance, so I tried to get there to stop him, but Quinn wouldn't move on the spot. She remains staring at the cactus.

I'll keep an eye on the cactus, too, wondering if there's something bothering me. That's where I noticed. There's something further away than a cactus. That gradually grew larger.

"Is that Wyburn?

A large lizard with wings of the dermis instead of the forearm, also known as a flying dragon and a subdragon. It can be considered a classic in fantasy. It's true that this area is out of Wyburn territory. Isn't it strange if it appears?

Wyburn seems to be headed this way, but gradually began to drop altitude. I was wondering if you even found any prey, it flew all over the surface, devoured by an earlier Chiswi cactus and raised altitude again.

I had no idea Wyburn was going to eat cactus. Did I feel like eating grass once in a while? But is it okay with him? Chiswi cactus should have hallucinogenic effects. Or does it not work for Wyburn or something?

What worries me more than that is that Wyburn has started lowering altitude again. What's the way... this way?

"Quinn, do you think he's noticing us?

When asked, Quinn leaks his nose. I had no choice but to sigh.

But what do we do? Wyburn flies through the sky. I can't fly. It's close to a dragon in the first place. Who can fight and win? Well, I'm interested in meat, meat, skin, bones, meat, but a battle you can't win is a doctrine you don't unless you have a good reason to.

"Quinn, can you beat him?

Quinn doesn't break his nervous face. Tough, I guess. In fact, there seems to be little report of Wyburn's crusade. Quinn and I on the proximity main are not compatible.

"All right, let's get out of here!

[Magic Strike] was placed on both legs and [Dash] was also used to kick the ground. It's the woods you can see ahead. If you dive under the trees, he can't come towards you either.

Run as hard as you can. Was Wyburn still after us, pointing the way this way? Damn, it's faster over there!

Still get as close to the woods as you can. Looking back at Chirali, Wyburn was about to loom with his mouth wide open. I'm afraid of sharp fangs lined up in shifts.


Jumped straight to the side and escaped Wyburn's path. You just couldn't react, Wyburn walks past where you were just now. At the same time, a strong wind slammed his body.

"Within the moment!

Running to the woods to follow Wyburn, he swirled ahead for a while and attacked again from the front. I thought I'd punch [a broken castle hammer] in the counter because it's going to stick out of my head, but I reconsider it as reckless. Even a boar rush will play this one if it hits you directly in the front. Wyburn's advance and head-on battle are no different than frontal collisions with a truck. It's this way to lose in mass.

Avoid Wyburn's fangs by making sure to jump forward diagonally. Stand up as you roll and run instantly. The forest is just a few moments away. This should get you to the woods if you spend two more times doing it.

Avoid and follow a second push from behind. Now if we get past the frontal assault...


Wyburn's movements changed. It was a course of swirling and penetrating this way, but sudden braking along the way. I feathered my wings heavily. A storm like Quinn's [stormy growl] strikes. Covering his eyes with his arms to avoid dirt smoke, he fixed his legs by using [Walking on the Wall] to prevent him from about to be flown.

That's where Wyburn comes in. A leg with sharp paws resembling a raptor came down this way. It would be the last time they grabbed me, and if I was crushed by that mass, I would die instantly.


Remove the large stone from the lower back storage pouch and throw it with [Enhanced Magic Strike]. It's that giant at this distance. I can't take it off. In fact, the stone hit Wyburn's body. But it ended without even being frightened.

"Too hard for you!?

Avoid Wyburn's legs by jumping forward again and pulling them out behind his back. I just tried to run straight ahead and the pain ran on my right flank. Right on its side, a long one passes. It's a tail covered in small scales. Its tip was like an obsidian, and it also looked like the tip of a spear or a spear.

It was helpful that it wasn't a direct hit. But the problem is that the tail blow pierced this hard-leather armor. That, too, was all the Demon Steel plates I was planting. Which means that the tip of that tail is harder than Demon Steel. Given Wyburn's muscle strength, I can't prevent it if I get it right.

It makes me feel stronger that I can be fighting. Anyway, we have to keep going to the woods. It's okay, if you run at this speed, you'll get away with it!

As soon as I thought so, my vision was distorted. I feel sick. The wound pain also increased. Nature and legs slow down. What is this... I'm not bleeding as much when I say I've been flanked. It is too early for an abnormality due to blood loss.


Various wyburns spray fire and poison depending on fantasy sources, but some are poisonous to the tail. I checked with [Animal Knowledge] when I heard that there were occasions to come and go on the road to the mining dungeon, and it indicated that the tail was poisonous, so maybe this is the cause of the malaise.

Move your blunt legs, still forward. There is no choice but to fight one or eight. There's no way I can win in this state, even though I'm suspicious I can win in full swing.


I heard Quinn a few dozen meters to the woods. Make sure Wyburn jumps over me and lands, blocking the way he goes. Keep your back pointed this way.

He squeezes his temper and moves forward in an attempt to slip him through the side before looking back. Tilt under the wings as they spread, and further forward -


The impact ran to his back, while the ground was far away. Green spreads all over his sight before ascertaining what happened and sticks straight into the woods. He snapped a number of branches, crashed into a large tree trunk and fell to the ground, finally stopping.

There is pain running all over my body. The effect of poison also remains. Anyway, we need to detoxify it.

"I'm glad I bought it just in case..."

While rolling, take the detoxification potion of the Feilong poison out of [space storage] and sip it out for a breath. Although I'm glad I had something prepared before exploring the dungeon this time, it sucked when this happened due to an unintended encounter. For the sake of the moment, you can store the potion of state abnormality recovery, so let's buy it all. I have money.

Then he also drank healing potion to heal the wound. Far from being fully recovered, but recovered enough to walk.

There is no pursuit of Wyburn. Now if he was a species spraying fire, he would have been burned every forest, but for one thing, that would mean he ran away.

Quinn looks at me worried as he rushes over. He stroked his head and woke himself up.

"Nevertheless... he was a pain in the ass"

Think back to what happened today. Flying speed, sturdiness, strength, and tail poison. The combined threats are considerable. I can also snort that there are few examples of crusades. It won't be something you can handle on your own if you fight properly.

But. I don't think I want to be left getting hit. Most importantly, it's a fantasy creature. It's an organism that doesn't exist in reality.

"I wonder what that tastes like..."

There is a lust to hunt. If we fight properly, we can't win? Then you don't have to fight properly. This happened because it was a sudden encounter, but it shouldn't be impossible if you're ready.

"Wait, Wyburn. I'll definitely eat you."

I decided to take him down on the spot, look up at the trees, and figure out how to take him down.

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