Gate of Amitilicia Online

Episode 170: Cesar Pent 3

I ran even the sea level. How many times would I have avoided a sea serpent that would occasionally strike me from underfoot or sideways?

When he gets out on the surface, Carla's magic attack flies from the sky, and if we can afford it, we attack him, but the damage he does isn't huge, and we don't see him give up on Cesar Pent.

In the end, the conditions targeted by Cesar Pent could not be read through, and he was on his way to the island while circumventing it on the spot.

"Almost there! Almost there!

Tobias screamed to inspire us. The island, which houses the village of Sea Elves, is situated right there. You can't just land on the island like that. We have to get him through the vortex from here to the bay.

"Quinn, you need to land first and rendezvous with the other sea elves."

I gave instructions to my partner running next door. Cesar Pent and Quinn are not compatible. It didn't bite, [storm growling] didn't look like it was working, and my nails were only able to hurt the scales.

I can move impeccably, but it seems that the priority from Cesar Pent is low. The number of times she's been targeted is only enough to be extra with one hand.

He looked disgusted only for a moment, and still Quinn ran up to the island at a higher speed. There's no way Cesar Pent is going after her.

I think that's a good way to get there. I stayed undetectable about his attacks, and even Tobias and Johnny wouldn't be able to keep manipulating the current forever.

Still, we have joined forces and managed to escape. Almost there, almost there.

"Fist! Front!

Cesar pent popped up at the same time as Tobias's warning. My head, reminiscent of a dragon, opens its mouth and pushes straight ahead.

Timed to kick the sea level and jump. Land on your back as you jump over your head and poke in a [hand knife] that uses [Enhanced Magic Strike] in combination. I tore a palm-sized scale, and although I tore the skin, I didn't get to penetrate it deep. Kick your back off before you dive and head to the island.

I guess I just need to increase the power of [Enhanced Magic Strike] a little bit, but given the rest of the MP potion in the waist pouch, the current situation is that I can't behave in large measure. If I don't have to [walk on the water], I can afford it.

Anyway, now is the time for patience. We have to do what we have to do in no hurry.

As I continued to hunt down Cesar Pent, I finally saw the vortex.


Johnny stops by and points his thumb up behind himself. Can you get on the surfboard?

"How is Johnny going to get past that?

"Stretch the road. Fist can't jump over that one, can he?


Airborne leaps with the help of wind sperm are unexpectedly cynical in timing. It is difficult enough to exercise continuously, sometimes damaging the wind. I don't want to fall into the vortex here and feel like laundry, so I want to avoid that danger.

It's just that if you put me on, no doubt, Johnny's gonna slow down. That means you're more likely to be captured by Cesar Pent. This is no different on the board of Tobias and the others.

You won't even be able to get Kara to carry you. [Floating] If I ask for it without it, she'll have to support me with her own muscle strength alone. Besides, she had a role to play in keeping Cesar Pent in check when Tobias and the others were in danger.

"Johnny, keep going. I'll run behind it."

To think about the duration of the water path he makes, it wouldn't be a problem if you followed him sticking around.

"No, Fist and Johnny will land and join the village chiefs and follow the instructions"

But Tobias has thrown another proposal.

"Water sperm activity is intense in the vortex. If the sea serpent can move unimpeded, the warning may not be made in time"

Does this mean that it may be difficult to control the water concentrate used for exploration and that detection is delayed?

I still can't afford to avoid it. Especially the attack from directly below is a threat. If Tobias and the others' warnings are delayed, that will increase the difficulty of avoiding them. If Cesar Pent bites me, I'll pack it there. I can't help it, can I?

"Fist, let's go!

Johnny changed course at a time when Cesar Pent targeted one of the sea elves. Run behind it. All right, at this distance, there's no catching up with Cesar Pent coming at all costs.

He safely landed the ocean currents surrounding the island by running over the waterways Johnny had made.

"All right, let's go. The entrance to the bay, the cape. Everyone's waiting."

"Ouch, that hurt so much! Wait a minute, Fist! My leg! My back hurts!

Johnny screams as he jumps. Unlike sandy beaches and deceitful ground, pebbles and twigs fall all over the place. Let's stick around barefoot.

"Put your shoes on quickly."

I'll go first, leave it and I'll run.

Still, steady feet are good after all. The unwavering ground is wonderful!

The Cape had assembled sea elves with spears and bows. Unlike usual, he wears leather protective equipment. Many elves have surfboards.

It seems to hit this sea serpent in the village general outing and includes the children. Quinn was here too.

"Are you here, Fist? Thank you for your help."

Mr. Ivar welcomed me.

"No, even this one, because I wanted to do something about the Cesar pent problem"

"And it was a huge individual. I've never seen a big guy that far. And for that matter, it looks like it's gonna pay off."

I don't see Tobias and the others from this position, but I guess I went to check in advance. Jokingly, the fierce people around me laughed, too. Yeah, as long as I can count on you.

Unexpectedly, the wind passed between us. soon to enter the vortex, accompanied by a voice that Looks like a message from Tobias using wind sperm.

As we check the weapons we all have in hand, I take out the box filled with MP potion from [Space Storage]. Ursula came this way as she retrieved the required number of copies from it to restore the MP and replenish the waist pouch.

The expression is dark. Looks like the condition is exactly what Tobias told me. Though you've come to my side, your gaze swims, and even as you say something, there's no voice out of its mouth.

Breathe gently and raise your right hand at a time when Ursula's gaze is off. And I gently shook the chop down her head.

It sounded heavier and duller than I thought and Ursula's taller. She nods with her head held down and groans. Come to think of it, I stayed equipped with a gauntlet. For that weight, it seemed more powerful.

"Become, what do you do!?

I only raised my face and Ursula let go of the protest. I have tears in my eyes about how painful it was.

"I'm done with the liquidation."

If you're sick, you can let him wear a kejime. This is not the case with the right arm.

"Yes, no, but..."

Yet Ursula seemed unconvinced.

"What, you want more? You're a selfish guy."

"Wow, it's not about selfishness or anything like that! I can't believe this is the price of one arm!

"At equal cost, I'll have to have your arm."

I don't think I can feel that bad. Besides, the surrounding gaze is raw and warm. I won't be left exposed forever.

"For Gentiles, physical defects are not as serious as you guys think. As a matter of fact, my arm's already healed, so I'm not crippled."

I'll stick my right fist out and move my fingers to show you there's no obstruction. I'll keep my mouth shut because if I tell you how much this cost me to treat you or something, it's going to be another big deal.

"You're saying I'm good, that's fine. Or you, you want to push and sell atonement to get me in trouble?

"Shit, no!

"I hope so. I'm not convinced, if you say so."

I put my right hand on Ursula's head in panic. Rock left and right a few degrees as it is,

"When you're done crusading Cesar Pent, just make me one dish, something"

I put what I wanted into words.

"Except for what we've been fed in the village so far. I don't mind the advice, but all the work is to be made exclusively by Ursula. Uh... is it hard to just be alone?

"You know I can cook!? That's all I can do!

"Then it's settled. That's the thing. This is the end of the story."

To Ursula, who shook off my arm, pressed in a strong tone. I'm in the middle of a Cesar Pent crusade right now. It's time for you to concentrate.

And we need to get ready for this one. I'm still on my way to refill the potion. And we have to hand it over to the sea elves.

"Fist... you... too fast..."

I was just about to finish getting ready, let him breathe out and Johnny will join me. Come on, you're tired for a long time.

"Why, you know, in the woods... you can run so fast, right?

"You're a gift of practice."

Throw in the stamina potion and the MP potion. If we don't recover soon, the prey will come already?

"Here they come!

Someone's voice sounded. I can see Tobias and the others riding surfboards entering the bay to see how they crossed the vortex. I don't see Cesar Pent, but he's still in the ocean?

"Cesar pent is rubbed by the vortex!

Tobias' voice arrived with the wind. Oh, you couldn't cross that vortex. I wish it would end like this. That won't be convenient, but if you can cut your strength at all, it's your word.

Wait for Cesar Pent to come out. From time to time, I heard a squeal. Even that big guy seems to have difficulty crossing the vortex as it is.

But should I still say just that? Finally, Cesar Pent has escaped the vortex. Emerging from the sea level, it's spectacular enough that one day the big whale jump I saw in the footage looks soggy.

Draw an arch with its body and splash it flashly up into the sea. It was thought that Tobias and the others would attack him as he was, but the momentum weakened.

Tobias and the others are already moving up to the shallow water. The giant Cesar Pent rubs his belly into the sand. After all, is he not good at shallow places?

But you're going to have to go there. Yikes!

From there I run to the sea. The sea elves with surfboards also continued.

"Let go!

Mr. Ivar's decree sounds. In a moment, countless winds rushed through my head. It's countless arrows and spears. The number of violence that entailed the wind and increased speed and power pierced the body of the sea serpent one after the other that was exposed to the sea. Not a single one of those numbers can come off, or even say it has the help of a wind elf, but it doesn't have half the skill of a sea elf.

In the rain of arrows and spears, Cesarpent turns to himself. Turn your head toward the vortex, but at the tip of its nose, Kara knocks thunderbolt magic into it to obstruct progress.

"Let's go!

The sea elves on the surfboard lined up at the entrance to the bay for about ten people and appealed to the water sperm. The sea water in front of them thrives, so large that it can be called a tsunami, that it strikes the sea serpent and pushes it to the back of the bay.

If you want to move around freely in the sea, you can push it to a place where you can't move around. And then the siege net is complete if we lock it up so we can't go back deep again.

"Carla, it's now!


Cara continues to bewitch. A spear of ice arose before her wand and was unleashed. However, the aim is not a sea serpent. Towards the sea behind it.

The watered ice spear floats straight between the waves. That's it. This isn't an attack, it's a downward prep.

These are the sea elves that launched the tsunami earlier. They now appeal to the ice sperm. Then the sea water began to freeze using ice spears as a base point.

This is an application of what I saw in a video before during a pirate stronghold raid. At that time, the sorcerer unleashed icing magic into the harbor, using it as a calling water, so that the spiritual user could freeze the sea water with the power of the ice sperm and not escape by boat.

This ice is a wall that inhibits escape, a restraint that inhibits movement, and it also serves as our scaffold. The sea elves are still widening the ice range thick and wide.

We've also secured personnel to push back in the tsunami so we can't jump over it. I will also rush for [Fisheries Association] support soon.

Come on, Cesar Pent. It's time for you to be our mess!

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