Gate of Amitilicia Online

Episode 185: Newbie 8

Once I stopped in front of the woods, I took something out of my trouser pocket.

"What is that, a whistle?

Answer Grants' question, oh.

"It's a dog whistle. Now I'm calling my partner."

Quinn often behaves differently from me. I had bought it as a means of recalling her like that.

but Quinn showed up from the woods before he blew it. Precisely, I could see him jumping off a tree outside the woods. Apparently you waited until we got here.

"Oh, that's your partner."

Grants is shining his eyes. Oh, no, this guy, did he like dogs?

"It's a phantom beast called Stormwolf. His name is Quinn. I can't pronounce human language, but I understand. You'll get mad if you treat me like a dog. And I hate being caressed by people I don't know."

"Ooh, ooh..."

A moving hand grated with an unfortunate voice. I'm sorry, give up. It would be better than being crushed.

"Hey, Quinn. You kept me waiting."

"Hello, Mr. Quinn"

Raising one hand and speaking to Quinn as he walked over this way, Nix also greeted him normally. I hear Grants and the others whining, saying hello to the wolf.

"Quinn, these two are my friends. I'm going to act with them today. And Nix is with us."

"Nice to meet you today"

Quinn nods when he explains. When Nix lowered his head, Quinn returned it the same way.

"Wow, sounds like the words really make sense. Uh, and I'm Grants. A friend of Fist's. Regards."

"Likewise, Fist, this is your friend Mu. Nice to meet you."

And Grants and Mu also said hello imitating the Nix way. Quinn looks at the two alternately, nodding. It would be good as a first-person reaction.

Let's go, then.

I asked Quinn to lead the way, as before, and went into the woods.

We had both acquired the [signs perception] skills needed to find prey, so we decided to give some attention and guidance before leaving it to ourselves. The enemy range is still narrow, but I have Quinn's follow-ups, and me and Nix use our skills, so we won't be the first to get hit by surprises.


"Die! Die!

"Scary! Scary!"?

Two rookies waving the weapon in their hands screaming.

The opponents did well and were well aware of the approaching prey. but this is what is happening as a result of not being enough.

Me and Nix, and Quinn, we've got quite a few of them, and now they're confronting each other directly, one by one. I need you to clean that up. When you're done, I'm going to have the guys we're holding back on right now knocked down, too.

But the two moves are stiff anyway. Even when it came to the first actual battle, I thought I could move a little bit more. When Nix and Mr. Reiga and I were together, it wasn't that bad. Uh, but I could have gotten ahead with the flying gear then, and the situation is too different.

"Nix, what do you think?

"... I know there are a lot of them and they are confusing, but that doesn't seem like it"

Oh, finally, Mu knocked one down. But it's too early to be relieved. He said it was still solidified.


"Mu!? Whoops!"

Look, other wolves attacked me. Don't let Grants lose consciousness from the enemy in front of you either. You can't afford that, can you?

It's a big struggle for the two of us to get bitten by our hands and feet. They're biting my dominant arm, so I can't even shake my weapon. You're smart, Wolf. If you stay like this, they'll drag you down and they'll blow your throat. This time it looks like we should get this over with.

"We're going to put a stop to this."


At the same time, me and Nix, who were thoroughly restrained, moved.

Pull out the hips sword and knife and throw each at the two wolves that were biting the mu. Nix poked one of the ones who jumped at me at that moment. The magic silver sword gently pierces Wolf's brow.

Nix quickly kicked him in and pulled out his sword, swinging him wide away, holding back another wolf who was about to strike him.

Now I'm going in on the Wolves. He didn't let go of that gap, which stopped him from moving for a moment, and stuck his [hand knife] to the forehead of the two wolves. The feeling of piercing a stiff object and the feeling of triggering the soft one behind it. I bent my fingers and stiff stuff - blah, blah, blah. I caught my finger inside my skull and grabbed two of them, and I threw them at the Wolves who were biting Grants.

Two wolves mouth off Grants after taking a direct hit from a buddy. On the sledge of it, Grants, with a small sword around his neck, left while rolling, joining him here. Mu also crawls out from under Wolf, who became a corpse, to come here.

As I left it, I stepped forward and stuck my [hand knife] in the mouth of the one Wolf who was on his way. Grants then breaks the misfinished Wolf with an [axe blade leg].

Two Wolf screams echoed in the rear. Maybe Nix slashed him down. Then I ran my gaze around and all the rest of the wolves were down on the ground. Only Quinn, who loosely looks at this one, stands. Um, that's right.

Wolf, still pierced by [Handknife], once lifted and swung down, soaked out and fell to the ground. I got dirty with blood, but there's not a scratch on the gauntlet. Well, to the extent of Wolf's fangs, even steel won't hurt you first. If it's made of magic and silver, it's superior.

When I finished, there were nearly twenty wolves rolling around. There's been another herd on the way in, but you've got just too many of these.

"Are you both okay?

I take out the leather bag and call on my two best friends as I wash away the blood left in the gauntlet with water. They both sit around with rough breaths and pale faces, and they don't look all right at all. Even if the damage wasn't so much, it would have been quite a fear to be bitten by multiple beasts. No, really, that's scary. Even one.

Well, as for that anyway. You can't keep doing this. Pan, slapping his hand hard, frightened and shook his shoulders. Confirm and tell that your consciousness is directed this way.

"Stand up for one second. Don't you know when the next one's coming?

"Damn, they attack me that often...?

"That happens sometimes. Even while we're talking like this, at some point, behind our back--"

Mu stood up in the middle of the word. Grants also jumps up, each with a sword and a gaze around him. The colour of fright is stronger than vigilance. It's only right after you see me like that. Naturally.

"So far, there's no presence coming within my [sign perception] range, but I don't know what's going on in a few seconds, so don't fail to be vigilant. But for now, I'm gonna take it this way, so just relax."

When I glanced at Nix and Quinn, they both nodded at me. Let's leave the vigilance to them and we'll do what we have to do. Let's start with the reflection on the battle earlier.

What was the problem, is that it was only part of the herd that got hooked on the two opponents, and they decided they could do it without checking for follow-up? In fact, at that point, I and Nix's range of opponents included the subsequent Wolves.

Next, how to fight. If we're dealing with more enemies than ourselves, we need to follow the blind spots. Stupid. Honestly, you shouldn't fight head-on. It's normal in GAO for enemies to go around and attack on the sides and behind.

Then we also found out why we couldn't move too far, as we both did when the level of combat skills was acquired, or 1. It's obvious because you joined us as soon as you finished shopping after you logged in.

When Nix first fought, did he take some level in the town training center? No, I wonder how the Ryga and the others were then.

Either way, it was too hard as a first line. That's a story I should have checked up to the first level, and I should have cut it up when another herd joined. I'm sorry, both of you.

As soon as I finished the reflection, I lectured on the demolition of the prey as it was. We can't just leave the defeated Wolf as it is, because it was immediately the next real battle, because it was harsh. You'd be more distracted if you were doing something... and it's also an allergic story to grossly offset fear.

Dismantle one as a sample. Make sure the two [dismantling] skills are released and put into practice within your memory.

And I just handled a few of them, and they fit right in, so it became a meal.

During the demolition work, Nix bought me a meal preparation and asked me to leave. It's the wheat rice cooking that I made. It's not hot, it's warm. Grants and Mu are giving it a tremendous amount of momentum. They offered an empty tree at about the same time.

"No, this is delicious. I don't know if it's a gentle flavor. I've never eaten anything like this before."

Like a lie right after the hunt, the two are bright. After all, humans, eating something delicious seems to cheer you up.

"By the way, the meat in this, what? Chicken, isn't it?

Glanz stares at the meat that was in it from the received jar with a spoon.

"Yeah, this is Megrobat meat"

"Pigeons? Can you eat pigeons?

"We can eat. Or even in reality, some pigeons are hunting birds and beasts. Don't win, okay?

"Get it."

Was it only Kijibat? If you hunt Dobat or something by mistake, it's against the law. I'll tell you with a laugh, and I'll resume my meal with a laugh all over.

"Nix, tell me how to make this later."

"Yes. But I know Mr. Fist better about this. Because I was taught by Mr. Fist, too."

Uh, and Mu saw me. What, that unexpected face?

"It's a different flavor than I taught you. If it tastes like this, it's the original Nix."

Nix's rice cooking is tailored to miso. Mine is soy sauce. Balmian fruit juice, to be exact.

"But you two usually act differently, don't you? Did you ever get a chance to teach me how to cook? Fist, you said we don't always cook when we hunt."

"Uh, about the rice cooking, when I was traveling, I was taught at the camp"

Yeah, yeah. It's time for a walking trip to Zvand. I made it for her to warm me up when it got wet and I was shaking in the cold.

Grants and Mu look at me with a strange face. What the hell?

"By the way, did your two [demolition] skills acquire well? Looks like he was working on a couple of them."

"Oh, the automated acquisition of skills worked."

"I was pretty anxious, but you didn't have much resistance when I tried"

When Nix asked, two people nodded. I didn't have any extra SP left just after the start, and I let them do a few things because they might be able to automate it, like I did, and they both automated [disassembly] brilliantly. Is [Dismantling] less difficult to automate?

Well, automatic completion has a level cap, so I guess I'll be using SP anyway. Otherwise, [weakness nursing] skills won't grow either.

"I thought you'd be scared of gross, but you weren't."

Transport the rice cooking to your mouth, remembering that you had handled it calmly for a fraction. Um, miso tailoring is delicious. I'll give it a shot when I get a chance. Yeah, maybe we can drop some melted eggs.

"Right. I think I could calmly observe my guts and stuff."

"I wonder if it was because he was completely dead and had drained his blood. Maybe it's because the creature was fading."

"If it was gross, it would have been better for a wolf whose torso was broken with a kick."

Two people each put their thoughts into words. That's the specification, so I'm gonna have to ask you to give up on Grotero. In the future, you guys will be on the side of showing it.

"But on one side, it seemed fine that there was a lot of blood spread around."

"I guess it's because it's on the dirt. It was less obvious than when you were stabbed at the station."

Oh, that time. The floor was close to white, so the bleeding wasn't so bad, but you could see the blood red. Hui (Grants) was in a great panic, and the killer escaped to that gap and made a fuss.

"There was. I remember the rush when Grants called."

Points Mu's teasing gaze at Grants. But it was probably when Miwa called to confirm whether she was safe or not. I was the calmer of the victims, I feel.

Nix, with his eyes open, was looking at this one. Whoa, that was a long time ago, all of a sudden you don't have to cry, do you? Yes, take a deep breath.

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