I reminded him that I didn't want to run away and asked him to take a seat for the time being. I'm not going to be able to get it out, but I'll be able to get it out. After having him drink it slowly, he finally calmed down.

'I'm sorry to show you the unseemly part: ......

And the clerk who comes to bow apologetically to me, Oliver, the "manager" again. Hmm, it looks like he's pretty hard pressed. Is the management by any chance in jeopardy?

It's not. But first, let's talk about the property. First of all, I'd like to check it out. What happened over there?

"What, what's that?

Oliver's eyes swim. I knew it was for a reason.

I've been looking around the abandoned village. Something unusual happened there that made it that way. But I don't know what happened after that. Why is it still that way? It's not a recent development, is it?

...... that's supposed to be the land of the damned.

After a heavy sigh, a weak voice escaped from Oliver's mouth. Cursed?

Is it a frequent disaster or something like that?

No, that's not what I'm talking about. No, you could say that ...... but, you know, it was just because of an incident. Before we talk about that property, let's start there.

I wonder what the hell was going on. When I silently prompted him, Oliver began to talk about the rest of the story.

There was a normal village there. But one day, it is said that this changed. The mansion that Master Fisto was interested in was built. The house was an orphanage.

An orphanage? I thought it was a fort. From the outside, the grounds looked about the size of a country elementary school, but I'm guessing it must have been home to quite a few orphans.

But in reality, it was a nest of assassins.

"An assassin hiding in an orphanage?

No, the orphanage itself was created by a group of assassins. And that it had taken over the whole village.

So ...... village was hijacked by an assassination ring? Considering the number of building ruins that remained, even assuming four people per household, the village must have had a population of nearly 100 people. Under control there? No, if you're talking about domination, then not all the villagers have been replaced with assassins? 

The orphans were being raised as assassins, and when it was discovered that they were being raised as assassins, the lord sent an army, and the village was destroyed as a battlefield.

Oh, that was the result of a battle, not a burnout? There's no way they would have surrendered, and they couldn't have let him go, so it would have been an extermination war. The fact that they were exterminated means that there were no ordinary villagers left alive.

But that's about it. It's unlikely that they would leave it alone just because of a bloody event. A land with a promising harvest would be precious.

Later, the mansion was auctioned off. It's in a good location, although it's in a so-called "so-called" location. My father, the predecessor, decided to leave it for a while and sell it when the heat had died down, so he auctioned it off.

Hmm. Well, it's not hard to understand. The original price would be low if it's an accusation. If you can sell it when it fades from people's memories, you might even find a buyer for it.

Aside from the mansion, the reconstruction of the village began immediately. I heard that the lord invited new villagers to join and the participants were soon gathered. But all those participants lost their lives.

All? That's a big deal again, isn't it?

The cause is unknown, but there were rumors that assassins had spread the poison before they were destroyed. There were no more prospective settlers, and the reconstruction work itself was halted.

Ah ...... you can't live in a place where the land and water are contaminated with poison. So that's what they thought. And it has become a fact of life. If there was some way to check if the poison was still there, the misunderstanding would have been cleared up.

'I understand why the village is gone. So is it possible that the house is still there?

If they thought that place was contaminated too, there would be no buyers. That's what I thought, but Oliver shook his head.

No, the reason it's untouched is because my father died of a mysterious death there.

...... Is there something to be said for not only the village, but also the place itself? No, in terms of the end of the assassination organization, that place was the last stronghold, the battleground.

I remember when my father went out with some people to check on the condition of the property. We had been there several times before to check it out, and there hadn't been anything in particular before. I had accompanied him, but nothing at that time either. Why that time only ......

Oliver sighs deeply and shakes his head.

I don't know what happened at the last check. However, according to the people who accompanied me, when we were checking the condition of each other, we heard a scream, and when I went over there, I found my father lying outside. It didn't take long to realize that this was the curse of the assassins who were killed.

"...... Did your father have any pre-existing conditions?

No. It was a few days before he died, he fell and hit his head. He fell and hit his head a few days before he died, so that's the only cause I can think of, but it doesn't matter once the word gets out. The value of the property remains diminished due to the ugly rumor of the cursed land. And on top of that, my house is now seen as cursed. The number of renters decreased, and it became difficult to maintain the property under management, so we are slowly getting rid of it now. ......

When he finished speaking, Oliver gave a weak smile. This store seems to be on the decline.

In the GAO world, curses are real, you know. I'll leave aside whether the assassins were able to handle the curse. It's possible, that's the question. No matter how much they claim there is no curse, whether they believe it or not is another matter.

I'm convinced of the reason why the property has been neglected until now. However, there is probably no poison contamination in that abandoned village now.

There was no poisoning of the medicinal plants and wildflowers collected in that vicinity. There were also traces of crops that had apparently survived in the abandoned fields and had been passed down from generation to generation, but had been eaten by wild animals. I don't know if the poison was naturally cleansed, or if it wasn't there to begin with.

As for the curse, I didn't notice any strange signs from the area where I was moving, and the miasma was not born.

It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get it right.

I would like to thank Mr. Oliver for that. If you wanted to say good riddance, you could have said the right thing and sold out. Especially if you're in dire straits and in a bad situation.

I don't want to leave an honest person like this to die. Fortunately, our interests are aligned, and I'm sure it's a good deal for both of us.

"So, about that house. How much is it?

...... Oh, um. Did you hear what I said earlier?

Yes, it's just that it sounds fine from what I've heard. But from what I've heard, it doesn't seem to be a problem. Then I'll see for myself.

We can't do a soil survey or anything like that, so we'll just have to spend some time there to find out for sure, but if the people at the time were wiped out, then if there really was a land-based abnormality, then staying there for a few days would have caused some kind of reaction.

And if there was a poison or a curse, I don't understand why Oliver's father was the only one affected. The people who were in the same room with him were also not poisoned or cursed.

"Do you believe that curses and poisons do not exist, Master Fisto?

That's what we're thinking at the moment. Therefore, would you give me permission to enter the property?

After some thought, Oliver nodded.

I understand. Also, let me come with you then.

Then he uttered something unexpected.

I do not know the current condition of the property. So, I need to know the current condition of the property. Then I will give you a price.

Does that mean that the work was not done to your satisfaction at the last property check? Or do you care about the changes since then? I can't dismiss the possibility of danger, but I'd appreciate it if you could give me an accurate assessment.

'Then we need to be prepared. The road is covered with vegetation, so you need to dress appropriately. I'll take care of the escort, so there's no need to arrange a force.

With me and Quinn, anything is possible with ordinary animals. Even demonic beasts should be fine as long as a class of one-eyed bears or higher doesn't attack us in packs.

We adjusted our itinerary and parted ways with Oliver for now. From here, we could gather additional information and make preparations.

That's why we came to "Jeweled Flowers".

"It's been a long time, Fisto.

The owner of the room I was led to looked sulky across the table. No, you can't say that ...... when was the last time you saw him?

Nine months ago.

It was in your face, Camilla let out a stinging word. Oh, you mean since that day? No, well, I didn't have to. Camilla wasn't home when I came to deliver the blood.

Well, it seemed to run rampant all over the place, and I don't blame you for that, but I'm glad you came to ......

Camilla smiles, her elbows on the table, her chin on her crossed hands, her tone changing.

'And how can I help you today?

One is a blood delivery. Some of them are from the Wyvern and the Sea Serpent.

I've heard of the Sea Serpent, but the Wyvern too? That's quite a feat.

The Sea Serpent had all hands on deck with the Sea Elves and their friends. Well, that's okay. I'll cut to the chase.

"Poison? What's the trouble again?

No, it's probably not a problem. Do you have any idea of a residual type of poison that kills a wide range of targets all at once?

I ask Camilla a question as she straightens her posture and anxiously asks me. It's confirmation of what Oliver told me earlier, that the relevant poison is real.

Are you going to search for foodstuffs in a contaminated area?

"No, it's not exactly where I'm going. It wasn't a hindrance to actually stepping foot in there, so I don't think there's any danger, but I wanted to know if there is such a thing.

"Hmm. ...... Mm?

Camilla, who had been thinking about it, raised an eyebrow.

'Fist. Where is it?'

"Hmm, an abandoned village in the woods north of the territorial capital.

Camilla made a subtle expression of satisfaction as she replied, "You have an idea?

'Ring a bell?'

You mean the one where the villagers were wiped out during rebuilding? As it turns out, it's the work of a basilisk.

A basilisk. From what I understand, it's an eight-legged lizard-shaped magical beast. It spits venom and sometimes uses petrifying magic eyes.

I remember it appearing as a big snake in a foreign film set in a magic school.

What's wrong with it being misinterpreted as land poisoning? And how do you know it's because of the basilisk?

Because I'm the one who got him.

Camilla's answer was unexpected.

I was in the forest at the time to collect medicinal plants. That's where I stumbled upon it.

"You didn't run into him in the village?

After killing it, I noticed the village in the direction I came from. When I went to check it out, the villagers had been wiped out, so I just called it in. I didn't tell them that there was a basilisk.

I can understand why. The mere fact that there was a basilisk is enough to make me mobilize for nothing to search and defeat it. I guess they avoided that. I don't know what kind of cat Camilla was wearing at the time if she said she was the one who killed it, but it could lead to exposure if she wasn't good at it.

'Didn't the existence of the villagers' deaths ever come to light?

The basilisk venom is not visually appealing, and it's not a magical beast that normally appears in that area. Besides, it's not a magical beast that normally appears in that area. Since there was no trace of the basilisk left in the village, it must have been the 'unidentified poison' that was intertwined with the information about the land.

Anyway, it's not annihilation by land poisoning. Well, I suppose it is. Before the settlement, the territorial army would have stayed for a little while to deal with the aftermath, and if it was really land poisoning, they would have taken the hit.

'By the way. When do you plan to respond to the invitation of the Elkas?

Camilla asks me, loosening her mouth. Oh, you mean the exclusive one-day ticket (oshikujiken).

"I don't mean to ask you to do anything, but there are girls who care about it,

I've got an idea. I'll ask for it when I'm ready.

I see. Well, I'll tell him that. I'm sure he'll be very pleased.

Some daughters care that much? There should be very little direct communication with them, except for the ELCA: ......

Well, it will be sooner or later. Let's get back to collecting information.

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